the Long wait

May 27, 2009

At the moment I weight 495 Pounds. My life is pretty sedentary and incomplete.
I have started a process to Begin the surgery . On May 1st, 2009 I went to a seminar
which was required to start this  road. I had started this process before in 2004 .
But  I ended Up moving and losing the chance to have it done. 
I have lost everything in my Life when I was 21 I used food and depression to hide from
the pain and before I knew it I was sitting at 630 Pounds and barely able to walk. I met this
man who could see me for who I was. which is in the photo with me.He walked with me,
he showed me that I was a Person  that deserved to Live not just exist. I stayed with him
in Canada for 8 months and almost lost 140 pounds. Since Obesity is Concerded a disease
I could not remain there  with him. So I started this long journey I move In with a friend and joined a
fitness center. I have maintained the weight loss.and started looking for a surgeon that accepts my
medical insurance.  I found on 2 and a half hours from where i am living. it has been almost a month
since the seminar. They said that they would make our charts and send us a letter with what else  I will
need to do before my meeting with the surgeon. As Of right now they have not achieved their Center of Excellence.
Which means  that my insurance will not cover it. So they are setting things up so when they acheive this in August ,
I will have all of my pre-op done and be ready to go.As of right now I am just on this long Hold.
I am hoping to find some support and friends here to help and guide me through this process.
Thank you for reading my story.

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May 20, 2009
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