My Journey to back to life

Nov 22, 2008

The journey getting here was full of challenges and pitfalls. I began this journey, actually in 2003, with the protein weigh loss program at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI. After originally losing 90 lbs I gained it all back and then some. Shakes alone were not for me it seems. I just couldn't do it. The hunger was always there.
I have lost and gained weight all my life, even as a child. In grew up always being the last kid picked for a team of street baseball, the last child to finish any race. While I did lose weight in high school and was on the swim team, I dove into hard workouts fearing the day that the fat boy would jump back out from within me. By college it did. There were no real dates in high school and no prom for me, I was always fat and thought I would always be.
The struggle to be normal in weight had consumed my life and limited my happiness. All the things that I had always wanted to do were tempered by the limitations of my size.

In 2005. back over 400 lbs I nearly died, My life was saved by an old friend from my boyhood, a fellow boy scout, and now surgeon Dr. Rob Jury when my gall bladder filled with stones while camping in a remote part of Wyoming. Only a miracle can describe the incredible chain of coincidences that led to the saving of my life and the events since. Coincidences that led me to depart the remote camp early, and return home. When my old boy scouting friend Dr. Jury told me that I was "the worse case" he had ever seen with a failing liver and kidneys I knew I was blessed to be alive. Dr. Jury recommended to me that I see his partner, Dr. Krause about gastric bypass surgery. Thank you Rob! First you saved my life then you and Dr. Krause gave me a life. God bless you both.

The hunger is no longer there, Dr Krause put out the fire.

I have had very few problems along the way. Today Is Nov.23, 2008 and I weigh 293 lbs, down 166 lbs in 8 months. I bought a pair of size 40 jeans today, Starting at a size 66 that's a long way. I have kept wearing my size 66 belt and punched new holes into it. It now raps beyond half way again around me. I will keep wearing it until the day it surpasses twice around me.

Through the support of the Beaumont Weight Loss Center and the blessing of friends I am not only alive but living life today. If you are considering the RNY surgery and have questions email me at [email protected] I will reply. If you have had RNY surgery and have problems or questions feel free to email me also.

