Pre op testing :}

Jul 01, 2009

So this morning...exactly one week before surgery, i went to the hospital and they all were so very nice.  Answered a million questions and the nurse said she thinks i'm in great shape and i don't have much to worry about.  GREAT! 

then i went to get some blood draw...6 viles to be exact!  My Husband said my blood ran slow.  I figured that was a good thing because of bleeding...i don't want a blood transfusion...Then the nurse says yeah that's true but...then you became more likely to get blood clots if your blood runs slow...make sure you watch out for that!!!!! 

WOW SERIOUSLY!!!!!  Bogus  thanks for scarying the shit out of me...anyways then i went for chest X rays and i was done!!!!

Later on we went bowling  which is always fun but....i couldn't drink :{ and i couldn't order anything to eat!!!!!  WOW that was really hard.  The only thing keeping me from cheating is knowing that my surgery is soooo close and i don't want to wait any longer...

the good thing is i've been on medifast for one week and i have lost 4lbs!!!!  VERY COOL!!!!


2 WEEKS!!!!! Medifast diet

Jun 24, 2009

ok so i'm on the medifast diet ....i enjoy it actually!!!! 

went to doctors yesterday  was there for like 4 hours learning about the four stages after surgery and what the day of surgery is going to look like...

I will have my surgery at 7:30am.  I will have my laptop!  Today was the last day of school!!! YAY

Schedule for two weeks  WORK, BEACH, KIDS!!!!!

Here we go!!!!
0 comments the mall

Jun 18, 2009

so today my hubby and i went to see The hangover....absolutely hilarous...i ate popcorn with cheddar cheese and had a slurpee....i know terrible right???!!!  Well too bad it was part of my last suppers lol....i never have it so i had it one last time and enjoyed it all!!!!  i didn't over do it like i normally would...i did work out today even ran for 4 minutes on the treadmill!!!  that doesn't sound like much but it's alot for me i hated the treadmill....i don't anymore!!!

So after the movies we went for a stroll thru the mall.   I always hate going to the mall cause all the clothes i like or stores i like i can't wear their stuff!!!!   this time i showed my husband all the store i couldn't wait to shop in...he started talking about how he needs like two jobs fast just to keep up with my shopping habit i am about to fall in love with.  OH and i saw this gorgeous pink sapphire ring with diamonds  beautiful!!!!  my birthday is september and i told him i wanted it to celebrate my health and my aging lol

I'm SOOOO excited!!!!

Just feel like typing....

Jun 17, 2009

so it's june 17th and i'm soo excited about my surgery i can't ever sleep anymore....i just want july 8th to be here...i'm ready let's get this show on the road....i've waited the last ten years to do this and finally i've made it happen...

there is so many things i can't wait to do....

my future is just waiting for me and i'm soo excited for the future... I DID IT I DID IT!!!  well i haven't done it yet but for me making the decision and feeling confident in my decision is like having it done already cause once i put my mind to something  it's over i got it it's in the bag!!!!!  

awwwwwwwww  YAY  i'm soo happy i wish everyone in my life could feel my happiness...they doubt it all!  No faith in the surgery or me!!!!

Well let me tell you i am a determined woman!!!!  i have enough faith for this whole world!!!!  The lord is with me and he loves me and he's going to hold my hand though out this journey!!!!

1 comment

Starting to get it together>>>>

Jun 09, 2009

June 9th

So, I got my pool fixed, insurance company screwed us ofcourse on payment for the stolen car that was found burnt to a crisp, and i'm enjoying spending time with hubby(besides being broke now)...

I am taking my nutrisystem now to get myself back on track, i workout today at the gym, andddddddddddddd  took a hour wake with my kids n dog!

Today was a very good day!

OHHHHHH YEAHHHHH....i almost forgot!

So my biggest fear is my marriage will fail because of all my changes,  so i got really depressed about it cause he still smokes n i don't so he like lives outside and i'm in the house!  Anyways i just was nagging n nagging about how i how will still have common interest after all this...

TODAY....the four of us as a family went to the thrift store(which i have never in my life been in one) and bought two bikes for the both of us to ride with our kids......


What the hell am i doing?

Jun 05, 2009

Ok so.... i guess i'm stressin' out about the surgery because i keep eating crap!  Everyday till june 16th(liquids day)  is my last not good cause i've gained almost TEN pds.  WOW!!!!    

Then I quit smoking and i was doing fine until  Midterms hit and my husbands car got stolen and our pool caved in and my husband got laid off!!!!  

Damn just reading what i wrote makes me want to smoke!!!!!   But i haven't i just eat instead, i try to work out when i wanna eat crap, but i'm like oh well i know i can't eat anymore after june 16th.    

Summers session at school is stressful but i was prepared.  It's all the other crazyness i wasn't prepared for!!!!

It's official!!!!! JULY 8TH LAP RNY

Jun 03, 2009

June 3rd.

Ok so They told my that it was looking like june 30th then the scheduler called a few days later and told me NO  July 8th was the first available.  UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..... that sucks....

School ends June 29th and second session starts july 6th.

So June 30th was perfect!!!!!!

Now i can't go to school Spanish 102 will have to wait till the spring :-(

I am extremely excited and nervous  though!!!!  Very happy everything is moving along.

So I'm totally not smoking YAY!!!!!  even though i always want one,  i want this WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY  more.

I gained 5 lbs cause i'm eating out like everyday  "all my last meals"  LOL

OMG  i'm really finally doing this....I just can't imagine what i will look like when i lose all the wieght.  Like i see everyone's pictures and they look gorgeous,  But for my to be skinny is completely unreal....that is the one thing in my life that i could never make happen.  That's my nickname "Make it Happen Jack" 

I'm in awwwwwwwwwwwwww


May 30, 2009

So during this whole month i have really been struggling with the decision i made to have RNY.  I think because it's all becoming real and now i'm just waiting to hear back from the insurance since May 8th.  Well on thursday the 28th  the doctor called and said they got a verbal approval and they are just waiting for the written to schedule my surgery.  WOW!!!!

Here's the funny thing...

during my trip to colorado i started smoking again cause i didn't think i was gonna do it anymore.  When i came back, i started school and decided even if i didn't have the surgery i really did need to quit so i got chantix from my doctor.  It's been two weeks since i've smoked and i already stopped the pills.  they made me really sick!  Like Pepto commercial...nausea, vomiting diaherra...  I had all that and still went to two classes and threw up before each of them it was crazy!!!!  After that i knew i could have the strength to handle the side effects of RNY. 

I have goals!!!!!  I really hope to meet.... 

1) Graduate with my B.A. May 2010

2) Lose 100 lbs by May 2010

3) Get accepted into Notre Dame for my MBA  or another great college somewhere else in this country

4) love my family and love life!!!!

5) take a vacation with my mom stepdad and two teenager sisters  with my husband and two kids. summer 2010

I have a million other ones too but these are most important to me right now!

this is tough!!!!

Jan 10, 2009


OK so.... besides my kids and my husband their are two things i love in life....

pizza and cigarettes!!!!!!!!!!!   lol   wow that sounds so bad after i read what i typed but it's true... 

I quit smoking a week ago and yesterday was my first day back at work from vacation.  Working as a manager at Pizza Hut is something that i love to hate.  On my way there last night just thinking about the stress i would endure made me want to smoke...but i didn't.  I brought a subway sandwich with so i wouldn't eat pizza (which is something i always do)  We weren't that busy  so i wanted some pizza and i wanted to smoke with all my employees( 98% ppl at Pizza hut Nationally smoke) 

So i didn't smoke or eat any pizza which was so very hard for me especially since i didn't have much else to do.

YAY!!!!!!  This is huge!!!!  I can really do it!!!!!  I'm ready now i just got to stick with eating healthy and working out 4x a week

We'll see how the rest of January goes i go back to school and my other job on monday.

so I will have to find other ways to deal with the stress and the chaos of my life come monday...
 Oh FYI....i haven't been drinkin' any ice tea because they say you can't after surgery and no gum either....i found these sugar free Ice breakers that taste like fresh brewed ice joke!!!!   Fab substitute for tea or gum and helps get me thru the smoking

Taking the easy road...

Jan 07, 2009

I am sooo tired of ppl telling me i'm taking the easy road...why can't they just be supportive????  i am a producer at my school and everyone knows i'm doing good eating healthy and working out... then this bitch orders pizza for all of us instead us going out for our meeting like we usually do!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR   i swear ppl want to judge judge judge then when you make a choice to change they don't want to do anything to make it just a little easier for you!!!!!!!   oh well, i just worked out a litttle longer after i had one piece of pizza which was soo hard seeing that it's my fav in the whole world!!!!!

my dad say just don't eat as much and walk more you don't need the surgery. WOW

About Me
south bend, IN
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2009
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