Purrfect walkers.. 7 years and 2 months out today...

Apr 04, 2014

My morning started hitting the pavement in a 6 mile run ... and now after posting this I am off to the gym ... I am rocking my journey and loving it more each day still...

Off to the gym ... bokwa, zumba and body pump in that order...

I am loving my furry bundle this morning ... ahhhhhhhhh they smell and feel sooooooooooo awesome I am soooooooooo in love with my brood...

My beautiful friend and co-worker came to bond with little Roscoe who will be her own a gift from me 6 weeks from now..

I have purrrrrrfect walkers too... my very first litter of adorable toy poodles ... they are trying to walk at three weeks old today and I would just capture them on video ... they are keeping me on my toes...


For 7 years and 2 months today I have maintained a total loss of 203 pounds from my highest weight ... one day, one choice at a time ... living life to the fullest by living and let live this is the best thing I have ever done for me and it has trickled down in so many ways indeed... 

Thanks for allowing me to share snippets of my journey... off to the gym!!! it is a good day indeed... HAPPY SATURDAY TO ALL!!!


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