Remi F.
Sevens months since surgery
Dec 27, 2009
Two Months Out...
Jul 18, 2009
Something very exciting happened to me while at the hospital for my biopsy. The nurse walked me into the changing room and gave me a gown. "Ah, no," I said. "I need one of those Big People gowns." And you know what she replied??? "No you don't. A regular gown should fit you just fine." A regular gown should fit me just fine??????? Here I am, ready to go in for a biopsy, waiting to find out if I have breast cancer and I am actually full of joy and glee because this woman thinks I can fit into a regular gown. Are you kidding me??? Well, I really didn't give her the opportunity to prove me right because I think that may have pushed me over the edge. She gave me the Big Persons gown as continuously requested, but all throughout the procedure I as thinking, "HeHe, she thought I wasn't huge, she thought I wasn't huge!!!!!" OK, I know how twisted this scenario is, but if I'm going to blog I'm going to blog my truth and there it is. All right, must go pass out now...-REMI
PS: Should have results back by Tuesday. Fingers crossed!
One month in...
Jun 15, 2009
A little bit of bragging never does any harm
May 29, 2009
- I can put my seatbelt on now without needing to suck in my gut and tuck my tits under my armpits.
- I’m no longer choking on my double chin. This is amazing to me. I don’t even notice it anymore. Before I constantly felt as though I was literally choking on it. So nasty (and scary!)
- I can now reach parts of my back that have long since been abandoned. It’s nice to get reacquainted.
- The best of all, I can now reach my own ass. With the additional 23 pounds it was as if wiping myself was an Olympic event. I had to prepare, I has to train. Now I can do it with ease.
Liquid Diet
May 27, 2009
Written at noon on Wednesday 5/27
I am 2 weeks post op (tomorrow) and remain on a liquid diet. Liquid diet. Not to difficult to understand. I'm not an idiot! I get it. Liquids. L...I...Q...U...I...D...S...... ut oh, hold on, must vomit AGAIN! OK, I've since rinsed and brushed my teeth and I'm back. As I was saying before, the liquids are made quite clear. Very, very little discrepancy. Let us also revisit the line where I wrote, "I'm not an idiot." And yet, well, ummm, I WAS HUNGRY!!! I have been on liquids for like 4 weeks. I want food. I'm hungry, VERY hungry and then I made a decision to slowly, oh ever so slowly, eat something that was not a liquid. I know, L...I...Q...U...I...D...S...! I opted for a protein bar thinking...(excuse me again!)...oh my god I am sooooo sick! I opted for the protein bar for many reasons.
1) I wanted to actually eat something.
2) If I was going to eat something, I mind as well make it full of protein and get my numbers up for the day.
3) Instead of eating some kind of junk food or my absolute favorite food in the entire, I'll opt for something healthy.
4) Nothing is likely to happen is I just suck on the bar long enough until it basically disintegrates in my mouth thereby turning itself into a liquid.
Well, well, well! I now officially retract the"I'm not an idiot" statement. I think it's been made quite clear that indeed I am! I have been pooping and throwing up constantly due to this. I was being hit by FREQUENT waves of utter nausea to the point where alI I could look was look upward and beg God to just end it for me now instead of later. Please, let this be the end. It was terrible! I'll tell you what though, I make this vow right here and now, I will not be cheating again any time soon.
Written at 11:30 pm on the same day
I'm not a very honest woman. You should sadly never take me at my word. I vowed to stick to this diet and 2 soft pretzels later I was not sticking quite as well as I had thought I might. It didn't hit me then. It hit me MUCH later when I tried to drink a protein shake and was thrown off the couch by another wave of gripping nausea. I ran to the bathroom as quickly as someone hunched over, grabbing both her mouth and her ass all the while screaming, "WHY ME" could really run. Once I was in that bathroom, it was mine. All mine! In this bathroom I was meant to correct a very, very big wrong. But the suffering continued. NOTHING happened in that bathroom. Nothing leaked, popped or exploded. Nothing moved. Nothing surrendered except for myself perhaps. Maybe, just maybe tomorrow will be a better day! Now I'm going to sleep for I'm utterly exhausted from a day of violent fights with my body. I'm a mess. Just an absolute mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't stop this feeling, deep inside of me...
May 19, 2009
This is normal. This is all normal! My new mantra... This is normal. This is all normal. But guess what, surely doesn't feel normal. Feels like I'm a complete loon and the world should be very afraid. Someone I know today said she'd pray for my sanity. My response... "I'm certain everyone I ,have already or must shortly, come into contact with with surely appreciate those prayer. Better get started.....FAST!"
Oh what I've learned (day after discharge)
May 17, 2009
I woke up in pain. In severe pain. I have little memory of the first day. I just remember my best friend..the pain med pump. I quickly learned that pumping the morphine 3 times makes you feel better. BUT pumping it 4 times sends you to sleep. I was aiming for sleep and sleep I achieved.
It really wasn't until day 2, once the pain meds machine was gone that my life turned upside down. I share this part with you in case you're prone to depression and/or anxiety. I suffered panic attack after panic attack after panic attack. I couldn't lay down comfortably. I couldn't sit up comfortably. I couldn't think straght. I had no idea what to do. I couldn't catch a breath and thought I was having a heart attack. (I'm still having minor difficulty with deep breathing). The reply you get from the nurses for every ailment is WALK, WALK, WALK. I was in so much freakin pain and felt SOOOOOO full that how could I possibly walk if I could barely move? So what's one to do???? I cried. I cried and cried and couldn't stop crying and quickly began sliding into a great depression because I felt SO out of control.
So I kept requesting pain meds, kept taking pain meds and kept feeling worse. (Yes, I do run-on sentences beautifully!) OK, turns out pain meds cause constipation. The "full" feeling is gas. Suffering my entire life with severe IBS, I never had gas. Never understood it. Had no frame of reference. I would eat and then minutes later I would poop. No big deal EVER! Apparently, the severe pain was actually gas pains made substancially worse by the ridiculously high amounts of pain meds I was consuming.
So, WALK, WALK, WALK...I walked a hole into the bottomof my slippers. My crocs were extremely uncomfortable and hurting my feet (as was every other part of my body) and the slipper socks the hospital provides are terrible uncomfortable to walk on as well. The floor is extremely hard and the walking was NOT helping. So... I cried and cried and cried and thought about what a terrible mistake I had made.
Not only that ,but I had JUST finished my period and got it HEAVILY again right after surgery. Everything was extremely sensitvie and my boobs are HUGE. They felt heavier than ever before (still do). I had 2 choices...wear my bra (ouch, laying directly on my top incision; no good!) or go braless (ouch, boobs flopping all over my top 3 incisions). My choices were limited and very bleak. I called my parents, sent them to the store to buy me the largest sports bra they could find. It worked! Not great, but certainly better, especially during all the walking.
Then I was discharged (on Saturday...yesterday!) Got home and felt TERRIBLE!!! Managed to drink maybe 6 oz of liquid throughout the entire day. That was it. Thought I would surely die. Then the most miraclous thing happened. Ar eyou rady??? I slept. I actually got a full nights' sleep (which you do NOT get in the hospial, even when highly drugged) and it was as if the entire world changed during the 10 hours I slept. The body pains went away. The constipation went away. I FARTED!!!!! I was pooping. I had energy. I drank water, had 2 cups of SF hot choc and a cupof decaf today which isn't great (far less than my 64 oz) but FAR better than yesterday. I also went on my first walk.
I've lived in my neighbord for the last 9 years. However, I've never walked through my neighborhood. I took a full mile walk this morning. It went great. Easy, weather was perfect, the walk was great. So good in fact that I decided to take another walk tonight. Half way through my walk I opted to try another route. Somehow, I managed to get so confused, so disoriented, that I got lost. I'm now asking complete strangers, "How do I get home???" It took me almost 3 hours of walking, and now sweating, and cursing and hurting to finally find my way home again. I had been so close but so freakin far away. At one point I decided to simply lie down in the midle of the road so a car could run me over and just end the torture but then I wondered what TV I might end up missing and opted to keep walking instead.
OK, back on, here are the things I've learned!
*As prepared as you think you're not!
*Morphine pumped 3 x's makes the world a better place
*Morphine pumped 4 x's puts you to sleep. Sleep is good!!!
*However, pain meds cause contipation
*Constipation and all the air they pump into you causes a severe feeling of bloating which can lead to pain.
*You will NOT die if you don't fart while still in the hospital
*Suppositiories don't always work
*Surprisingly, enemas can be your friend
*Most frequent talk in the hospital is about farting, pooping and walking
*Farting gets you cheers and appaulse (in the hospital setting ONLY people. NOT in every day life.
*For those prone to depression and/or anxiety, this surgery can bring all of that out in you.
*The more you panic, the worse things are
*If you question your decision about thesurgery, you are NORMAL!
*Mantra...What you're going through is normal! It's the panic that makes you think you are somehow different
*Crying is absolutely, total normal. Was told a story (in the midst of a panic attack) from a nurse that she was working with this HUGE man. When he came back for his 2 week visit he brought his wife. The wife asked this nurse, "What have you people done to my husband? He hasn't stopped crying since he got home." The nurses never explained to him that emotions would be so raw thinking 'he's a dude, he won't be crying'. They were wrong! If you are a crying mess, then cry! Let it out.
*Bring Puffs Plus to the hospital with you. The hospital tissues aren't great for us criers.
*The nurses are actually your friends even though you want to kill them each and every time they wake you or insist you get walking.
*The other patients on the floor are your friends (thank you Cristol and Jim!)
*PACK sneakers! Slippers only work for so long. Sneakers will help you with the dreadful walking process
*Pack you own pillow. Some comfort!
*Pack maxi pads even if you just finished your period. You'll likely get it AGAIN! (Things are just so damn unfair sometimes!!!!!)
*PACK A SPORTS BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Put on fresh sheets before leaving for the hospital because you will sleep beautifully once you get home
*A good night's sleep once you get home is the greatest mediine of all.
*Find a therapist you trust before having thesurgery so you have someone to lean on.
*Lean on family. You will need them.
Yesterday I was suicidal. I seriously called my therapist hysterical crying and telling her we had to do an emergency session IMMEDIATELY!!!! Things were not good.
Today everything has changed. Things ahve gotten 100% better. Life is good again. I've feeling less hormal, less crazy, less abnormal. My pain level is at a zero. Things are going well. A day can make all the difference. Have someone stay with you the night you getdischarged, it canbe a hard night. But remember, if's NORMAL!!!! You will survive!
Best of luck to you all -REMI (and please forgive all the typos!)
My beginning
May 08, 2009
I have struggled with my weight ever since puberty. At some point between going outside to play with the neighborhood children and leaving for high school I went through puberty and it was tough. My skin broke out everyone, my boobs grew and kept on growing, getting my period sent me to bed for 2 weeks out of each month and life utterly changed. Sadly, I have yet to rebound from puberty. LOL. Thanks to ProActive my skin is much better. My boobs are still ridiculously huge and I HATE them!!!!! Maybe huge isn't the word so much as long. I swear, when walking up the stairs I have to kick my boobs so they, too, reach the top. And don't piss me off because one swing of my shoulders could give you 2 black eyes for sure. I had my first mammogram and figured I could just send my boobs while I stayed here on the sofa. But I digress... Some of the struggle was due to my intense fear of food. I know it sounds silly, but it’s very true. There are MANY foods I have never tried and have a serious fear of ever trying. No idea why, but it doesn’t change the fact that to this day I have not ever had a salad. I don’t eat chicken or fish, not because I’m a vegetarian, just because I’m pretty sure I don’t like the taste even though I’ve never tried it. The only cheese I eat is white American signally wrapped (don’t even try with the yellow cheese ( NO!). I know, I’m sounding stranger and stranger by the sentence, but I’m not healthy when it comes to food…obviously. That’s how I got so large to begin with. I haven’t had a vegetable since the 70’s and my biggest fear is actually eating one. I spent the last 25 years of my life eating pizza, cheeseburgers, French fries, cheese steaks, chips, hot dogs and anything chocolate. By the way, I LOVED that food. But I most certainly didn’t love what it did to me… or what I did to myself I suppose I should say instead. A perfect day/night for me would be…order in a large pepperoni pizza and cheese fries with bacon. Ohhh, mozzarella sticks too. Dairy Queen blizzard or Baskin Robbins chocolate peanut butter ice cream for desert. Stay home and eat, eat, eat while watching tv or a movie. This activity would only be enjoyable if by myself or around other fat people. This is NOT something I would do if I was with my skinny friends. NEVER! Well, seems like all of those “fun” times have now ended. I am having gastric bypass surgery in only 6 days. No more eating senselessly. This will be a very interesting journey as I try to build a healthier relationship with food and see it as fuel for my body instead of my friend, entertainment, relief from boredom, etc. My body’s going to begin changing soon, I can only hope my head catches up with it. I would write more but I’m on a liquid diet (5 days into it) and I can barely see or think any more at this point. So signing off… for now!