What a day!

Aug 15, 2009

So, I went and met a nice guy...too nice tho...not enough bad boy in him...not that I am looking for a bad boy so much as someone that stands up for what he believes in...and isn't afraid to defend his family and his friends..and his politics and his religion...I keep having this little voice telling me I am being too picky...but you know what...I am not settling next time around...I will not!!!  I want some fun...and I don't mean sex...I mean fun!  I want to be a little bit redneck..and it seems that so many of the men are too business like, or too unemployed...hmm...not worried...no need to worry about it...lots of time for that...and coffee's are nice...
Almost met another wack job again today too...thank goodness for devine intervention...it didn't happen...but I didn't hold my tongue back in an email...I let him have it...and it wasn't pretty!  But he was an asshole and deserved it!  I just feel for the next woman that he meets, or tries to meet.
Next coffee date is tenatively set for Monday evening...I really think I am going to like this guy...I hope so...he seems nice online anyhow.  and maybe just a little bit rough around the edges...but I do like my men that way...so long as they are teddy bears at home.  Not an easy combo to find...LOL!
Oh well...nothing much to add..that was my exciting day.  I did email Niel...and let him in on all that is going on.  He is married, and we are not having anything weird going on...I just met him on line and really liked him, and we have chatted and met before...just not doing married men... he is one that I don't think is happy, but not ready to move on...so I am not going there.  But he is a great friend too..and always makes me smile.  And yes, I know he is NOT playing me.  I think I am pretty perceptive with people...he is genuine...I told him he had to be my girlfriend today in the email because Sybil is away for a few days...LOL  I am sure he will get a kick out of that. 
K, well, that's it for now


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Red Deer,
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Feb 21, 2008
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