Month 9 surgiversary update- a month of highs and lows

Sep 17, 2012

 Month 9 done.  This month was rough because the back just isn't allowing me to exercise like normal.  I am slowly getting back on the wagon with that though, as the back permits.  Lost 10 in the very early days of the month from being sick, and up 5 since then.  Some is likely water weight, as I was dehydrated- but not all for sure.  Between the 200 or so increase in the cals and the lack of exercise I crossed a threshold this month.  Working on adjusting now.  

Month 1- 21 pounds 
Month 2- 16 pounds weighing in at 264.4 
Month 3- 12 pounds weight in at 252.4 
Month 4- 13 pounds weight at 239.4
Month 5- 11 pounds weight at 228
Month 6- 10 pounds weight 218
Month 7- 10.3 pounds weight 207.7
Month 8- 5.7 pounds weight 202  (201 at the time of writing this)
Month 9- -5 (197)

Spent a few days below goal, but at the moment 2 pounds above.  Looking to fix that in month 10!



Aug 25, 2012

 8 months 4 days, 132 pounds, and a bmi under 25!


8th Month Surgiversary Update

Aug 21, 2012

 Not a lot to say this month.  Had more cancer surgery so I was unable to exercise at all for a few weeks this month, and at the moment I am terribly nausous and generally feeling cruddy.  It has nothing to so with the VSG though.  My 14s from JCP were worn to work for the first time yesterday and they were actually too big.  I have not lost pounds in the last 2 weeks or so, but I must have lost some inches by the way the clothes are fitting.  

Only 5 pounds to the goal of a BMI under 25!  I am pretty confident I should see goal this month, and I hope it is before my follow-up with the surgeon.  I am glad to be a good stat for his practice, as he truly did a fantastic job.  The whole process through Beaumont has been outstanding.  

Here is the month update:

Here is the monthly update:

Month 1- 21 pounds 
Month 2- 16 pounds weighing in at 264.4 
Month 3- 12 pounds weight in at 252.4 
Month 4- 13 pounds weight at 239.4
Month 5- 11 pounds weight at 228
Month 6- 10 pounds weight 218
Month 7- 10.3 pounds weight 207.7
Month 8- 5.7 pounds weight 202  (201 at the time of writing this, 1 day late)

Total post op: 98 pounds.
Pre op: 26
Total Loss: 124

EWL: 95% Note:  I changed the denominator to reflect the goal of BMI, so it shows a big leap this month.

Size 14!

Jul 21, 2012

 Just a quick note to document that I dropped another size.  I bought 5 pair of slacks for the Fall in a 14, but thought it would be unlikely I would fit into them right away when school started.  They fit when I tried them on today!  I feel very fortuante that I did not have to pay for size 16 in the teaching wardrobe.  Got a great price on the slacks too, so good news all the way around.  

Off topic... my sister just mentioned today that she is going to pursue wls.  I am so excited for her!!!!!!

7 Month Surgiversary

Jul 16, 2012

 Well, this was supposed to be the month that weight loss became very difficult, and it turned out to be just like any other month so far.  I had a few days camping where exercise occurred, but not to the normal level and eating was terrible.  There were two days I ate pizza at college tours, and I should mention I didn't like pizza before surgery so this is an unplanned boondogle.  But, I also had a week where I set a goal to exericise and burn more calories then I  consumed.  Overall, it was a good month.  

I am feeling much more confident about adjusting the days calories if I make a poor choice.  Before surgery it would have completely dereailed the diet.  For a while after surgery it would completely bum me out, but I would stay focused on getting back on the wagon.  Now, I am confident that I can take a blip here in there in stride and not have long term issues.  I will always have to be careful that I immediately adjust back to better choices, as I can tell that if I let it go for even a few days then it is a mighty struggle at that time to readjust back to good eating habits. 

The best part of this month?  I realized that for the first time I no longer feel like I am on a diet.  I am very comfortable at the 1000-1200 range and really feel I could do this very long term.  Honestly, I never thought I would get to the point where the habits so throuroughly correct themselves that it no longer feels like a diet.  What a great process so far!

Here is the monthly update:

Month 1- 21 pounds 
Month 2- 16 pounds weighing in at 264.4 
Month 3- 12 pounds weight in at 252.4 
Month 4- 13 pounds weight at 239.4
Month 5- 11 pounds weight at 228
Month 6- 10 pounds weight 218
Month 7- 10.3 pounds weight 207.7

Total post op: 92.3 pounds.
Pre op: 26
Total Loss: 118.3
EWL: 84.5%

6 Month Surgiversary

Jun 17, 2012

 It is official.  The honeymoon is over!  Funny, today feels just like any other day.  I know I need to continue to work at losing weight, making proper nutrition choices, and exercise.  I am 33 pounds from being at my goal, and 23 pounds from a normal BMI.  

I ate a ton of sugar yesterday (Father's Day, not that it is an excuse) and woke up today 2 pounds heavier.  I am thinking that it may have something to do with glycogyn, as it was not possible for me to post a gain like that off of eating 1600 calories.  Looking forward to that dropping off rather quickly!

Clothing I am a snug 16, but the upper body continues to be an xl or loose xxl.  I was able to wear an xl JCP tshirt comfortably, but it does seem dependent on brand so I do not count myself a true xl yet.  I am hopeful that I can buy 14's for when school starts back up again, but then again I do not normally lose a size in 6 weeks.  It will totally bite to buy 16s and use them for a month or so.  

Love that the BMI is sitting at a 28 now.  Just 3 more points to goal and 23is pounds.  I do plan on going below a 25 overall, but that is a huge goal for me.  Hopefully in the next 3 months I will hit that.  I am also hopeful that I will be able to continue the double digit weight loss pattern, but according to the board that is about to end.  

Eating this month has been a mixed bag.  I am know resigned to the fact that I eat between 1000-1200 calories, and the nutritionist confirmed that is where I shoudl be.  No longer do I beat myself up about that.  I don't mind that occasionally I eat sweets, but after yesterday clearly I still cannot keep them in the house.  Glad that the birthdays, Mother/Father's Day are done for that reason.  I do love that my calorie range does not feel like depravation, and if absolutely needed I could shave 300-400 calories a day to get off the last of the weight.  I am Ok with a slower loss, as I believe it will help to keep the metabolism from freaking out.  Not sure if that is valid, but I believe it anyhow.

Here is the monthly update:

Month 1- 21 pounds 
Month 2- 16 pounds weighing in at 264.4 
Month 3- 12 pounds weight in at 252.4 
Month 4- 13 pounds weight at 239.4
Month 5- 11 pounds weight at 228
Month 6- 10 pounds weight 218

Total post op: 83 pounds.
Pre op: 26
Total Loss: 108
BMI 28
79% EWL


Size 16!

Jun 07, 2012

 I have not been losing too many pounds so far this month, but I noticed it seemed I was losing inches.  (I really should measure,eh?).  Decided to order my slacks in 16 thinking that I would have them ready to go for the Fall.  Then shortly after that I noticed my current slacks suddenly started to fit pretty loose in the hips and thighs.  Once the new slacks came in I tried on a pair and they fit, and fit comfortably!  I am pretty excited, as this was my goal size overall at the beginning of this process.  Now, my goal is to get down to a size 14 by September.  Here's to a good summer!

5 Month Surgiversary Update

May 20, 2012

 This is getting more difficult!  This month was characterized by a constant battle to not consume far more than my 800 calories.  Even when I upped my limit to 1000, it was still an enourmous struggle.  Strangely, I lost about the same amount this month as normal.  The stair step loss continues, but overall I am satisfied with the progress.  About a week ago I decided to try to go back to 3 shakes a day with 1 meal.  It worked great for a few days, but then right back at struggling.  I used to be concerned about school letting out and losing my eating habits, but now I think it will actually help.  Bought a Fitbit that I am imaptiently waiting on- trying to infuse some novelty into the process.  Got one for Joe too- hope he won't be too pissed!  I am still a solid size 18, comfortable and a perfect fit overall.  I am beginning to wonder if I will make it to a 16 by the Fall, but I still have a goal of being at my goal in approximately 9 months.  Just over half way there time wise and about 40 pounds to go.  Seems doable if I can keep my eating in check.  Exericise continues to go well, although I noticed I backed off both minutes and calories burned- nothing terrible and still well over my weekly/daily goals- but something I need to monitor.  This month I could not make it to support group due to committee work conflict, but back on that wagon on the next meeting.  

Here is my update on the monthly loss:

Month 1- 21 pounds 
Month 2- 16 pounds weighing in at 264.4 
Month 3- 12 pounds weight in at 252.4 
Month 4- 13 pounds weight at 239.4
Month 5- 11 pounds weight at 228

Total post op: 73 pounds.
Pre op: 26
Total Loss: 99
BMI 29


Now Overweight!

May 04, 2012

 Major scale victory- for the first time in almost 20 yeas I am in the "overweight" category instead of the obese category.  I have dropped about 13 points off of my BMI since I started this process.  Only 4.5 more points to go to make it to goal!

4 Month Surgiversay Update

Apr 16, 2012

 I cannot believe that it has been 4 months!  My eating habits truly have changed significantly, although I am beginning to struggle more with snacking and overall an increase in calories.  Throughout this process I have made it a goal to keep the calories under 800 and carbs under 40.  This past month saw a distince trend on creeping between 900-1000 calories.  I am working at trending that back down even though my weight loss for the month was "average" and I am happy with the progress.  I now know my stomach size is a little bigger than normal and am preparing for a fully "mature" stomach that is going to have more hunger issues and more capacity a little further down the road. 

This month also marks a true month of "stair step" losing.  i didin't lose anything for a smidge over 2 weeks, then dropped all the weight for the month in a week, and just today broke another 10 or so day stall.  This makes me nervous that the loss is gong to stop, but I keep reminding myself that taking in the right calorie range and continuing to exercise will eventually get the job done.  Saw the surgeon this month and I think for the first time he indicated that I may be "one to go all the way" and get to goal.  That is only going to happen with a lot of work, but i am determined.

I am now comfortably wearing a size 18 now with the 20's being wearable, but pretty big.  I am shocked that at this weight I am that size.  A size 16 was my original goal size, and now I am beginning to think that perhaps a 14 might happen down the road.  :)  2x tops are still fitting, but I can wear a snug xl now.  I am still lookng to lose from the abdomen, as the waist size is really reducing slowly.

Here is my update on the monthly loss:

Month 1- 21 pounds 
Month 2- 16 pounds weighing in at 264.4 
Month 3- 12 pounds weight in at 252.4 
Month 4- 13 pounds weight at 239.4

Total post op: 62 pounds.

