Red, pink, puppies & Maintenance... is it spring yet?

Mar 27, 2014

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr it is COLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDD... why is it still winter in the spring? ahhhhhhh well never mind I am going to make the most of it anyway ... I am on the most awesome journey for life living and loving the walk and the talk as if it just happened yesterday... I look forward to each new day weighing 203 pounds lighter and maintaining great health with 0 co-morbidities having five of these conditions in remission since RNY 7+ years ago  ... I am soooooooooooooo happy and forever grateful that ObesityHelp offers a platform where I could track, keep myself in check and in remembrance of how far I have come and plan to stay, to share my journey and benefit from so many others sharing theirs while on the same walk for health and wellness for life.... I track it all with my empiric tool ... my digital empowerment journal "A Picture A Day Keeps the Pounds on the Inches Away" it is my daily tracker and while I post snippets from it more infrequently now so as not to annoy others .... I still share and am grateful for OH allowing me to share SNIPPETS of MY journey ... it is My History... MY Story ... and I own it!

I love love love hair ... and on my most recent meet and greet in New York City a month ago organized by a former OH member I got to meet and find an AWESOME and kindred spirit and we BOTH love hair ... WOOT! ... I have been sharing with her awesome demos from my shops with no strings/costs attached and have been having FUN rocking my hair in different lenghts in shades of REDS .... ringing in the SPRING that eludes us as it is COLD???? Whoever wears red hair and pink duds???? well ME! LOL...

I got all done up on Sunday for an awesome b-day celebration dinner for my DH on his b-day... 

and everyday I enjoy the awesomeness of my three furry bundles ... the prettiest puppies ever from my toy poodles very first litter ... totally planned and cared for with love forever....

Three awesome bundles of joy...

and my empowerment collage today ... loving my journey!!!

