Weight "249" BMI 34.9

Apr 29, 2009

I am dancing al over the place.I am so happy to be down off some of this weight.I know a couple weeks ago I was in a "size 16" I am still fitting that "16" nicely and was able to even get in a "size 14". When I say I am thanking "GOD" every chance I get. " I THANK GOD RIGHT THIS MOMENT".  I give all the praise to him. I kno wthat sometimes the road gets rough but I am pressing my way all the way to the door.I want to be in an official "size 14" by May 23, 2009.I will be keeping all of you informed on my progress and will put up pics real soon.You can do anything that you put your mind to.I am a "TRUE BELIEVER" of those words. To be in a "SIZE 16" is a dream sometime and all I want to do is lose more weight and keep it off. When I get to a size 12 somebody better call "911" cause I will be unstoppable.This is my dance until I update again To all my OH family know that "ANYTHING" is possible through "CHRIST" who stregthens me. 

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