It's Wednesday! Time for the weekly weigh in...

May 04, 2011

Hi everyone.  Hope you all are having a good week.

So last week I lost 1.5 pounds, for a total of 64 pounds.  Other than a few minor complaints, I'm feeling really great. 

Not sure why exactly but for the past few days I have had zero appetite.  Nothing sounds good and the thought of eating kinda makes me sick to my stomach.  I had these episodes pre-surgery as well and back then I just would not have eaten anything until I felt like eating again.  But post-surgery my needs are different and it's been a bit of a challenge forcing myself to eat.  I always have a protein shake or smoothie for breakfast but lately I've been having them for dinner as well.  Not ideal but it'll have to do for now.  I try to eat a pretty varied diet normally, but this week it's just not working out that way.  Oh well.  This will pass soon and then I'll be back to eating normally.  In the meantime I'm not going to worry about it.

I lost 12.5 pounds this past month, but you'd swear it was more if you saw my pictures.  DH and I take pics on the first of every month so we can document our progress.  The difference between last month's pics and this month's was astounding.  I'm so glad I have these pictures to look back on.  If you're not taking pics, I highly recommend you start.  Along those lines, my nutritionist has always encouraged us to take measurements, but I got a late start.  I kept meaning to and then would totally forget to do it.  But I did it last night.  DH was happy to help.  He looks for any excuse to put his hands all over me.  Silly hubby.

My hormones continue to be an absolute mess.  I have an appointment with my gynecologist next month.  I've read that weight loss can mess up your hormones so I'm not at all worried that something is wrong, but I'd just like a little reassurance.  And to get a sense of how long I can look forward to this.  In addition to near-constant spotting since the week after surgery, I've found myself to be more aggressive and more emotional in general.  It's a drag.

I started taking biotin after we discussed hair loss in last week's support group.  Some days I find I lose an alarming amount of hair, and some days hardly any.  Not sure if the biotin will help but it's worth a try.  I'll keep you posted.  I felt so bad for this one woman in the meeting last week.  I have no idea how thick her hair was to begin with, but it's downright sparse now.  Scalp is very visible and she has patches with virtually no hair at all.  My guess is that if she did not tell the people in her life that she had surgery, they probably think she has cancer since she's lost a lot of weight and has been losing her hair.  I hope for her sake this is as bad as it gets and she's on her way to growing more hair soon.

Who's got protein powder recommendations?  I love my BSN Lean Dessert line, but I'm looking for some new flavors.  I'd especially like recommendations for mocha and cookie dough powders but please let me know which ones you love regardless of flavor.

I will say it again...if you're not in a support group, you really should be.  You're missing out on something really great.  We meet once a month and I look forward to it all month long.  I love that there's a mix of pre-surgery folks, newbies and old timers.  This past week the topic was 'Spring Cleaning' and we discussed the things in our life that we need to get rid of.  It could be bad behaviors, clothes, people, jobs...whatever.  We wrote down all the things we're struggling with and the leaders pulled some out of the container and read them, anonymously, of course.  It led to some really great discussions and we all agreed it was a topic that needed to be revisited again soon.

That's it for this week.  Continued success to you if you're on this weight loss journey with me.  Now, send in those protein powder recommendations!


About Me
San Jose, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 04, 2010
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