Well new update on whats been going on...

Oct 14, 2009

These past few weeks have been nuts! My son had a birthday on Sept 20, my oldest daughter Oct 4. My son turned 5 (cant believe he started kindergarten!! Now I feel OLD!!) and my oldest turned 10 ( cant believe that one either!). Now in a couple of weeks I am turning 33yrs old (Oct 25). 33?? I still remember when I was 18 and I thought anyone over 30 was OLD. One time my oldest daughter (she must have been like 4 or 5yrs old) asked me if I was around when cars were first made. Was F'n hilarius!! Gotta love kids! School started for the kids and I and I have been so bogged down with homework (studying, papers that need my attention..which reminds me..I have one due soon, again..just did one a couple of days ago.LOL). Then there is the issue of kiddos and work. I have cut my hours down at work to be home with the kids more. I was only working 3 days a week, Im down to 2. Just Friday and Saturdays.

I have lost a total of 80lbs since surgery in May and I only have 32lbs until my goal of 115 lbs. Just to make a note here...I am only 5ft tall exactly, so that is a good weight for me. It is a bmi bmi between 18 and 20 (as of 20 mins later, I checked the BMI calculator and I was able to go to 96lbs before it said I was underweight, So I could go down to 96lbs, but I dont want to) for someone of my height..so it is not too skinny for me.

Im still having problems with protein, and my hair has been falling out by the handfuls. I was contemplating on buying a wig. I usually have thick hair, and now it is thin. I have also cut it up to my chin so I dont get so depressed about it, but I have started eating 3 Lean Cuisienne Meals aday. They have about 20gms protein in them per dinner. If I cant eat it all at once, I pick at it for awhile until its gone. It usually takes me an hour to eat it. I am learning that I love fresh veggies and fruits (which I have always loved, just never spent the money to buy them). Yes I know that they have a lot of sugar, so I watch how many I eat.

I still love the fact I had this surgery. I have Bipolar Disorder and my meds have been cut in half. My meds have been cut in half because usually when the meds were given, they were given for a person that weighs 220lbs, not a person of 139lbs.  When a person is prescribed meds, the dr goes by weight. Since I was in the hospital in Sept, I have been able to keep food down due to the meds they put me on and also able to tolerate a different kind of vitamin. Building Blocks Vitamins, which are a really tasty bariatric vitamin. I also am taking Calcium Citrate, Vit B, iron, vit D, and Vit C. Looks like a ton and it is, but I am able to manage by putting them in a pill container with my other meds and put them on the kitchen counter where I can see them. I have to walk past them all day long.

Well guess this is it..Everyone have a great day..I will be back soon..


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its been too long...

Sep 25, 2009

Hello everyone!  It has been awhile and things have been so nutzo lately. The kids are back in school and finally I am back as well. I am happiest when I am there. I just cant seem to get financial aid to release my refund money back to me. GRRR But oh well...

I am down a total of 70lbs since May, and in a size 12/14 (12 can fit, but a tad tight). I feel good except that there are days where I cant seem to keep anything down, which was a reason I was in the hospital in the beginning of Sept. The dr put me on Zehgrid (sp?). It's an antiacid that is stronger than Prilosec. It works wonders. I also have a stash of Reglin too that the dr gave me. But all in all, things are going great. I am having problems with self-esteem issues though. I dont know if anyone has ever gone through this. I still see myself at over 200lbs. Everyone keeps telling me that I look awesome, and soo small. My husband tells me I lost half of me. But I just don't see it.  I am down in the just overwight category for my BMI, but, I still feel as fat as I was 4 months ago. I don't know why I feel like this. You would think I would be happy, but I am actually kind of depressed. Is this normal?

I feel that some of my depression is also caused by my home life. My son is in kindergarten and doing terrible. He has become the class trouble maker. He refuses to listen to anyone, pinches his friends, and tried cutting his friends fingers yesterday with his scissors. He just turned 5 this past Sunday the 20th of Sept. We had a small party for him, and my brother in law bought him a set of drums..I begged my husband to not get him these for his birthday. He went behind my back and told his brother that this is what Patrick really wanted..all because he wanted Patrick to have these stupid noisemakers. Now I am constantly with a headache. I have used the drums as a bargaining tool for him to behave which is NOT working any more. It worked the first few days, but he still didnt behave in school. School has been in session for almost 3wks, and has had 3 good days..the rest, well?? Not so good. My husband and I are beginning to wonder...Why can't the teacher tell us anything good about what he does do in school..like writing his name? or Tying a shoe? I feel like all she does is bitch and complain over everything...But then again, if he misbehaves...hes gotta be punished. He has to do the time for the crime. I am not one of those mothers who sit back and say "No not my kid..My kid would NEVER act like that." I can own up to what my kids do. Another thing that pisses me off..I went to the school social worker the other day to find out what kind of behavior plan we could come up with at school...Instead she hands me a packet of HOW TO DISCIPLINE KIDS AT HOME!! It is called SMART Discipline. How funny is that?!?! Shes telling me how to take care of him at home, but they cant get a handle of him at school?!?! I feel the social worker basically told me that i didnt know what I was doing as a parent, and that it is my fault Patrick acts up in school??

Another thing that is bugging me is that my oldesnt, JoHanna's birthday is on October 4th. Shes going to be 10yrs old. She also got invited to a birthday party on the same day. I let her decide what she wanted to do. She wants to go to the party for her friend. I said ok. I feel that she is getting older and I am letting go a very little bit at a time. Im scared of letting go. In 2yrs shes going to be a preteen then a teenager and then off into the scary big world where I can't protect her. Sorry got ahead of myself there... But back to why I am buggin... I wanted her to pick spend her birthday with me. I mean, I went through a lot for her to be here. I feel I am being selfish for feeling like that. She is still my daughter and I can celebrate her birthday another day I guess, but that should be my day with her.

Ok now I feel better...Sorry for the rambling on.on.on...

Well had the endoscopy...

Sep 01, 2009

This past week I went for the endoscopy and they found a suture still  in there, what ever that means. I have no idea, all I know is it opened up whatever the problem was because I can finally keep down my food..YAYY But you should see the bruise the one nurse left on my arm, it looks like I am an avid drug user. Well first off, I have deep veins that roll, so usually nurses go through my hands, but this one seemed to think she could get it. Well, instead, she blew the vein and left this HUGE bruise. I love it..Its the size of a dollar coin.  But all in all, I had myself worked up for something so minor and it wasnt as bad as I had thought. They also took a biopsy. The PA said she wanted to see me in 2wks, but I have an appt with the other PA in 2wks anyway, so not gonna bother.


Went to See Audry @ Dr Caruana's office

Aug 18, 2009

Well I went to see Audry at Dr Caruana's office today because I have had a hard time keeping food down. She decided to send me for an endoscope. She said it sounds like a stricture. WTF!?!?! I have been soo faithful on reading labels, making sure I get a good amount of protein (not from the shakes, but from foods).  This has been on going for 3wks or so. She said because it wasn't that bad until recently, I NOW cant keep much of anything down, that it is probably scar tissue and it needs to be expanded. Oh well, right?? Plus I got my lab results back..all was normal!! That is something to be proud of..Except my good cholesterol was low. But she said it was ok. I would rather it be low that too high.

You know... I am having a hard time again looking in the mirror. I dont see much of a change, but the scale and others do. I do see it in my face, but I still have the same rolls I had before surgery. I have lost a total of 60 lbs to date. My BMI says I am just overweight now!! I am glad it says that, but I still don't see it. Maybe I am just used to the old fat me??? I def know that I am going to need plastic surgery to get rid of the extra skin. I have undergone a natural breast reduction..I have lost cleavage from losing weight. BUT I have kept bat wings, rolls, and flabby inside legs. Any ideas on how to get rid of these??? 
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I wish he hadn't...

Aug 15, 2009

My husband bought me a scale!! My other one (a $60 one at GNC), my kids poured water on it and broke it. I was trying to do this without weighing myself. He also asks me every day if I weighed myself today. I keep telling him I weigh in only once a week. Which is how you're supposed to right or you get discouraged??

I feel so lucky to have had this surgery. Yesterday I was able to get on the floor and play with Oreo (my dog) and was down there for a bit. I rubbed his belly and showed my husband how he crawls on the floor which I taught him recently. Oreo is just like one of the kids, except he doesnt destroy any thing and just lays down instead of driving me nuts. Oreo has never been a chewer, even when he was a puppy.. He was the ideal puppy...He didn't cry for his mommy the day I brought him home, but it helps that I seen him almost every week, and 3 days before I picked him up, I took him a blanket that I had slept with for a wk for him to cuddle in. I picked him up a wk before my son's 1st birthday. I knew I wanted him when he was 9days old. He still is the perfect dog.

My husband just bought my son, Patrick, a skateboard..Hes almost 5yrs old. He scares the daylights out of me when he is on it. I feel he is too young still. But Patrick wanted one soo bad, and has been pooping on the potty (I know TMI, but it is a BIG deal here..He has been going in his pants and we were getting sooo mad that we started bribing him. For the past 3 days..he hasn't gone in his pants.)  He starts kindergarten next month and needs to grow up a bit. He still thinks he's a baby and hes not. I blame myself. I cant have any more babies, which I always wanted more, so I have babied him too much.

Well thats it for now...

Newest update on wt loss!!

Jul 31, 2009

Ok, so I am excited that I am 160lbs now. I am in a 16pant, but they are almost too big now. Im a 15, but they dont make a 15, so I am thinking of mens pants for now and my double chin is gone!! I am just in AWE about the way my body has changed. The only thing is that my stretch marks are changing color..getting darker than they were before surgery. Oh well!! I will take it.. My BMI is now a 31. Just borderline obese/overweight. I am 2.5 months out. I am still not all that hungry. I have tried eating different things, and loving life now. I cant get to the gym yet, but make sure I walk the neighborhood atleast 1 time a day with my kids and dog.

Anyone with an idea still on protein shakes?? I try to get protein in with beef and chicken, and other foods. I still cant stomach my protein shakes~ just the ones made at Synergy or Planet Smoothie in the McKinley Mall. When I make them, they just dont come out the same. I think that Synergy should have a few classes on how to make the best kind of protein shakes for those of us having a hard time. I have noticed some hair on my clothes (more than usual).

Well guess that's it for now....

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Wasnt a muscle spasm :(

Jul 22, 2009

What I was feeling the other night was not a muscle spasm..rather a herniated disc. Fun huh? Im going to a orthopedic dr to have it looked at. I have been having problems with my back for about 10yrs now, and I think this is the icing on the cake so to speak.

We got our dryer fixed. YAYY

I took my kids to go see Transformers 2 tonight and they LOVED it. I couldnt keep my son quiet. Whenever there was going to be an action scene, he started yelling at the movie screen. He was so cute. I dont know why I even took him. He was misbehaving all day, but the whole family went as a family outting. It was fun. I didnt think my girls would like it, but they loved it. I gotta say...I want the Camaro in the movie "BumbleBee." Someday, whenever I decide to finish my degree, I will own a camaro..Dunno when though. Has anyone SEEN the new camaro?? BEAUTIFUL!!

Any who...Just wanted to share some positives...(and others)

Hope everyone is doing well!!
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i still have this problem...

Jul 17, 2009

I thought losing weight would help my lower back not be in much pain, well last night after work, I went  into spasms and this am they are still there. Ouchie they hurt, oh well!!! I used to be on muscle relaxers, but they made me sleep for days, so I cant take them. 

Good news is that I love being back to work. I have been back exactly 1wk today. YAYYY!! 

Our dryer broke down yesterday and the guy had to come out 2xs, and coming to find out, the 220 line is the wrong one?? I didn't know there was a difference?? That is what is wrong. We thought it was the dryer, thank god it wasnt.

Yesterday was a bad day, eatting wise. I ate what I was allowed, and no matter what I ate, it came up. Even water came up once. I got sick a couple of times and it made me soo tired I slept for 3hrs. Any ideas? I know it couldn't have been dumping, I didnt have any sugar, or at least not much of it. Maybe it was a stomach bug??? 
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Just Obese

Jul 13, 2009

I am soo excited. I am finally on the lower end of being obese!! When I started my journey I was severely obese, now I am almost considered overweight. YAYYYY
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Ok so all men are ok

Jul 07, 2009

Well I can't say men..My friend has a 20yr old guy living with her (like a son to her). Well while I was staying there he made a few passes at me. I was so flattered, but he is WAYYYY to young for me. I am 32 yrs old. He has a girlfriend that is 26yrs old. It made me feel good in a weird kind of way.

I actually fit into my friend's clothes. My clothes are too big on me. Her clothes range from an XLarge- Large. I was soo psyched. I am under 170lbs now. YAYYY Since I first met with Dr Caruana I have lost almost 44lbs. YAYYY!!

Well guess thats it for now!!
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