The broken scale.......

Aug 24, 2009

There was a broken scale at work.  I know it was broken because I weigh every day.  It said I weighed 142 and I knew that was straight up bullshit.  I weighed 151 last Weds at my fill appt so there's no damn way and my home scale is inaccurate but not that much.  So I weighed on the other scale.  It said 146.4.  WOW.  That's a new low.  And that was the scale everyone said was "heavy".  So I will receive compensation for losing another 6 lbs since last weigh-out. 

I can say, that while the 142 was slightly intoxicating, it was also terrifying.  I don't want to allow myself to go that low.  I am afraid of what will happen to my face, my breasts if I go any lower.  145 is my BOTTOM, and I have a restrictive only surgery, so I am in control.  Nor do I want to weigh 156 ever again though, so with Vitalady - Michelle's advice in mind, I will be mindful of the scale and my eating.  I am pleased to be where I am.  I am happy in this skin, wearing 4-6.

