1 Yr Appointment and Port-Revision Follow-Up

Aug 06, 2009

Well, Idgy 2.0 did not flip and Towanda is doing great today.  Scale, HAH even better, 147.7 I am a beast, I am so proud of myself for turning surgery and lack of physical activity into a loss!  WOOSH!

My doc continues to be "amazed" by my progress and enjoys my visits.  He seemed OK with the fact that I called him Donovan in the OR two weeks ago..........my embarassing little moment. 

My arm is much better though still itchy from the bee sting.  I am thankful for my life and my year and my size 7 teensy capris.  Going to see Dr. Wilbert, going to focus on my anxiety and coping skills to deal with my borderline/legitimate? OCD impulses.  I see MWG struggles with OCD and I find myself having lots in common with her.......hmmmmmmm............

