my first out of town experience

Feb 21, 2011

This weekend we flew to Phoenix to see my stepson and his family.  I was so happy that, not only did I not need a seatbelt extension, but I actually had to tighten it!  This is what I call progress.  I fit comfortably into the seat.  That did wonders for my anxiety level.  So, so happy!

Anyway, I tried to be so diligent and make good food choices, and drink all my water and get all my supplements in.  But I didn't do very well.  At home and at work I'm all setup with my pills and water within reach and I take my food with me to work.  I'm in control.  But on vacation it's a different story.  My husband and I are naturally on different eating schedules, and then throw the eating schedules of two toddlers into the mix and I was all screwed up.  We ate at restaurants and though I tried to pick the most healthy thing on the menu, and always shared everything with my husband, it still wasn't the food I'd eat at home.  I just found that I didn't really feel very well the entire time we were there.  I also came to terms with a new discovery...I no longer enjoy eating out.  This is a huge shock to me.  I am the queen of going out to eat.  I never wanted to eat at home and we would go out to eat sometimes 3-4 times a week.  Now, even though we always split the meal, looking at the huge portions just makes me sick to my stomach.  It is not appetizing at all.  I have so much more control when I make my own food.  I haven't weighed myself since we got home, but I'm actually wondering if I gained weight.  Portion-wise I didn't eat very much at all, but I definitely ate more high calorie food that I would normally.  We'll see what the scale says tomorrow.

continued success to everyone!


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San Jose, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 04, 2010
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