My Last Couple Weeks

Nov 26, 2007

Due to a mix up (message not forwarded-she does not work on Mondays) with the Insurance Administrator at my surgeon's office and me spending over a week in bed (fever, sore throat, constant fatigue that turned into congestion and one of those gagging coughs), I was unable to cancel my 2nd appt with the Psychologist (unless I paid for the appt) I went with the intention paying my copay/biting my tongue and then at the end of the appt handing him a paper stating based on his limited knowledge of the different WLS, I had chosen to see a different Dr for my evaluation/revoking him from sharing my info other than for the purpose of obtaining payment. I was surprised when he started off with an apology (he had done research & also knew he seemed biassed against WLS based on the fact that he often sees people who have surgery with complications) and a different agenda.  He asked about my eating habits, before & after starting my 6mth diet, how much I have lost thus far, how much exercise I am doing.  If I overeat, binge, hide what I eat, etc.  He then went over a form he had obtained from one of the area hospitals which appeared to be what he should be including in his report ie Did he find any Pychological underlying reasons I should not have the surgery? Did I have an understanding of the changes in my eating/lifestyle required? Did I have support? etc.  On each of these he answered positively or asked me then agreed with my answers. He then said he would write it up and send it in within 2 wks. He did make a few gouges..said his research showed there is an increase in suicide by lapband patients...and said I am obsessive/compulsive..then added it was not a clinical diagnosis...but the much healthier personality trait and he thinks it is a positive trait in regards to the surgery as I will do my best to follow any directions and make sure the surgery is a success.  After that..I could not get myself to hand him the form.  Upon returning to the office..the ins administrator called/apologized for not calling sooner...I gave her a brief rundown of both appts. She said I did right in letting him submit the report.  She will check it out as it may be ok..if not, I can get a second evaluation.  She also reported they have received the letter of surgical clearance/medical nessesity & 5 yrs of records from my PCP as well as a letter of support from my Orthopaedic Surgeon.

I also saw my PCP for my 3rd follow-up.  Lost 5.6# for a total of 26.8#.  My diet/water/exercise got put aside during the time I was sick so I was happy with this and am back on track for next month.  So while it was a difficult month things are moving in the right direction. I think all I need to do now is finish the 6 mth diet and pay my administrative fee.

Psych Eval....OH MY!!!

Nov 10, 2007

I live in Columbus thus thought it would be easiest/cheapest to go to a Dr through my ins ($15 copay) vs taking add'l time off work to drive to Cincinnati to see the Dr recommended by Dr C's office (out of the pocket). The Dr I went to seems very biassed against WLS and told me upfront he would not write a letter saying I was psych fit for WLS. He will write up an evaluation on the items I need add'l counseling on re: wls.  He then made it apparent he is not educated on the different surgeries and said it could take 4 or 5 appts for the evaluation part alone. I don't think I should go back to him...and should take the drive to cinci.

2 Down, 4 More to Go!!

Oct 25, 2007

Went to my monthly PCP appt on 10/23.  Down another 10lbs for a total of 21.2.  I have been taking a couple water aerobic classes at the YMCA each week and riding the recumbent bike/upper body machines on a third visit.  I am following an "exchange" diet w/approx 1600 calories.  Four MORE months!!!!   

Where I am now

Oct 19, 2007

7/07 My Orthopaedic Surgeon suggested the lapband in passing. I had often thought of WLS but kept putting it off as--a last resort.  That day I had a lightbulb moment.  I was there.  Thus I called my insurance and was pleased to find WLS is covered and I meet the basic requirements. (BMI 40+, 2 co-morbidities) but need a 6 mth Dr monitored diet/exercise program.

8/07 I continued researching the surgeries and attended a seminar.  I visited my PCP.  I was surprised to find he was very supportive and even more surprised to find I was at 305#.  He sent me to a dietitian.

9/07 I started questioning my choice of surgeon and discussed it with my PCP (11.2# loss..YEAH!!). I continued researching surgeons/programs. 

10/4/07 I went for a seminar/consult at Dr Curry's office (weighed in at 288).  I met with his Dietitian, NP, Insurance Administrator and Dr Curry. His staff was great.  They answered ALL my questions before I even met Dr Curry. I left with my list of tasks thus will be working on them.

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 24
6 Months Report
What a month!
Vacation and my Band
3rd Fill and update
2nd Fill & Update
Appt for 2nd Fill
