what is going on :(

Jun 06, 2009

I am writeing this to put my thought and concerns down.
my dr which said that he would contact me in a month with the other items and test I
will need before he can see me, well, it has been over a month. I feel like i will need to call
in and find out what the hold up is. which is rather flustating. I was hopeing this proess would
not  be a hurry up and wait. I know that it takes alot of things to be able to get the surgery.
But the wait with no updates is nerve wrecking. Monday I have my appointment with the shrink.
He will give me a written test to make sure i dont have any screws loose. this test is normal for this surgery
to make sure you are able to handle the responsabiltys of what is gonna happen to you after surgery.
I was kinda hopeing to find some people on here which can help guide me on this. if this is all normal?
or should I be concerned. any who. I will keep updateing this. hopeing that i will reach or help someone
when they are needing it. I have been bed sick for a few weeks now. I had a surgery done on my foot. and
i am unable to walk on it currently. I am hopeing that i will get the ability to walk on it soon, it is driving me nuts to
Not go to the gym and do all the things i was working so hard on. it seem though i have maintained the wieght
I was hopeing to lose about 80 pounds before oct. but with this set back. we shall see.  I will post again in a few days when
i get word on my surgery.


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