One day she remembered......

Feb 05, 2014

I was soooooooooooooooo happy to find this in my FB feed this morning shared by another surgery sista I met at an OH event... and today as I celebrate my 7TH YEAR SURGIVERSARY..... I REMEMBER and continue to celebrate each and every day that major step I took for me to be a better me for me and mine ... I have health... mobility... grace ... favor.... stamina ... a mindset to love and an adventurous spirit to discover ... I LOVE LOVE LOVE being me ... with my old heart and personality wrapped in a lighter frame ... I am in motion till the day I die and while I am at it I am living my journey one day... one choice at a time ... HAPPY 7TH YEAR SURGIVERSARY TO ME....


and NOW...

Whereas I could not even cross my legs at 327 lbs today maintaining at 203 pounds less I can squat on the floor and play with "GLOBITOS" these crazy bubbles "bloonies" that we played with as kids that my classmates and I were reminiscing about the other day ... I saw them out of the corner of my eye when I was checking out at a store and got them and on Sunday... I squatted on the floor with ease on the way up and on the way down while I played with my awesome toy poodles...

Yesterday I forgot my lunch bag and had to hit up the caf at work ... 7 years on the journey and I am still reaching for pro-forward choices seamlessly with ease and enjoyment ... good nutritious food that doesn't pack on the pounds abound ... and I find power in my choices ... so I forgot my lunch but enjoyed strawberries and cottage chese for breakfast and YUMMY Swiss Chard topped with Feta for lunch ... came home to awesome dinner of baked salmon stuffed with shrimp and scallions TO DIE FOR....

I rang in my surgiversary awesomely ... last week on Monday 1/27/14 I spent the day in the Big Apple at an awesome meet and greet and luncheon with awesome OH sistas I met on here back in 2007 when I joined and while some no longer post I have embraced them as my friends as I got to know them as the awesome persons that they are despite the oftentimes judgementalism of an online screen .... picture me with my high heeled boots and tiny duds heading into the city to have a blast ... My luncheon with Diana Cox and Bagelface and EN and MsVee and AAAA was superb ... we met at Katz Deli on the lower East Side and had a blast... diversity at its best ... interracial, interbeliefs/unbeliefs, intersurgical we were all one an awesome diverse mesh of post-ops women and a very supportive spouse of one each complimenting the other as it should be ... what fun I had... censoring diversity of style and delivery sucks .. it fixes nothing and kills the spirit of tolerance and togetherness in common goals ... I MISS MY FORMER BANNED OH POSTERS A LOT! and whyyyyyyyyy oh why did the cab drive take me all out of my way because I did not pronounce Houston Street a la Manhattan? geez Louise not only did my accent get in the way but I managed to turn a $10 ride into a $35 dollar one LOL ... only me ... I am still practicing Hawwwwwwwston WTH? LOL

 My Big Apple collage and duds last week as I headed out to celebrate IRL with friends met on OH and continue relationship on and off the boards... and I walked through Grand Central Station nimble in my high heeled boots and pigeon toes too LOL ...

I SIT HERE TODAY CELEBRATING MY SURGIVERSARY ..... I rung it in at midnight in a pleasant exchange with a newly found former OH poster who I met last week and we have soooooooooooooooooo much in common it was past midnight when we bid ourselves goodnight ... today and everyday I am celebrating me and everyone else in this awesome community ... for one day she remembered .... I REMEMBERED.... 

At my desk yesterday on break in between bites of my delicious breakfast ....

7 YEARS OUT ....WOOT! Loving the ride that I will never allow to end ....  I don't ever want to forget for I don't EVER want to go back!!! Thanking OH for the space to share and thanks to DC and Charles and EN and Susan and MsVee and AAAA for an AWESOME meet and greet in the city .... and thanks for the entire OH community linked by the common goal in pursuit of wellness for allowing me to share SNIPPETS of my Journey on this my 7th Surgiversary.

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