After all these years!

Sep 27, 2008

Almost 17 years ago my Father died.    Needless to say I was terribly heart broken.  (My youngest was not born yet but in my tummy none the less.)  I got my father's wedding band.  I wore it on my pinky.  I felt him near me every time.  I put it on recently (again) and can now wear it on my ring finger!   I am soooo very happy that I told my kids "Now my fingers are as big as my father's"!!!!  This truely has been an accomplishment for me! 

(P.S. I'm down 72 lbs)

This is What's new in Debbi's Neighborhood

Sep 04, 2008

Well, my dear cousin, Terry, came down last week and saw a difference in me.  Good I thought I haven't seen her for a couple of months.  She said she could see that I lost weight in my shoulders.  IN MY SHOULDERS!!!!    Oh sure that's the spot I want to lose it the most!!! NOT!!!!  I'm still at 199 but I really need to get my fat ass on my bike and maybe just MAYBE I will lose more - DUH!!!!!

Just got an e-mail from hubby.  We are once again having his company party over here.  In the previous years there has been about 85 people.  We all have a great time.  This year will be bittersweet for me.  First of all my husband has decided to take the buy-out from his company, therefore, I won't be seeing not even 1/2 of these people anymore.  For a few years now these people have become friends even though I may see them only once a year.  I LOVE putting this party on but I will miss many many of these people.

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 27, 2008

Yesserie Bob, Jane, Sue, and Ralph!!!!!  I can't BELIEVE IT!!!!  I am actually officially under 200 POUNDS!!!!!  Got on the almighty scale this morning and I was 199.  OMG I haven't been this weight in probably over 16 years!!!!!!  How do I feel?  WONDERFUL, GREAT, SUPERB!!!!!    This web site is GREAT!  I kept on reading a lot of my friends blogs saying - I exercised for one hour each day, I went on my treadmill, I went to the gym for 3 hours, I walked for a mile, etc., etc., etc.  So, I got my fat ass motivated and got on my bike AND THE SCALE MOVED!!!!!  This was another goal of mine that I reached.  YIPPEE!!!!!  CAN YOU HEAR ME IN CALIFORNIA SCREAMING FOR JOY???!!!!  My next goal is to get to 180.  Oh yeah, before I forget, remember me telling all of you that I can finally wear my wedding band and engagement ring?  Well guess what?  They are starting to get loose!!!!  Never that I would be saying that one either! 

Thanks for everyone that bothers to add to their blog.  Without you I wouldn't have been so motivated!  You did something that you don't even realize that you did!

I'm baaaaack!

Aug 18, 2008

Well, we finally made it back from our 2 week camping trip.  OMG I can't believe how much rain we had!!!  I thought we would have to gather up some animals and go in our trailer 2 by 2!  What more can you do when it is raining, you are camping, no sunshine, but read read read!  Oh course we get back home and it is as sunny as ever! 

I did, however, throw up 4 times in the trailer.  Do you realize how thin those walls are and how close the sites are?  Can you imagine the people walking by and hearing me BARF!!!!  They probably thought I had some contagious Mars  desease!  Do you realize how hard it is to barf in a plastic bag!  My kids were very good about throwing the bag out though.  Now every time I eat Breanna is looking at me and asking "are you o.k."?

I'm now down to 203.  I can't believe it!  I've NEVER lost this much weight EVER.  4 more pounds and I'll be less than 200!!!!  I just have to get my fat ass on my bike.  I lack soooo much motivation it is crazy!!

Are any of you moms ready for the kids to go back to school?  I sure as hell do NOT want Breanna to go back.  I LOVE it when she is home with me.  I'm already starting to go through a terrible funk thinking about it.  I'm missing her already!  I'm always been like this.  Believe it or not I could just sit here and cry.  Yeah I know I've got some crazy issues! 

NOW He Tells Me!

Jul 31, 2008

A couple of nights ago I came out of the bathroom and my  husband was sitting  on the couch.  He  looks at me and I  ask him "What"!  He said NOW I can see that you are losing weight - you are looking good!  Guess what I had on??????  My nightgown!!!!!!!!  How in the world he could see any weight loss with that on is beyond me!!!  Oh well at least he saw it and said something!

By the way, I'm down to 209/210!!!!!!!!  I can't believe I have ~11 more pounds before I reach UNDER 200 POUNDS!!!!!  I haven't been this weight in over 16 years!!!!  Time to celebrate!  Maybe I'll go to Red Lobster or a Grand Buffet Restaurant.   NNNNNOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!  I plan on getting a facial with my pseudo-sister-in-law. 

(By the way, the post is not printing very good.  It keeps on putting words together even though there are spaces between words.  I'm not THAT bad of a typist.) 

Where in the world did that go to?

Jul 26, 2008

I had a fat pocket (seriously) on my right thigh.  I could actually hold it into my right hand.  Now it has totally disappeared!  Was that the 56 lbs that I lost????!!!!!  I guess that should have been one of my goals also - to lose my fat pocket!

Reached my first goal!

Jul 16, 2008

Went to the doc today and I was so excited I reached my first goal!!! 
I lost 52 pounds since starting this journey!  I can eat regular food now and LOVING IT!!  I had a lean cuisine for lunch today and couldn't even finish 1/2 of it.  Before this surgery I would have wanted another one. 

My next goal is to be under 200 pounds.  I have 15 pounds to go before I reach my second goal.  I KNOW I CAN DO IT!

I KNEW this was going to happen and it did!!!

Jul 11, 2008

I knew when my husband saw me eat my s/f jello, s/f popsicles, s/f pudding that it was going to make him question me. 

He walks in the bedroom tonight and asks "is it really good for you to be eating all of those sweets all the time"????!!!!!!!

WHAT!!!!!!!!  I think if I ate ANY sweets I would vomit on HIM!!!!  I told him right from the beginning that I could eat the above.  But according to HIM they are sweets!!!  OH MEN!  You can't live them and you can't live w/o them but you sure as hell can cute off their penis and get community service (thanks to Loreena Bobbitt)!!!!

Oh sure Mark, I'm just sitting here eating candy, cookies, Ben  & Jerry's ice cream, chips/dip, and cake.  BUT HELL HOW IN THE WORLD DID I EVER LOSE 50 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Yes, I've lost 50 pounds and do you think he even has mentioned it?????
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  He claims "if you see someone everyday you can't see it " Well, if it was only 5 or 10 pounds I can see someone saying that BUT NOT 50 DAMN POUNDS!!!!!!!!!  Can't he see that I can now wear my rings, my shorts are getting loser, my shirts aren't so skin tight anymore?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!  Blind in one eye and can't see out of the other I guess!!!! 

PLUS he says I only see you eat popsicles and pudding.  Well let's see, he saw me eating a handful of cereal and milk this a.m.  He saw me eat some veggies and mashed potatoes for lunch, and he saw me eat some tuna for dinner.  WHAT THE HELL!!!!!  I guess I just slipped in some Ben & Jerry's between those flakes of tuna!  Or maybe the mashed potatoes were really a gob of frosting, and that handful of cereal was you know that sugary kind the kids eat that have marshmellows!  What about all the times I eat dinner with the family and eat about as much as a small canary eat!  I guess that doesn't count.   AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

So what is going to happen when I lose 100?  Will he say "oh I see you've lost a little weight!!!!!!!!!!! 

Then and only then I will be able to take him to a psychiatrist and an eye doc!!!!

Did the old walking today

Jul 10, 2008

We went to the zoo today and boy did I walk and walk and walk. My knee was literally SCREAMING all the way home!    I was in so much pain.  But later on at night Breanna and I went in the pool for about 45 minutes.  I feel so refreshed! 

We have a graduation party to go to. Actually it is at my friend's house (her daughter graduated from high school).  She is the one that said before my surgery - "oh so you're doing it the easy way"!  Sure if not eating what you want, puking every now and then because you're eating too fast, getting the foamies because the food won't go down, watching everyone else eating anything and everything that you used to eat is the easy way then SO BE IT DAMN IT!!!!    Let's see if anyone at this graduation party says anything. 

But you know what?  I (yes ME) got into a size XL shirt yesterday and my shorts are loser.  When I went to the gyno yesterday, he even said I looked good.  DAMN I'M REALLY STARTING TO FEEL GOOD. 
I've lost 47 lbs and NO ONE CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!!! 

Talked to my husband about our annual Christmas party in December with the company he works for.  Yeah, I know summer just started but I like to think ahead and plan ahead.  He kind of didn't want to do it this year.  Only 4 people at the party knew about my surgery last year.  I know they didn't tell anyone because they don't have a relationship with them such as calling each other on the phone or visiting one another.  I told my husband that this year will be my shining year and we HAVE to have it.  I figured out that at the least I should lose is another 30 pounds from now until December.  I want to get something very nice and not have to wear and hide behind a Christmas sweatshirt and stretchy jeans.  Any ideas?  First I thought I would wear a very pretty black dress but I won't be near my goal weight and I really don't want to buy something expensive when I know I'll only wear it once. 

Ideas, please


Jul 06, 2008

I have not had my wedding rings (engagement ring and wedding ring) on for 16 years!!!  Do you believe it.  I thought I was going to have to get it resized BIGGER but kept on putting it off.  You know, "oh I'll lose some weight" but never did until NOW!!!  Got on the scale this morning and I'm down 47 pounds.  I always wondered how many pounds would it take to be able to wear my rings.  I DID IT!!!!!!!  I'm amazed myself.  That was one of my goals and I DID IT!!!

About Me
Hamlin, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 11, 2007
Member Since

Friends 58

Latest Blog 71
