Hair Loss: I answered a blog with this today. Please share it.

Feb 08, 2009

 So, OK, It's about time I said this. Too many people are so preoccupied with their hair loss.

In fact look at all of the pictures of me!

Your hair will come back, mine won't. I had to adjust to it for a life time. It's temporary after WLS and if it weren't it would be a very small price to pay for your life.  I suffer from alopecia areata beginning when I was 12 years old, when my hair started falling out in patches. It was devastating. My school, fearing I had something contagious, wanted me removed. It is a genetic immune disorder. Try and imagine being 12 years old and experiencing that. For years I endured thousands of painful steroid injections, hundreds per treatment every month,  just under the skin, on my arms, legs, scalp and face to keep my hair. My Alopecia Areata became Alopecia Totalis over 10 years ago leaving me with virtually no hair on my body. That meant hundreds of more injections, everywhere. Finally the epidermal steroid injections stopped working and I was facing systemic steroids to keep my hair. Its just hair, systemic steroids will damage your body over time. When you lose even your eye lashes and eyebrows its traumatic, but if it's that or losing your life prematurely, well then, it's a no brainier to me. I chose and will always choose life! If someone said you can either shave your head or die, I hope that you would shave your head. It will grow back, but you only get one life, live it. Your hair will never matter to those who are really important in your life and your life will always be important to them. I am adding this to my blog in hope that others will read it too. Please share this with anyone with hair loss concerns.

