JackieBel posted a comment 12 years, 1 month ago
OMG! Your thighs are beautiful.

JackieBel posted a discussion topic 12 years, 1 month ago
Houston, need surgeon 4 hernia & possible revi - I had RNY in 2005.  I'm pretty sure that I have a hernia (close to my surgical scar below my left breast).  I don't have a Houston doctor or surgeon since I moved here about 2 year...

JackieBel wrote a blog post 14 years, 3 months ago
CHEATER!!!! - Confession time...I just weighed in yesterday and then spent the whole day today off my diet.  It started by missing my breakfast drink and drinking coffee instead.  Going to work,...

JackieBel wrote a blog post 14 years, 3 months ago
1 week down - 1st weigh in - It's 1 week today that I started my the Ideal Protein diet.  I lost 7 lbs. and 3 inches.  I didn't eat all the protein I was supposed to because I either wasn't hungry or couldn't ...

JackieBel wrote a blog post 14 years, 3 months ago
Gained almost 40 lbs. started Ideal Protein yester - I've gained almost 40 lbs. since my lowest weight of 155 lbs.  I need to lose the weight so I started the Ideal Protein program yesterday.  It is very restrictive, but so was my po...
About Me
McAllen, TX
Surgery Date
May 05, 2003
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 17
Boot Camp Delayed
2nd Round of Boot Camp - Day #1
Annual Physical - 2 years post-op
Fitness Boot Camp Day #6
Fitness Boot Camp #5
Fitness Boot Camp #4
