A Really Big WOW!

May 06, 2008

Well, whatever my mystery pain was is gone.  Today was our second day back to walking.  I'm feeling great again!  The weather is gorgeous, it's finally getting warm in South Jersey and things are fabulous!

So, Mark left for Washington, DC this afternoon for an expo. Of course, this is Britt's dance recital week so I'm left to my own defenses. LOL My goofy weight has been bouncing from 142.8 to 144.3 for weeks and weeks. I've been comfy in my size 6 jeans. A few Juniors things I can wear a 7 or 9. Totally cool. So, I got a $10 off any $10 purchase coupon from Fashion Bug. On the way to the college for recital practice I realized this was the last day for that coupon. How can you lose a $10 off $10 purchase coupon? So, we went in and I tried on some skorts. I'm okay with shirts but seriously lacking in the bottoms department. I tried on an 8 and it was huge. Huh??? I just chalked it up to being one of those low-rise things that I hate. I asked Britt to get me a 6. Well, 11 years olds don't do more than you ask so the size 4 and size 6 had their tags twisted together. Far be it for Britt to untwist them and bring me the 6. She says "I brought them both just in case." For a laugh I tried on the 4 first. WHAT???? ME???? Not only did I try it on but it FREAKING FIT!!!!!! I was so excited I had to call Mark as he was driving. He just laughed, asked if I'd danced around the dressing room doing my dance and yelling "I'm in a size 4! I'm in a size 4!" and to just get it in whatever colors I wanted. Okay, I'll fess up. I did do my happy dance and sing my song. I just didn't tell him.

So, today, May 6, 2008, just 19 days short of my 1 year surgiversary.....I BOUGHT SIZE 4 SKORTS!!!!!! The funniest part? This time last year I was in size 26!

Can you tell I love my RNY????

A Day in the Life

Apr 28, 2008

Well, my walking has come to a halt.  I've had a pain in my left side that radiates into my breast for almost 2 weeks.  It's not constant, but when it hits I end up doubled over.  On Friday Susie and I were on our walk and as we started mile 2 the pain hit.  This is the second time it's hit during a walk.  The first time we had to cut through the park and Susie drove me home....which is across the street from the park.  So, I ended up going to the ER.  What a bunch of dumbasses!  If you're ever in Salem County DO NOT go to Salem Hospital or whatever they're calling it this week.  I had a doctor who literally never got out of his seat at the nurses' station.  He came in when I first came in and when I was leaving.  Can you say lazy?  I got there about 4:30 pm and left at 10:15 pm and I still don't know what's going on.  I got a chest XRay that they told Mark was "abnormal".  I say told Mark because NO ONE ever told ME anything!  Can you say 1950s?  Let's tell the MAN because she doesn't need to know.  I was pissed the entire time.  So, I got a chest XRay, an EKG and a CT Scan.  Still nothing.  The fun part was the nurses all making diagnoses.  I heard everything from crepitus in my side (yeah right), a tiny hole in my left lung, a heart attack, a pulled muscle, nerves, and my imagination.  Can you believe it?  Oh, to top it off they kept trying to give me meds that I told them REPEATEDLY could damage my pouch.  Then, I get this short tomato who comes in LOVING her Lap Band telling me I made a MONUMENTAL mistake having the bypass?  What????  I'm 11 months out, below goal and in generally great health and I made a mistake?  Uh, honey, I think your short, fat self made a mistake.  And I told her so.  She's 18 months out and has lost 30 lbs.  HUH????  She's lost 30 in 18 months and I've lost almost 124 in 11.  Hmmmm.....who seems to be the failure???  Mark just sat back because my mouth just kept going at these lazy ass people.  So, in the end, I wasted all those hours and STILL don't know what's happening.  Typical day at Salem "do nothing" Hospital!

Other than that everything's busy here.  Busy with Mark's business.  Busy getting my business started.  Busy with year-end school stuff.  We're just generally BUSY.  So, I'm not here at OH very much anymore.  Sad and I do miss the May group but I'll be back soon....I hope.

It's Been A While.

Apr 08, 2008

There hasn't been much to tell about lately.  Mark's business is busy, my business is in the planning/prep stages.  I have the magnets on my car and my partner's car so we know this is really happening.  Since we want to stand out from the rest, our costumes are different.  Which means, I've dusted off my sewing machine and that's where I'll be for a while.  But, that also means I only have to buy ONE pattern! LOL  Since Susie and I are about the same size now, costumes will be EASY!  Or maybe I should say easier. lol

I haven't been on OH much.  Is it me being sensitive or are people really BITCHY lately?  It seems you can't go on the RNY boards (I steer clear of the Main board) without all hell breaking loose.  I feel for the newbies and the pre-ops.  I try to be helpful because I easily remember what it's like to jump through those hoops, second-guess whether you should do this surgery, fight for approvals, then deal with an unsupportive spouse.  But, sometimes even the most innocent post turns into World War 3.  Since I've already been in a bit of a depression, I tend to stay away.  I love my May 2007 family.  They're the BEST!  Every forum should be as supportive as that group.

Brittany has her choral/instrumental recital tomorrow night.  She's beyond excited.  Mark and I bought her a hot pink flute because her borrowed flute was giving her problems.  She LOVES her new flute.  She practices every night.  I'm so darned proud of her.  Now if I could just get her to take piano lessons too.   I dare to dream.  And my piano does too. LOL

I'm still hovering between 144.4 and 145.5.  I'm firmly in size 6 or 8 jeans.  I wear either junior's large or misses x-small-small tops.  I actually tried on some junior bermuda shorts last night.  They were size 9.  I was in complete shock.  I didn't get them though.  I hate clothes "that" low.  I'm too old for that stuff. LOL

Wishing you all the best.  Until next time.......Buh-bye!

Back to the old grind

Mar 26, 2008

Today was our first day back to school after spring break.  It was so hard dragging my butt out of bed at 5:30 this morning.  It was nice to have some quiet time to myself but I found it "too" quiet.  It's weird.  You look forward to the kids going back to school, then you miss them terribly.  Or, am I just one of those "strange" moms who actually LIKES their kids. LOL

We're working hard on getting the business going.  Three out of four car magnets have come in.  The business cards came in today.  Just have to get the phone line moved and ready for an answering machine.  I have to get a website up...at least a small one.  I'll do the blingy stuff when I can get around to it.  Between the business and working on my 25th class reunion, my free time is gone. LOL  I think my right hand flies in the air WAY too often.

I've posted my 10 month "front" picture.  I still feel like I look HUGE in my pics.  Does that ever change?  Intellectually I know I'm wearing size small tops and size 6-8 pants.  So, why do I feel huge?  Hopefully this will change.

Other than that, things are fairly quiet around here.  I'm shocked too. LOL

Has it really been 10 months???

Mar 25, 2008

Wow!  Just 10 months ago at this time I was in the ER chatting with my surgeon about how wonderful life was going to become.  At 11 am on 5/25/07 my life changed when my surgery began.  I'm so grateful for every success, irritation, disappointment, "dump" and everything else that has made this journey a success.

It is so unbelievable to me how quickly 10 months has gone.  I looked at my "before" pics this morning and I barely even remember her.  She was tired all the time and just really didn't care.  Now I look in the mirror at this face that always has on lipstick and makeup and the hair is "done"...not just tossed in a ponytail.

I've been "reminding" Mark for days that I MUST have my pics done today.  He blew me off for my 9 months and I'm still angry about that. lol  I took a pic of my scale this morning.  Never in my life, or during my research OR talks with my surgeon did I ever expect to see 144.4 on a scale.  Sure, I thought maybe 244.4 was doable.  I cruised past that one. lol

I'm so grateful for all my friends on the May board.  I could never have been this successful without the love and support from all of them.  We've been through a lot together.  I can't wait to pop in on the May 2008 team and wish them good luck!  They have no idea what's in store for them. :)

Belly dancing? Me?????????

Mar 15, 2008

Yup, you read that correctly.  She finally wore me down.  My best friend, Susie, has been belly dancing about 16 years.  She's a beautiful dancer.  It takes her a while to get to her classes and she hates to go alone.  Certainly at 265 lbs there was NO WAY I was going to even dare try it.  Belly dancing is a beautiful, sensual art and there wasn't one bit of me that felt sensual or beautiful at that weight. lol

So, last night she came over to teach the basics to Brittany and her pal, Autumn.  Susie made me learn with the girls.  We donned hip scarves that make beautiful, jingly noises when moves are done correctly.  Mine was black with silver swirls and long, black fringe.  No coins to jingle but cute all the same.  We had a blast.  She went home, I took Autumn home and Susie called me later yelling at me. LOL  She told me I was a natural and that was it!  She WAS teaching me!  No excuses!  So, it looks like I'm learning the beautiful art of belly dancing. lol

Britt and I got up this morning and put one of Susie's CDs on and practiced the moves she taught us last night.  I realized I was having FUN!  I felt it a little this morning.  Belly dancing really is a workout.  So, I'm going to order my own hip scarf and get a nice leotard to wear with it.  I have a bunch of yoga pants so I'm all set there.  For the first time I'm not embarassed to have someone see me dance.  And, ya know what....I love it!!!!

Update.....I hate my scale and my camera

Mar 13, 2008

It's been a while since I've posted here.  Not much going on.  I'm still working for Mark, still trying to get my office cleaned out for renovations and still working on my new business with Susie.

But, this morning I hit a new goal!  My dream was to hit 145.  I hit 145.0 yesterday morning but, of course, my camera and scale will NOT work together.  So, I never got that coveted picture.  So, I hop on this morning and the scale says 144.8!!!!  Holy crap!  I run, grab my camera and.......of course....the batteries are DEAD!  Here I am running around the house naked trying to find AA batteries when I remembered there were a ton in the laundry room.  Last week while Mark was away I decided to wash my laundry room and kitchen curtains.  These curtains have been there for YEARS.  I wash them on delicate...twice...and toss them in the dryer.  I pull them out.  They're all freaking SHREDDED!!!  So, YIKES!  I'm naked, there are no curtains out there and I gotta find them?  So, I tried and tried.  Someone must have moved them.  I gave up and tried and tried to make the camera work but it wouldn't.  So, hopefully I'll get the pic tomorrow morning.

I made the lemon cheesecake recipe yesterday.  It's posted on the recipe forum.  I got everything fat free/sugar free.  Made it, kept it in the fridge a few hours and had a tiny piece around 9 pm last night.  I dumped big time.  WTH??? lol  So, I'm sure that's why the scale moved.  So, as yummy as it was, I tossed it.

Everything else is the same old same old.  We have off next Friday to start Spring Break.  I can't wait!!!!!  It's almost walking weather time again!!!!!

Center of Excellence?

Mar 02, 2008

Warning:  This is going to be a long one.  Thank goodness I've calmed down since Saturday!

Saturday morning I woke up with horrible pains near my belly button.  Now, I'm not an alarmist and going to a doctor and/or hospital is WAY down on my list of priorities.  Cleaning the toilets is higher on the list.  So, I couldn't take it anymore.  I know people on OH who have had problems way post-op so I posted to the main RNY board.  Dawn, who is incredible, told me to get my butt to the hospital.  I know what she's been through so I listened.  By 9 am my mom was here to pick up Britt and off we went for the hour drive to the hospital in Vineland.  I only went there because my surgeon operates there and my local hospital in Salem would be clueless what to do with me.  So, we're called back and put in Trauma Room 1.  I had the BITCHIEST little blonde-haired nurse!  She never told us her name and, honestly, didn't come in to check on me too often.  Around 11 am they gave me Dilaudid for pain.  Uh huh.  What does Dilaudid do?  Takes the edge off AND puts you to sleep!  Mark said I slept off and on for 2 hours and Nurseypoo never did come in.  I had to go to the bathroom and went how the ER Doctor and Nurseypoo told me to go.  Ready for this?  The nurses hanging at the nurse's station YELLED AT ME for "cutting through".  WTF???  I told them this is how the doctor told me to get there.  So, I go back into my little cubby, sit down and get another horrible pain.  I'm in tears and the doctor comes in with Nurseypoo.  I told him about being yelled at for walking the way he told me to.  Mark asks Nurseypoo to leave the room and he lets the doctor have it about the way she's treated me.  From what I understand, while I was being yelled at, she was yelling at him, from another patient's cubby no less, that she is NOT a waitress and I have to do things for myself.  WTF???  I didn't ask the bitch to take me to the rest room!  So, Mark's on the phone with my surgeon's answering service who sends in one of his associates.  So, they move me to another section.  My new nurse, Shannon, is fantastic.  They took me to XRay and for a CAT scan later.  It turns out my bowels were fairly full though I'd already gone #2 three times while being at the hospital.  The pain was subsiding so at 7 pm we finally left.

Pre-op I'd had IBS for about 17 years.  What the heck do I know about constipation???  But, it kind of makes sense since my weight was up to about 149.6 during the week.  It's happily back down to 147.0.  So, I have some meds and Miralax and hopefully all will come out well. ;)

But, I will NEVER go to that damn hospital again!!!

Two Celebrations Today!

Feb 24, 2008

Today's my 9 month surgiversary and I'm a bit emotional today.  At 1:28 a.m., 11 years ago, I ended another 9 month journey.  Today's Britt's 11th birthday.  I was up at 1:28 a.m., as usual, to celebrate.  She's a complete miracle, as is my RNY.  I was told from age 5 1/2 that I'd never be able to have children.  At the time I had encephalitis, myelitis, mono, and meningitis...all at the same time.  When I did survive all that, the doctors weren't sure how I'd end up.  Brain damage was possible, developmental problems were possible, etc., etc.  I still see specialists 37 years later. lol  You'd think they'd figure out after all this time I'm freaking fine!  Okay, I was a guinea pig 28 years ago for the wonderful product we now know as Lumineers.  And, 28 years later, mine still look great. :)  But, one miscarriage later, I have my beautiful best friend in the whole wide world.  Sure, she's excited about my weight loss.  It is kinda cool to go from having the biggest mom in the school to having the smallest mom in the school in, technically, less than half a school year. LOL  But, it's been hard on her too.  Incredibly hard.  You see, with two obese parents, she has her own weight battle that's currently raging.  It hurts me to see this because I've lived it.  She asked me yesterday to ask my surgeon how old she has to be to have the RNY.  It broke my heart.  Saturday, her pal bought a dress at Limited Too in size 18.  Both have tummies so the dress was a bit snug.  Britt was devastated but putting on a happy face when I put it on and it was huge.  We all laughed but I saw the pain on her face.  She tried on a top she LOVED and it was too tight.  From then on, I could see she was ready to burst into tears.  So, my victories have become very, very painful for my baby.  It breaks my heart.  But, it's also shown me that NOW is the time for us to get moving.  It's her birthday and I'm going to go get her a one-month pass to the gym I try to go to.  Not only will it motivate her, but it'll get me there too.  So, today's a special day in more ways than one!  I'll get pics on later. :)

Tiny Update

Feb 24, 2008

Well, not much has happened lately.  I think my body is happy at 147.  I'd love to get to 145 and stop there but I'm not sure it'll happen.  But, so what.

My dear friend, Nichole, told me about a store called Steve & Barry's.  I went there yesterday after her glowing report.  I got a pair of Sarah Jessica Parker jeans for $9.98.  I love how they fit and love that they're long.  I also LOVE that they are size 6 and NOT stretch!  Woohoo me!  But, my daughter wanted to bring a friend along.  Tomorrow is Britt's 11th birthday so I told her that we wouldn't do the dorky party thing.  So, Autumn spent Friday night and we got going yesterday morning.  First off they got acrylic nails.  They look great.  Then we went to the Mall where we spent the next 4 hours. LOL  Autumn had a gift card at Limited Too.  I'm happy to see the styles of the 60s coming back!  She got a cute dress, size 18.  We'll come back to that dress later in my post.  We must have hit every store then did dinner at Friendly's.  Then we went to Steve & Barry's where I got the jeans and a shirt and the girls got some cute t-shirts.  We came home about 8:30 and the girls wanted to do a fashion show for Mark.  They modeled everything.  Autumn showed that cute dress and joked that it would look cute on me.  Me?  Limited Too clothing?  So, for a laugh I put it on.  It was a little big but the 60s were back baby!  All I needed was some white go-go boots.  Well, the kids were screaming and dancing and had to show Mark.  He just laughed and told the girls to watch their clothing. lol  Here's the dress.  No, I didn't wear leggings with it.  I had on black tights.  Autumn said she'll bring the dress back on Thursday so we can take my picture in it.  Crazy 11 year olds!
autumns_dress.jpg Autumn's Dress picture by lv2beasahm

About Me
Pennsville, NJ
Surgery Date
Oct 06, 2006
Member Since

Friends 122

Latest Blog 120
OMG....I can't believe it!
18 Months Post-Op.....Some Reflections
Such a Sad Day
Halloween, Losing again and an ER visit
Depression....how deep does it get?
Depression and feeling invisible
