Some things i miss.

Jul 19, 2015

I have had to reflect a lot today.  And I really focused on the things I miss.  Not to make myself sad, but to give myself a chance to see what I will have again, what I am glad is out of my life, and what I can't live without and am struggling with.

My period.  I don't miss it, but its overdue.  And I am in a hormonal cyclone waiting for it.  I have had my monthly skin breakout last the last 3 weeks now, and I can tell my appetite and emotions are out of whack from it all as well.  I just want to get back on the regular schedule so I can have some normalcy.

Wine.  Yes, I miss it.  I miss having a glass on the weekends with dinner.  I miss drinking with my friends.  And I am amazed at how much my friends drink!  I am not going to drink till I am at goal because I don't want to hurt my liver, but dang it this is not easy!  But I will have it again.

Sex.  I'm not having as much as I was before.  My husband and I have (had) a very active sex life and since surgery it has been very little.  Its a combination of in the beginning him being afraid to hurt me, me being in pain, and now just being so tired and my muscles always cramping up.  That sucks.  This will change soon.

Oreos.  Or anything sweet.  Trust me, I can do the no bread, no potatoes, all meat and brussels sprouts diet.  But I am a sugar junkie.  I miss sweets.  I miss cookies.  Or cake.  I was never a big person for ice cream.  But cakey things I want.  Bad.  Unless I can figure something out I am never having these things again.

Being hydrated!  I used to chug water.  All day every day.  It is so hard for me not to do it now!  I want to, I miss it so badly!!  I just want to be hydrated again.  Fully hydrated like I used to be. 2 gallons a day down, not barely getting the 64oz.

Cereal.  I miss honey bunches of oats.  I miss any honey coated cereal.  I love cereal.  I really do.  I can't do that ever again.  I love it more than sweets.  Its dangerous.

My energy levels.  They are non existent anymore.  I passed out in the van after grocery shopping today.  That is dumb.  I should not be that tired.  I need to get my iron levels checked out.


About Me
Lutz, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 29, 2015
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