Got the dress...Check!

Sep 30, 2008

Well I found my gown.  I love it!  I found it at the first boutique I went to.  I'll have to get it taken in at the top but that's okay.  I'm just so happy that I have a gown and not just a dress that fits me.  During my trip to NC I actually lost 2 lbs.  I'm so happy.  I was for sure I would just maintain because I hadn't worked out while there but hey I'll take this anyday.  LOL 

Away from home

Sep 26, 2008

Last night I drove from SC to NC (little over 6 hrs). I'm up here to search for my dress and get the hair for my ball hairstyle. My friend lives here and she's going to help "girlify" me for the USMC ball. This is a true test as to how I eat away from home. She is happy for my success and I know she would never do anything to tempt me back into my old ways but can I avoid temptation myself. This weekend I'm not under the watchful eye of my hubby and it's all on me. This morning I got up went to Wal-Mart bought some egg whites, canned chicken, bottled water, and crystal light to go packets. I should have enough to last for 2 days but if I need more I'll buy more. I'm so proud of myself for not just saying "Hey lets go to McDonald's!". I'm so dedicated I even brought my container of protein drink. LOL So far I'm staying strong!

Oh a little this and that

Sep 25, 2008

Yesterday was my bariatric support group. I love going to them because it gives me time to spend with people who truly understand what I am going through and I can get tidbits of info that can help me in the future. At this group there is only 2 bandsters that have been coming but I know there are more out there. You know who you are! LOL Anyhoo...When the doc has his soon to be patients come out and ask us questions I was so excited because I couldn't wait to share the success that I've had so far with them. I'm really not very outgoing when it comes to meeting other people and I absolutely HATE speaking in public but whenever I'm at group I just come out of my shell with a vengeance. I was telling them how much I lost and how good I feel and how I eat. I was even telling them stuff that they probably already know but I just couldn't help myself. I could just talk and talk and talk but I do give time to the other people. I just feel so uplifted whenever I come home from group because to me it feels like I'm helping another person in their quest to shed this heavy outer shell and let their trueself shine through.

When I got home last night from group my hubby wasn't home yet so I just jumped on the elliptical and worked out until it was time for the kids to go to bed. When he finally got home I started talking to him about how well I've been doing and how proud of myself I am because I am actually sticking with it and seeing success. He told me that he was happy for me and he was proud. My husband is a man of few words. LOL Then he asked me an interesting question..."Do you think you are succeeding because of a mental thing or because of the band?" Really I hadn't thought about it but I think it's a little of both. The band has really helped me keep my eating under control but I still have to make smart choices when it comes to food. Don't get me wrong I would still love to have a snickers but I know I shouldn't if I want to hit my 50 lbs lost goal by the USMC ball. The mental part of it is that finally I know that with the bands help I can see the pounds shed off and stay off. It was an interesting question and one that I think everyone should ask themselves. Is the band just something you need to mentally get you to do what EVERYBODY knows we should be doing or are genuinely using it as a tool to help with food? For me I know being banded or not I could exercise just as much as I am doing now but I probably wouldn't see much results because I would still be eating huge portions because I'm a person that loves to eat and I can eat a lot (as my doctor well knows). With the band I can eat smaller portions which will allow my dedication to exercising show.

On a lighter note...I finally broke through my pleateu. For about 3 weeks I had been holding steady at 292. Today I got on the scale and I now weigh 288. I had been hoping to be out of the 290's before the end of the month and I hit that mini goal! What to do to reward myself? HMM? Should I go get a pedicure or maybe I'll get that new hairstyle I wanted? Decisions, decisions! Whoever is reading this may have thought I was talking about getting a piece of cake or...dare I say it...a snickers! Nope I've stopped rewarding myself with food. That is a thing of the past. I'm now dedicated to taking care of myself and I strongly believe that I am worth it!

The Worry Wort

Sep 22, 2008

By reading the title you would think it was me or even my husband...No it's actually my doc! He's so nice and I'm so happy that he's the one that did my surgery because I think he was more worried about how I was doing after my fill than I was. LOL His nurse called me today to check up on me and I told her I was fine. I've got to give my hat off to him because majority of the doc's that I've dealt with would have never been so hands on as he has.

Kudos Dr. McDevitt thanks to you I have a new outlook on life!

1st Fill

Sep 20, 2008

Well yesterday I got my first fill. It wasn't as bad as expected. I mean I knew there would be a needle but I thought it would be painful and that I would have some sort of numbing meds. My doc doesn't use numbing meds...He goes in o'natur-al. Well I lay flat on my stomach and he feels for the port. He takes this needle that's as long as my arm (ok so I may be exaggerating) and sticks it in. It kind of felt like when you get your blood drawn when it was first inserted. It didn't started to get uncomfortable (not really painful) until he was moving it around to get it just right in the port. My doc felt so bad because he had to stick me like 6 times before he got it in just right. I was fine with that though becuase lucky for me it went numb in the spot after the 3rd prick. LOL My doc is so nice, he kept apologizing and asking me if I was ok. He even had his nurse call me after I got home to make sure I wasn't having any problems. The coolest thing about it is that when he flushed the saline in I could actually feel the band expand. It didn't hurt and wasn't uncomfortable in anyway. It kind of tickled. It felt like having butterflies in your stomach or those first flurries of a baby kicking (if you've been pregnant you know what I mean).

I was on liquids for 24 hours and was able to eat a late lunch of real food today. I do have more restriction than I had before but I am curious as to how long it will last.

Holy Crap!

Sep 18, 2008

This morning was stressful. I went to pick out my daughter's clothes and I found a paper on her floor. Apparently she had picture day yesterday and never told me. Normally she would leave stuff like that in her bookbag and I would see it when I check her homework but for some reason she took out her stuff so I had no clue. She always goes to school dressed nice and her hair done but I like to send her in a special "picture day" outfit and do her hair up in some sort of style. I wasn't angry at her but I was annoyed. Then while I was on break at work I get a call from my son's school saying that I need to come by right away because of his behavior. All I could think of is I will have to sit in conference with the director for like an hour when she's going to tell me that he has to leave the center. When I got to the school nobody was there to meet me so I went to his classroom talked with him and left. I found another school for him to go to that is similiar to the one he previously attended in Okinawa so I'm hoping that will help with his behavior. He enjoyed that school and he loves learning so I'm hoping he'll do much better there.

Today has not started off great. I also think I may have gained a pound or I may be going toward TOM because I just feel so heavy. I've been doing good in my workouts. I'm even getting past my notorious 2 week downfall from exercise. Usually I'll put in 2 weeks of great workouts and then I'll just taper off. I'm now finishing up week 3 so I'm doing good.

Tomorrow I have my first fill appointment. At least I hope it's for a fill. I know I could really use one. My appetite is back full force and I can eat anything and not be affected. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to post about my experience with getting my first fill. Keep your fingers crossed.

Almost 6 weeks out

Sep 15, 2008

I've been kicking my butt these last couple of weeks. I've been so motivated lately. I a lot more than I've ever been. Usually I'll stick with a program for 1-2 weeks and then kind of taper off but I'm staying the course this time. Since I started this voyage in May I've lost a total of 28 lbs to date. I'm so proud of my progress so far. My hunger is still there that's probably why I've been so aggressive in my workout sessions. I've been seeing a personal trainer 3x a week and I work out with my hubby at night 5-6x a week. Right now I'm sore and tired but it's so great to see the results within my body at this point.

My husband gave me the best compliment. Let me set you up with the story...

I was getting ready for bed after our weightlifting session and I walked passed him. I was complimenting myself in my head about how good I was doing and that I was keeping up with my workouts when I realized my husband hasn't said anything about my progress. I asked him if he noticed any changes in my body and in me. He told me that he noticed that I look a lot better in my work clothes and that I have more energy than I did before. I hugged him for it. It is so good to hear that from him. His view of my body is a great ego booster. I wasn't sure if he could really see a difference because he sees me everyday but sure enough he has. I told him when he notices things like that he needs to tell me because those are some of the things that keep me motivated to stay the course. I get so easily discouraged and a compliment here and there can do me wonders. Needless to say I went to bed with a smile on my face.

This Friday is the day I will possibly have a fill. I'm kind of excited and nervous because I've seen people on YouTube that have had fills and to see that LARGE needle being stuck into my stomach is not a fun time for me. Although I will be excited to have some restriction again. It was so nice in the beginning. Now I know what people say about how you can lose with the proper restricition. I lost 13 lbs in 2 weeks! I know that amount will be different since now I'm no regular foods but I know that the weight will come off easier.

Can't wait until first fill

Sep 03, 2008

Well I've dealt with full liquids and mushies. Now I was told that I can start eating some other foods to see if I can tolerate it. So far I'm okay with other foods but I'm taking it slow because I don't want to hurt myself. Lately thought I've noticed that I'm able to eat more. At first I was only eating 3x a day but then I had to add snacks into my day to help curb my hunger. Even that's not helping. Having some fruit or yogurt in between meals is not enough. I want a regular meal. I don't give in. I've been staying the course but I know if I keep this up I will definitely be getting a fill my next appointment.

I've started seeing a personal training. I've only been to see him 3x now but man is he kicking my ass. My legs are killing me right now. All I want to do is rest when I get home. I had to take some tylenol because my legs were sore. It's a good sore though. I'm so excited and proud of myself how I've stayed dedicated to doing right by my body. I know results will be seen by others soon. I've already seen some in myself.

Onto Mushies

Aug 23, 2008

Well yesterday was my first post-op appointment. It went well. It was so nice to see how much the scale has moved since my last pre-op appointment. So far I've lost 13 lbs. YEAH! I'm very impressed with myself. So far the hardest part was surviving the full liquid diet but I toughed it out and reaped the benefits. My husband has even grown curious of how I'm eating and how much I've lost. I know he's proud of me as well. Also I'm able to use the elliptical again so I'm going to work out tonight. Right now it's crazy hot in the garage (where our workout equipment is) so I really don't want to go now. I've found that if I work out in the morning and in the evening that I'm relaxed for the day and at night I'm so relaxed that I fall asleep with ease. It's kind of nice.

Now that I'm on mushies I'm actually getting full. This morning I had egg whites for breakfast and for lunch I had 3 oz of chicken breast. It was so good to actually chew. I just have to remember to take my time and chew chew chew.

Finally outta "Tre"town and moving into "Two"terville

Aug 16, 2008

Yes that's right people. I weighed myself this morning and according to my scale I'm finally outta the 300's. I currently weight 298. I'm so excited! I'm hoping to get down or close to an additional 50 lbs lost by November 8th. I think I could do it. I can't wait to get back on my elliptical but in the meantime I'm going to walk the treadmill at my gym during lunch. That should help.

About Me
Beaufort, SC
Surgery Date
May 19, 2008
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