Tammy C. wrote 8 years, 4 months ago
Happy Surgiversary Month!

didim62 posted a comment 12 years, 7 months ago
Hey you look great!!!!! Hope all is well! I've been so busy and...

didim62 posted a comment 12 years, 11 months ago

didim62 posted a comment 12 years, 11 months ago
It is so normal to have all different emotions right before and after. I...

didim62 posted a comment 12 years, 11 months ago
Connie!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooo happy that you finally have...

didim62 wrote a blog post 13 years, 1 month ago
3 months out - Today is my 3 month surgiversary and I am happy to say that I am 84 lbs down.  I have slowed down some and I know it is because I have not been eating or drinking as much as I shou...

didim62 posted a comment 13 years, 1 month ago
That's awesome!! You've got this....no doubt!!!

didim62 accomplished a goal 13 years, 1 month ago
To hit 299 by June 14th (13 weeks).

didim62 posted a comment 13 years, 1 month ago
Thanks Teetee....how's it going for you? I know you had a great...

didim62 posted a comment 13 years, 1 month ago
Thanks...I am excited and as of today I am at 80 lbs and 2 lbs away...

didim62 posted a comment 13 years, 1 month ago
That's great Tina...your doing awesome and you sound very...

didim62 wrote a blog post 13 years, 2 months ago
repost from VSG forum 2 months out pics - I had posted this on the VSG  forum but wanted to have it on my blog also. At the 2 month mark I was down 60  lbs (Tuesday May 10) and I am at 64 lbs today so it's slowing down a b...

didim62 posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
2 months out with photo - I was 2 months out this week and I am down 63 lbs!!!  I'm feeling great and truly living my life again and it's only going to get better!! Here's a pic from this weekend that I  we...

didim62 uploaded a photo 13 years, 2 months ago

didim62 uploaded a photo 13 years, 2 months ago

didim62 uploaded a photo 13 years, 2 months ago

didim62 uploaded a photo 13 years, 2 months ago

didim62 posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
jthomp7889? - Jeff had his surgery on Thurday. Hoping all went well but have not seen a post yet.  Has anyone heard from him?

didim62 posted a comment 13 years, 2 months ago
Your ALWAYS such a great support. Thanks! I can't wait for you to...

didim62 wrote a blog post 13 years, 2 months ago
Two months out - Today is 8 weeks for me since my surgery.  I'm down 60 lbs total. I need to do measurements and pictures and will do that soon.  I'm progressing with adding foods but somewhat have...

didim62 posted a comment 13 years, 3 months ago
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!! Take it slow though...

didim62 posted a comment 13 years, 3 months ago
You Look beautiful!!!!!!!! Love the hair style!!

didim62 accomplished a goal 13 years, 3 months ago
Lose 15 lbs before my next Surgeon's Visit

didim62 posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
Do you feel mentally unsatisfied with your meals? - The last few days  I have been eating dense protein like chicken , turkey.  I am only able to eat 3-4 very small bites (pencil eraser size) before I feel full and sometimes that 4T...

didim62 posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
My First Carb Lesson Learned - As usual this is long winded but I'm rather proud of myself .I am now able to have whole wheat bread and I have been wanting a sandwich and didn't feel like making the oopsie bread...
About Me
Kensington, CT
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2009
Member Since

Friends 56

Latest Blog 29
