How does hubby feel about surgery?

May 26, 2007

May 26, 2007 - This was a questioned posted and of course I couldn't wait to post my reply because my husband is sooooooooooo wonderful.

Here is my response:
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share about my husband.  I just love him so much and he is so supportive.  At first when I told him about the surgery he thought it was plastic surgery and was against it.  The more I talked about it the more he started to research it.  He even had to get his office of three people with three families to change their medical insurance so we could be under an insurance that covered the surgery.  That took a year, but he did it.  He has gone to appointments with me.  He went to my nutrition class with me so he could learn what I would be eating.  When my medical doctor said I would have to do six months supervised diets, I was so distraught I could not even talk to the doctor so he stepped in did the research to show that our insurance did not require it and she gave us our referral, 4 weeks later I am now approved for surgery.  My husband has been such an advocate for me.  He read a post where someone's husband fixed all her shakes and soft liquids and that made it real easy for her and he said he will do that for me.  He will take time off when I have the surgery also.  I am just so blessed by God to have this man as my husband.  He was God's gift to me when we married in 2000.  He is my best friend.  I am truly blessed.

I'm sorry it is so mushy (well no I'm not, but I hope I don't offend), but we've been on a three year journey with what has started with post-partum depression and is now just depression, and he has just been so good to me.  He even does the grocery shopping.  That will change once I'm on the losers' bench.  I can't wait to do for him all the things he has done for me. 

Okay I'll stop.  Thanks again for letting me share.


May 24, 2007

May 24, 2007-  This was a post I made in response to someone who was told she needed 6 months supervised diets.

April 2, 2007, I went to my PCP because I needed to get a referral to the surgeon for WLS.  My PCP said "sure I will do the referral, but most insurance companies require six months monitored dieting" so once that is completed she would give me the referral.   I was devastated and cried when I got home. 

I had already waited over a year because my husband's insurance didn't cover the surgery and we had to wait for open enrollment.  One of the insurances we were looking at required TWO YEARS supervised diets, the other did not specify any supervised diet requirement. 

DH called the doctor's office, spoke with the nurse told her that the guidelines from the surgeon's office was to get the referral as soon as possible so they could work with the insurance company to find out what was needed.  We were in the midst of changing insurances so we had to wait until we were in the insurance co's system.  Once we got in the system....

April 20, 2007, The nurse at PCP asked us to fax over the insurance company's guidelines for WLS.  I have Blue Cross HMO.  They did not state that they needed six months of dieting. DH followed up with a phone call and two days later had the referral.  Just yesterday May 23 I was approved by my insurance company.  Don't have a date yet. 

So find out what your insurance co guidelines are.  You can probably go Online to obtain the info, which is what we did.  Than get it to the nurse to see if she can help you be and advocate for you if your insurance company does not specifically state that you have to have the six months.  Also, look at the steps of your surgeon's office.  That's what helped my DH to even pursue challenging my doctor.  Otherwise, I could still be doing another five more months right now.  Let me know what happens.  I'll be praying for you. 

I have a 2-year-old and a 3-year-old and I know how tiring they can be with my lack of energy and my physical pain.


May 23, 2007

May 23, 2007 - This is the post I made when I was approved. 

Hi all,
I got approved by my insurance company today.

I just had to share with my OH family.   You all have given me so much encouragement.

Now I just have to wait up to ten business days to get a date.



May 23, 2007

May 23, 2007 - This was in response to someone's post....  I had gained almost 100 pounds over my already overweight weight due to post partum depression.  March of 2006 I wanted to have gastric bypass.  We checked it out with our insurance and they did not cover it.  Our time for open enrollment was April 1.  The only problem is my husband's  whole office of three people would have to change their insurance too.  By the time anything could be done April 1, 2006 had come and gone....

.....1 YEAR LATER.....

...So here we come to April 1, 2007. We were able to work it out that the whole office was willing to change insurance companies (through God's help of course, not by our own strength). I had my PCP appointment end of April, had to fight for a referral to the WLS surgeon (another story),
got the referral April 27, met requirements and paperwork submitted to insurance on May 16, 2007 and TODAY I GOT THE CALL IT WAS APPROVED.  I could not believe it!!! 

To be continued.....


May 21, 2007

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - Dad in hospital since May 17th.

My dad was just diagnosed with bone cancer on May 7.  He quickly deteriorated before treatment even started on May 17 for which he went into the hospital.  The doctor stated my dad would have one shot at chemotherapy.  If it did not work, we would know in about three weeks and probably would not want to do any more treatments.  I am having such a hard time even wrapping my mind around all of this as it has happened so fast.  The chemo seems to be working and right now and it is a wait and see.  He is still in the hospital. 

I am humbly asking for your prayers, first and foremost, for the healing of my dad and that this chemo will work.  There are still many things he needs to do and I feel so in my heart it is not his time.  As a secondary side note, I am asking for prayers for me, to be rid of this demon of depression and overcome my fears and my own discomfort.

I had been wanting to ask for help, but would just sit and stare at the computer.  I really appreciate any words of wisdom, encouragement, and prayers.

God bless,


May 20, 2007

May 21, 2007 - Someone posted about having a secret goal in the back of our head when all of our weight is lost.

My response:  This is a great post.  My secret dream is to wear sexy clothes and be arm in arm with my husband and for me to feel good being with him.  He has always loved me no matter what my size.  I want to feel like I look HOT.  I've always been conservative and dressed conservative, somewhat shy, and very insecure and it has become worse since I put on the final amount of weight that put me over the top.

Here's to the day my secret dream comes true.

About Me
Lakewood, CA
Surgery Date
May 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 49

Latest Blog 26
Enjoying Not Having to Eat.-It's Amazing
Diet Coke Addiction!!!!!
Three Week Update!!!!!
One Week Post Op-Update
I'm Home!
Feelings, nothing more than feelings- where did that come from?
OMGosh OMGosh I got a date!!!!!
