8 days out from surgery.......

Aug 01, 2009

Wow I am still really swollen.  My port revision is still really puffy.  Abdominal trauma doesn't go away easy, does it?   I think I do not have a UTI, I am itching because that unholy surgery is healing inside there!  I have leaked a few times since surgery which worries me but I know it's "new" and too early to tell.........we'll see.

My tailbone hurts like hell from sitting so much more than I usually do, and in the same chair.  UGH!  My skinny ass hurts, LOL.  I just realized today, I had an epiphany that my struggles began with that trip to Old Navy and Wal-Mart trying on bathing suits........so now that I know that everyone, including my friend Marie, have breastbones that are prominent now, (she has a lower BMI but still, hers show a little more than mine and she has much bigger breasts), I feel better.  I am normal for a WLS patient.  Yes, i can look at my thighs in the bathroom mirror and think wow, she had WLS.  SO freakin' what.  I had WLS.  I lost 124 lbs.  I am an amazing human being who reached goal 9 months after surgery.  Not RNY.  Not DS.  Just the lap-band and some hard a** work.  So I should be proud, I should stay at and YES aim for below my goal and it's OK.  My breasts aren't going to shrink in 3 lbs, I think they have gone as little as they are gonna go unless I lose another 10 lbs, which I am definitely not going to do!

I just want my 6's to fit "easier" not to be a smaller size.  And I would love to set aside my 8/9 clothes as "almost never need them".  Even on my period...........

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