...when cold and snow don't blow...

Feb 17, 2014

I had the most horrible respiratory process going on for over a week ... it seems like there was an invisible faucet attached to my nose that was left on around the clock while my head exploded with congestion and my body decided it just wanted to rest and sleep and sleep and rest ... I hated the tired, dragging, fatigued feeling ... then the snow came and kept coming and coming and coming .... at one point I decided to just get up and get out there and help the guys with the shoveling ... breaking a sweat in the cold made me feel much better .... DH treated me to an awesome bowl of spicy chicken feet soup from Maxine's Jamaican restaurant and it hit the spot ... it took me right back down memory lane and to home to where my nana would make the most awesome soups (chicken feet, cow foot, fish head with dumplings and veggies and ground provision) to treat the common colds according to her ... the stuff worked ... more-so for the TLC that she put in it and the special attention that we got while she doted on us .... awesome childhood memories... the soups were delish believe it or not... although when I make chicken feet soup now my DD and DS say ewwwwwwwwwww.... 

So while I was down a bit I added shoveling snow to my exercise routine ... biceps and triceps are feeling it still ... and when I got home from work on Friday I was greeted with a HOT FLASH getting out of the car .... YIKES.... the snow blocking the shed in my backyard came in so totally handy ... hey why not put it to good use? I took off my coat while the flash crawled up from my toes to my head taking my breath away so I just sat down on it YUP on the snow and just picture AWd while I was at it ... why not? .... awesome Rx for an old sista having a hot flash LOL....

if you can't beat it join it the saying kinda goes .... even if it means building an igloo in our backyard as my awesome neighbor and her husband did and here I am while its being constructed using an empty recycling bin in which the snow was packed in to make awesome blocks ... I took a picture with one of her awesome daughters a lovely munchkin that I enjoy loving and spoiling as I do not have grandkids of my own but my awesome toy poodle Pierretta will be having a liter next month so a fury grandma I will be...

I got up this morning to discover that it had snowed a bit overnight and we are expecting another 5-6 inches tomorrow on top of the mounds of snow that we have not gotten rid of yet YIKES! anyhow we will take it in stride ... and while we are at it why not enjoy????

A bad cold tried to knock me down for a few days ... I shed a few pounds above the waist where I don't need to lose another ounce I wish it would wear off the caboose or the thighs but that is okay ... I am still within my maintenance range 7 years post op and maintaining ... and loving it....

This is just another goofy post ... staying on track in maintenance for life ... 7 YEARS POST GASTRIC BYPASS... thanks all and OH for allowing me to share .... SNIPPETS OF MY JOURNEY...

