Getting Back to Basics......and Me!

Oct 08, 2007

I always envy those people who seem to have much more than 24 hours in their day.  My aunt, for example, makes me nuts. lol  Somehow, some way, her day must be 50 hours.  She's never behind, her house always looks wonderful and if there's a HUGE sewing project to be taken on, she's your lady.  For VBS each year she must make 300 canvas bags, personalized, with pictures, for the VBS campers.  One year their church did a safari theme.  She did different animals on each bag and, if the child was pre-registered, their name was on their bag.  And I'm sitting here wondering when I'll have time to make a tiny witch's cape for my kitten for Halloween.

I used to be an incredible organized person.  I'm not sure when things changed.  Maybe it was marriage (my husband is the Clutter King!) or the birth of my daughter.  But, I'm so frazzled now it's not funny.

So, I've decided to give myself a 30-Day Challenge.  In 30 days I want to get down to 170 (I'm 182 today) and to get my house organized and decluttered.  My mom is up to the task to help!  I see a dumpster in my driveway and lots of trips to Home Depot for contractor bags. lol  I'd love for my office to be finished by Christmas.  It's probably not unreasonable.

I've been in another stall which makes me nuts.  But, I HAVE to get back out there and exercise.  I'm doing 2 miles today then walking another mile to get to the local gym.  I'll see how that works and, more importantly, how much $$$, and then walk home.  That'll give me my 4 miles.   I'm finding some flab (bat wings and what do you dare call deflated thighs?) and walking alone won't get rid of it.  I'm not into the gym scene (no butt floss leotards for me!) so I'm hoping the morning people are "normal".  Normal being people who are there to get in shape and not just look at themselves, pose in the mirror and collect phone numbers.

Time to get the kitten off my lap, let the dog out, feed the dog and get the kid up!  7 am and Cinderelly is on duty! LOL

Replanning My Days

Oct 03, 2007

I've been a bad, bad girl.  Things have been nuts around my house.  I usually walk 3-4 miles a day.  With our track, it's like 3.3-4.4.  I haven't walked since Friday and I HATE IT! 

We own our own business and I answer the phones, do payroll, do HR, and do marketing.  Our biz opens at 9:00 a.m.  Problem?  I drop the kid at school at 8:05-8:10, run home, drop the purse, grab the iPod and go.  Walk 4 miles and I don't get home until like 9:15.  Take a quick shower and I'm in the office at 9:30.  Do you think my husband would answer the phones while I'm walking?  He can't......he's normally still in freaking bed!!!!!  We've been fighting about this A LOT lately.  Obviously, if I can't do my daily walk, anything I lose is gonna turn to thigh flab and I sure don't want that.

Sadly, I'm also treated like Cinderella around here.  God forbid one of "them" help clear the dishes, or take out the trash, or rinse and toss the recycling into the bins.  EVERYTHING around the house is my job and I'm SICK OF IT!  I do the FlyLady system but they're not buying into it.  Maybe they think if they "help", I'll have too much time on my hands to, GOD FORBID, actually do something for ME!  I type this and watch a kitten's paws scraping under my door.  She always needs me too.  This pulling ME into so many different directions is starting to affect my health.  I've been achy and tired the last three days.  I watch my husband and beloved daughter sit on their butts as the dog dances to go out or as I run around like a crazy person getting pets fed and cooking.  Why do people "assume" Stay-Home Moms like this?  Just because I stay home doesn't mean I have to "work" 24 hours a day.  I've always wanted to learn to knit.  Maybe someday.

So, as my depression gets to me, my weight loss makes me happy.  I saw 182 on the scale this morning.  I can't freaking believe I'll be in the 170s sometime next week.  My doctor's goal for me is 150.  I would love to be at 145.  We'll see who wins!  I hope it's me.


The Strangest Things Make Me Happy!

Oct 01, 2007

So, Sunday Mark's still in North Carolina visiting his folks and Britt and I were doing her book report.  Anyone who knows me knows I'm a HUGE Dallas Cowboys fan.  My mom raised me right.  Back in the 70s, my mom always watched The Cowboys.  Mom followed Roger Staubach (#12 QB) even back when he played for Navy.  I was a huge fan of Tony Dorsett (#33).  One day probably about 1977 or so we were in Sears and she got us each a jersey.  Hers a boys medium and mine a boys XL,  I was about 12 years old.  Told ya my mom's small. forward 30 years and my #33 jersey is still in the closet. LOL  I put it on and the result is in my Photo area.  I was so excited!!!.

I Got Banished!!!

Sep 28, 2007

Yesterday it happened.  What is "it" you may ask?  I was officially tossed out of the "Women's" side of the store. LOL  I was looking at clothes and a saleslady asked if I needed help.  I did the usual "just looking".  She said "for a gift?  It can't be for you because you're definitely in the wrong area of the store."  Then I realized it.  I was looking at an oversized size 22 sweater. LOL  It's gonna take a while before I figure out my "new" sizes.  So, I ended up in the dressing room and got a really cute sweater.  Of course, the kid ended up with a sweater and some capri slacks.  Now for the hysterical part of the day yesterday.  *I* tried on the sweater she brought in.  It fit me!  And, so did the larger size pants she brought in!  She always brings 3 different sizes and the ones that fit me were *HUGE GASP* size 14!  Me?????  Princess Big Ass in a size 14 capri slacks????  WTH?????  And, better yet, my ever shrinking ass looked pretty darned good in them. LOL

It's only been 4 months since those size 26 jeans fit me well.  No wonder my brain doesn't particularly get it. lol  Last night I emailed Dress for Success.  I have to buy all these gorgeous business clothes for the trips Mark and I take.  Then I come home and I work in jeans and t-shirts.  So, these gorgeous clothes are literally only worn once.  There's no way I'm taking them to Goodwill if they can really, truly, help someone.  I was cleaning out the closet at 12:30 am.  I didn't want to stop.  So, all these beautiful clothes are hanging up in dress bags waiting for the cue for them to find a new owner.  And I can't wait.  The other clothes will go to Goodwill.  And that's just fine by me.  I've been dying to put a closet organizer in there.  I see a weekend project while Britt's doing her book report. lol

Today's my dad's birthday and we're going to Outback Steakhouse.  I haven't seen my brother in about a year.  He works crazy hours.  He knows I've had the surgery but he hasn't seen me.  I can't wait!  He's my baby brother but I know he'll be so darned proud!

I'll post more later.....

Exercise......and Bat Wings

Sep 27, 2007

Before my RNY it never occurred to me that exercise was important.  Sure, my doctors tried to drill it in my brain, but I never had time.  So, now that I'm a mom, how did I find this extra hour each morning to actually take care of ME???  I LOVE my morning walks.  I see the same people each morning.  I take the same route each morning.  I avoid the same duck poo on the trail each morning.  But I LOVE my walk!  I hate the mornings that I can't go.  It totally screws up my day.

I bought some wrist/ankle weights at Walmart the other day.  These bat wings are getting on my nerves.  Sure, they're not as bad as some, but mine just bug me.  So, I put the wrist weights on yesterday and did as many arm exercises as I could possibly do while walking.  Now, I'm NOT the most graceful or coordinated person in the world, so this was a feat.  I must have done something right because my bat wings are S*O*R*E this morning.

I'm not a gym lover, but I'm also going there today to check out prices.  I know walking isn't going to get me as toned as I'd like.  So, hopefully, I can start the gym and tone up some flab.  I did Curves before but my orthopedic surgeon told me it's a no-no for me.  He told me he has a 30% increase in female patients "thanks" to Curves so I'll steer clear for now.  The folks at my local Curves were not the shiniest balls on the Christmas tree if you get my drift.  They never properly taught anyone how to use the equipment.  You just kind of watched the others to get an idea.  That's sad.

This morning my best friend of "forever" is going walking with me.  We had lunch yesterday for the first time in a long time. She's had multiple back surgeries so walking is her best bet.  I can't wait!  She also has a friend who is in the 350s and is thinking about WLS.  She wants to get us together because, of course, this poor woman has been told horror story after horror story.  I'm so glad I can be a shiny example of what happens MOST of the time!  Four months out, down 80 lbs., feeling more energy than since I was about 12 years old, and healthier than I've ever been.  I think WLS is fantastic!

Has it really been FOUR Months???

Sep 24, 2007

It occurred to me last night that today is my four-month surgiversary!  I was already in my jammies or I'd have had Mark take my four-month pictures.  I'll do that today.  Maybe I'll even motivate myself to put my monthly pictures on here. lol

So much has changed in these four months.  I've gone from size 26 jeans to size 18s that are already too big.  I've gone from 265 lbs to 185 lbs.  Funny enough, I was 185 pounds for what seemed like forever back 20 years ago.  I can't wait to leave that number.  I don't wanna stay here very long. lol  I've gone from almost no energy to TONS of energy.  I went from thinking exercise was a dirty word to stressing if I DON'T get in my 3.5 mile walk every day.  I'm so messed up on those non-walking days.  Thank goodness there are very few of those.

Ms. Karen asked me last night at dance what I've been doing or taking because she thinks I'm skinny.  Since I'm not someone to hide the fact that I had surgery, I happily told her and even showed her my scar.  I'm freaking proud of that scar!  Since there's another mom at dance who had it about 14 months before me, we're kinda old pros.  Neither one of us is "ashamed" we did it.  Quite the opposite.  We proudly tell AND hand out our surgeons' cards. lol  I'll never again be sorry I did it.  Sure, I had it kinda rough there for a while.  Now I happily drink my Fuzzy Navel shakes every day.  Yummy!  And, if she decides to do it, I'll be the first one to cheer her on!

I can't wait to go to support group tomorrow night.  Life has gotten in the way so I haven't been in 5 months.  We only have one a month.  I can't wait to see my OH pals and, hopefully, to take a few newbies with me.

So, Happy Surgiversary to me!!!!!

Another WOW Moment!

Sep 21, 2007

So, I pick up my shopping partner from school and we hit Fashion Bug and Cato.  Mama needs some jeans that fit!  I got a cute pair of size 16 WT jeans at Fashion Bug and a shirt.  We're hitting NYC tomorrow so I wanted something cute.  Ran next door to Payless and got some shoes.  Ran down to Cato and *IT* happened.  I got a pair of size 16 jeans on the MISSES side of the store!  Nope!  Not the WOMEN'S side but the OTHER side!  Talk about excitement!  Then we bopped over to Walmart so I could get some workout clothes that, well, actually fit. LOL  I found a Mickey sweatjacket in Juniors.  Britt tried it on and it fit her so cute.  For a joke I put it on.  The darned thing fit me too!!!!

People who have never had a weight problem just don't get the excitement. lol  I got some really cute long-sleeve t-shirts, a zippered hoodie to match a pair of workout pants, another pair of workout pants and 3 lb. wrist weights so I can work on my batwings while I walk.  Every day I'm so shocked at who I've become since that miracle only 17 weeks ago. 

Life is sooooooooooooo freaking wonderful!

On My Way!

Sep 21, 2007

Height:  5 feet   7 inches
Weight: 188 pounds
You have a BMI of 29.4.
This shows that you are moderately overweight.
Your BMI is not high enough to qualify you for bariatric surgery.

The table below shows value ranges and what they mean.

less than 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 - 39.9 Obese
40.0 - 50 Extremely Obese
over 50 Super Obese

Wow!  Could I really be here from a BMI of 40.3?  Every day just amazes me!  I saw my surgeon yesterday and, while waiting, met a great lady who is in the process of approval.  I was so excited that *I* could answer her questions, to put her mind at ease, to give her suggestions and to share my journey.  I always carry my pre-op and monthly photos with me.  Not only can I assure someone what a great surgery this is, but it reminds me how far I've come in such a short amount of time.  I feel so blessed to be on this journey.  But, I feel more blessed that I can meet these wonderful pre-ops and post-ops and maybe give them a hint or just some encouragement.  I'm off to NYC tomorrow!  Woohoo!!!!


Sep 19, 2007

You know how things can come back and bite you in the butt?  On my Sunday Weigh-In on the May 2007 forum I was complaining that my weight loss had come to a screeching halt.  I was 193.6 on Sunday and got on the scale this morning it read 189.0!!!!!  I guess walking 3.5 miles a day every day has jump started me again!  I can't freaking believe I'm in the 180s again!  I'm so freaking amazed.  Every week, no, make that every DAY is such an adventure!  Funny enough, I was able to put on my high school class ring.  That puppy hasn't fit since 1984!

I see Dr. Iqbal today.  I'm so excited to see him again.  I'm not sure how much weight I've lost since my last appointment.  I'll have to check that.  He warned me not to get too cocky or I'd stay at 200 and not make it to 150 (his goal).  Well, this week has been amazing for me.  Not just in the numbers on the scale but in my energy!  I'm running around here getting so much done!  Funny enough, my mental energy is better too.  I'm remembering things much better.  I guess I'm doing something right!

I'm Overweight!!!!!

Sep 18, 2007

I got up this morning very hopeful and waited for my digital numbers to come up.  190.6 showed!  191 put my BMI at 29.9 which is the high number for Overweight.  I was so excited that I had to grab my digital camera.  I put on my sweats, took the kid to school, parked the car at home and grabbed the iPod.  I walked that 3.5 miles and came home so excited.  If the loss continues that I've had this week, I'll be in the 180s tomorrow!!!!!  The Halloween 1986 picture here was me at 183 pounds.  I can't freaking believe I'm 7 pounds higher than that picture.  The best part is my body is losing inches in some formerly "prominent" areas.....if you know what I mean.  For the first time in my life jeans fit in the waist AND in the butt!  Pre-RNY I had to buy jeans for the butt then make sure I had cute belts because I always had to wear one.  It's so cool to go beltless now!

I see my surgeon tomorrow and I can't wait.  He's just the best guy and I always look forward to my appointments.  But, more importantly, I'm making a 20-year checkup appointment with my orthopedic surgeon.  20 years ago next week I fell at work, destroying both knees.  I had reconstruction on the right in 1987 and the left in 1989.  That was the beginning of my huge weight gain.  I gained 40 lbs following the first surgery.  I can't wait to see my ortho.  I hope he's shocked. :)

Goodbye 190s!!!

About Me
Pennsville, NJ
Surgery Date
Oct 06, 2006
Member Since

Friends 122

Latest Blog 120
OMG....I can't believe it!
18 Months Post-Op.....Some Reflections
Such a Sad Day
Halloween, Losing again and an ER visit deep does it get?
Depression and feeling invisible
