6 Weeks Checkup

Oct 03, 2014

So yesterday I went for my 6 week checkup (4 days before actual 6 weeks) and the NP seemed very happy and pleased with my progress. She knew I was upset that I wasn't losing like I thought I would but she encouraged me to keep trucking along and that I was doing good considering my starting weight and my high Thyroid levels. Since my initial consult weight of 227 I have lost down to 208. So 19 pounds. Who ever says having the bypass is taking the easy way out to me will probably get the wrath of my fury. ... Monday I get to start solid foods and any type of exercise I want! I'm definitely gonna get back on my treadclimber and give it a go... that thing tires you out quick though..but that may be what I need to get the pounds dropping off. I go back after Thanksgiving for my 3 month appointment. The also gave me two packets that had a lot of good info on foods to have or trade out for during the holidays. She said my expected weight loss from now until then should be between 10-15 pounds. I think that is completely do able!

I had an appointment for my endo after this checkup and she bumped up my meds by 15grams (to be taken at a different time in the day) in hopes that this will help bring my levels back down to where I like them and it that may in turn help me lose but no garuantees... nothing I am not used to. I'll do another retest of my blood in 6 weeks to determine how my levels have improved and then we will determine if it needs to be raised more or to stay at that level for a while. Next appointment with them will be Jan 20, 2015. So overall a good day.

