April 30th Update

Apr 30, 2009

Well I had my last visit before surgery today and I am now 264 lbs, I think that is 6  more down since my last visit.

Things were a bit rushed at the appointment, I think they were having a fire sale at the City View Surgeons office today!!
But I got all my questions answered and I'm good to go.

Three weeks from today it will be all over.......Exciting!

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April 7th Update

Apr 07, 2009

Well the day has come,
I have been waiting for a surgery date since January and yesterday they called and told me I am booked for May 20th.
Excited, scared and everything else all rolled up into one. What a ride!!

March 30 Update

Mar 30, 2009

We'll it's been 4 weeks since my last check in, the one I hope never to repeat, the 2 lb gain!!

I managed to get my weight going the right direction again and was down 5 lbs today.  I know that I was down more earlier on in the month but some bad choices and that's what I got. Regardless it's better than up.

I asked about a surgery date but they have no idea, I believe the surgeon is away right now so I'm sure I'm not the only one getting impatient. It really doesn't matter, since I know I'll always have to eat this way but I find my horde of supporters are quickly losing interest when there are no big losses to celebrate.

Oh well it is what it is.

March 2 Update

Mar 02, 2009

Well here I am with this month's update and it is an ugly one.
I saw Chris today at Dr. Farries office for my monthly check and I was up 2 lbs. OMG!!

It really was what I expected, I have have had a heck of a month, didn't do my exercise and didn't eat properly. I actually was almost looking forward to today because I knew I would have to face up to my stupidity!!

Some of you know that one of my sisters has terminal cancer and this month has been a really bad one for her, she is not eating now and is in a lot of pain so I apparently decided I'd eat for her. Also I slipped on some ice and fell, I hurt my neck and shoulder so I decided to quit doing the little bit of exercise I had been doing. Consequently after losing 46 lbs in 5 months, I wasted this month and am now only down 44 lbs. I am pretty pissed at myself.
However I do know that being disgusted with myself won't help, either, so I have decided that I will go back to basics and just get going again, the right direction this time!!

I still have no surgery date, but she said it shouldn't be much longer before I hear.
She went over all the pre-op stuff and we talked about all the eventualities.
It seems a little more real now so we'll wait to hear.

My blood pressure was 117/63-how freaky is that! She sent me to get an ECG and blood work and since there are a lot of illnesses in the family I need to see the anesethetist(sp) as well once they have all those results. 
I see my GP tomorrow and I may need to get my meds changed too. (I've never had a B/P that low)

So here I go, trying to get back on track and waiting to hear.

January 26 Update

Jan 26, 2009

I was to see the surgeon today for my monthly check-up.
I got to see Dr Farries as opposed to Chris (who is great but of course doesn't have the answers that the Dr does) and we had a good talk about what kind of weight loss I could expect with each of the bypass and the band surgeries and what kind of a goal weight he thought was possible for me.
So, we set a goal weight of 160 lbs which is what I weighed when I got married in 1972, yikes!! He weighed me and I was down a total of 46 lbs since September 8th, which feels pretty darn good (not exactly what I thought I might be down, I was hoping for 50 lbs by today but that was a bit ambitious I guess).
He tells me that he feels I am ready to have the surgery and he will be scheduling it, his office will call me with a date but that it will still be at least 2 or 3 months. In the meantime I am to continue on the 1 cup-3 x per day and try and get more active and keep going in for the monthly visits.
We talked about risks and outcomes and I've decided on gastric bypass and am very happy with that decision. I've talked to lots people my age and older that have had great success with the bypass.
He is confident that this is a good decision for me and so am I.
So all I have to do now is more of what I have been doing and wait for my surgery date.

December 29 Update

Dec 29, 2008

Well I hope that you all had a great Christmas, we did, we were able to spend time with all of our kids over the holidays.
I visited the sleep center on the 23rd and now I am trying to get used to wearing a c-Pap machine when I sleep.  It is not going very well at present but apparently I stop breathing an average of 17 times per hour when I sleep so its no wonder I have trouble getting enough rest.
Today was my day to see the surgeon, I went thinking that maybe he would be able to give me a surgery date - however he wasn't even there, he had picked up some extra OR time so was operating. He helps alot of people ( he did surgery for colon cancer on my sister and my mom) so it was good that he got some extra time do do some of his surgeries.
The good news though is that I was down  almost 5 pounds since December 1 so I was pretty pleased, we had so many food related functions this month that I was a bit nervous. I am now down 55 lbs from my highest weight in 2006, and 38 since I first saw him.
My next appointment is January 26th and by then the gastroscopy will be done and I think that is the last hurdle, at least that I know of.
My resolution is to make sure that I measure everything so that I only get 1 cup 3 times a day for the next four weeks and see if I can get a really good loss for January.

December 18 Update

Dec 19, 2008

Well the sleep study thing worked and apparently I do have what they call moderate obstruction sleep apnea so now I have to go in for some "therapy"? on December 23.
I don't know what they can do but if they can do something about my snoring so my dear one and I can both get more rest we'll try it, I guess.
I just wish I didn't live quite so far out when we have to make all these trips to Red Deer.

If I make it through all the festive eating I will update again.

December 13 Update

Dec 12, 2008

Wow is it ever hard attending all these Christmas parties!! I am really glad that they booked my next appt for December 29 because I think it will help keep me honest.
I saw my own Dr. this week (Dec 10) and he is very happy with my blood work and did not change any meds at all. I'll see him again in March and he is very supportive of this adventure, I never saw him smile so much!
I now have a sister and a cousin joining me in this WL effort so that will help too because I don't want to fail while they are watching!!
Nothing like a little pressure eh?
Did a sleep study last night, just at home, I wore a finger probe and nasal cannula for about 6 hours so we'll see if they got what they wanted. Surprisingly I really slept, I think , so we'll see.

December 3 Update

Dec 03, 2008

I met the pyschiatrist today and it went just fine, for all my worrying. He says that he sees  no reason for me to not go ahead with the WLS as planned.
He urged me to do research on my own before deciding which surgery to go with.
Next stop, a sleep study on December 12th, good grief I will have no secrets!! lol

December 1 Update

Dec 01, 2008

Well today was my second visit back to Dr. Farries and I saw his assistant again.
I am now down 33.5 lbs since September 8.
I was a bit disappointed with the loss this time (11.5 lbs) but then realized that it hasn't even been 3 months and I felt better.
I have a psych consult on Wednesday and the gastroscopy on the 13th of January. I am booked to see Dr. Farries on December 29 and the assistant says she wants me to see him so maybe?? he'll book my surgery then. I'll have to really work to be down again, especially that close after Christmas.

Oh well it's a lifelong battle and I'm off to  another of the never ending Christmas parties - work hard everybody.

About Me
Lacombe, XX
Surgery Date
Nov 18, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 61
