less than 18 hours from now...

Dec 07, 2009

less than 18 hours from now I will be having RNY surgery

i am grateful for all the people giving me help with my kids and my surgery.

i go from being excited to anxiety about the upcoming recovery process

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who are you telling about your surgery?

Dec 04, 2009

i've told immediate family members - except for one that I haven't talked to for a few months and friends about my surgery on 12/8

I'm getting alot of support - I'm grateful for that.

i'm not so surprised by a few people's feedback - but I think they forget that I'm just telling them what's happening versus seeking their approval to do it.  I realized the difference when I started telling people and a few people that I wanted support from were scared for me.  They have a right to be scared but I'm not seeking their approval. 

Also not everyone is going to agree with my decisions and I need to accept that.

Who are you telling about your surgery?



I had fun pre-registering

Dec 04, 2009

Yes, I really did have fun pre-registering for surgery today on the phone. 

The staffer was so unbelievably helpful and gave me a few insider tips on where friends should call and what time I should call in the night before surgery.

This is all becoming more real to me.

How are you dealing with it?

there are other people doing what i'm doing

Dec 01, 2009

it is great to connect with other people who are having the surgery right around the same time I am.

I am having RNY on Dec. 8th at Tufts Boston.

What are you bringing to the hospital?

How are you preparing your life to be unavailable for 2 weeks or more?

Are you taking photos & measurements?

Here's my todo list for this last weekend before surgery:
-babysitter schedule ironed out
-bag for hospital(robe, socks, book, loose fitting clothes)
-pay bills
-take photos and measurements
-stock up on foods for after surgery
-mail/ship xmas gifts
-tell the kids on Monday morning


surgery prep & being forgetful

Nov 30, 2009

It's officially one week from today - my RNY.

I've been forgetting alot of things and am thinking its caused by stress due to the upcoming surgery.

I will commit to going for a 30 minute walk today.

Meal plan for the day:
Breakfast:protein shake and decaf coffee w/splenda
Lunch: yogurt, clementines and veggies with 2 tb dip
dinner: 6oz steak, 1 cup veggies, 1 c rice or potato

1 comment

1 week from tomorrow

Nov 30, 2009

1 week from tomorrow I'll be having my RNY surgery on December 8th.

I'm scared.  I'm happy.  I'm sad.  I'm impatient.

I keep reminding myself to keep it in the day and not get overwhelmed about the future.

I just can't believe it's a week away.

