Thank You

Jun 27, 2010

Thank you all for your prayers and support for my fam and I. I arrived in Georgia yesterday and we will be burrying my grandfather on Tuesday. I weighted myself yesterday before I left Norfolk yesterday, 259.5..Yay..and on the plane I was and to buckle my seat belt no extention and not hogging two seats..that was my first time flying in 18 years and I am thinking had I not had surgery I would have needed an extender and would have taken up two seats. Again thank you all for the support.



Food Addiction and Depression

Jun 24, 2010

I knew I was a food addict but I never realized what a confort for me it really was until last nite. First I found out my grandad only had 72 hours to live then my grandma called me back to tell me he had passed. I was devastated and worried about my grandma. I have been in Norfolk Va. with my mom since June 1st and now she is saying we may not leave to go back to Georgia tomorrow and all I can do is worry about my grandmom. I moved back home with grandma and granddad in Dec, and I knew he was sick the but it is just he deteriorated  so fast in the months I lived at home from lung cancer. My great grandpa died in 97 with cancer and his progression was much slower. Right now I am struggling to eat but as of last night, I realized I wanted to stuff my face with food and I can't. I feel so lost right now.
Please keep my family and I in your prayers...Shante

2 Month update

Jun 14, 2010

Well not quite but since I am in Va. for the month I have to post when I can. When I get back to Ga, next month I have a lot of new pics for you all to see. I am really seeing some progress now. I am definitely doing better with eating and protien. Found me some cheap protien up here that I can tolerate with Soy Milk..Yay. As a result of excersizing 6 to 7 days a week and eating better I am now at 262.5 total loss of 34lbs since wls April 21.  I can now wear 1x stretch clothimg down from 3x My 24 Jeans are becoming baggy and my 22 stretch clothes are so loose. God is GOOD!!!!

Norfork Va.

Jun 06, 2010

Just a quick update on me y'all, I am in Norfolk Va. for the next month visiting my mom and nephew. This is definitely nothing like Georgia but I like it, the house is right down the street from the beach and mom took me on a tour of the neighborhood. And I wasn't tired. Feeling great, I am able to play with my nephew and not be tired. I actually went to the gym on wednesday and did Taebo on thursday and friday, which kicked my butt, arms still sore. We do alot of walking around here because they have sidewalks unlike most parts of Ga, where I've lived. I have definitely noticed that most people around here seem to ne fit or atleast normal weight.
     I caame to Va. on tuesday which is when I had my 6 weeks checkup with my surgeon. I was down to 272 then only losing 4lbs since my first 2weeks a total  of 24lbs. My Nut said yhat is in the normal range for 6 weeks oout,. My dr. said I should be eating 800-1000 calories and I let him know I was getting near that much in turn he said my body will go into survival mode which could explain my low lost. I never thought it would be such a struggle to eat enough. I HATE EATING. Food has no taste to me anymore so I have to force myself to eat what I do eat. Some days are much better than others though. I weighed on my mom's scale friday and it said I was at 267.5 but I don't know the difference between hers and the dr'.'s. I am starting to feel more confident in my appearance and I can definitely see a change in my body. Although, Dr. and I said my goal weight is 150lbs he said that I should actually be smaller than that at the end of the weighloss period. It is so hard for me to imagine but I can't say its impossible.
     Ok yall, I may have an apartment back in augusta once I get home. It definitely is something I'm praying about because if I can get a place to stay in the city, I think my job search would go alot smoother. Ok, that's it for now, talk to you all later. Shante

Mini goal reached
Wear size 24 jeans mom bought me---Yea!!
Play with nephew and not get tired
Keep of with mom and not out of breath
seatbelt doesn't lock when buckled anymore

Objective this month
Get apartment
Continue to look for job
work on protein, water and calorie intake
get to 260
1 comment

Is My Stall Finally Broken?

May 24, 2010

Today, I got on my grandma's broken scale and it said I was 7lbs down from where it had me last week...Yippee! Its' not official but it must mean my stall has finally broken right. Well, I didn't excercise yesterday because I was too tired. I had excercised 6 days last week so I geuss my body was telling me it needed a break. And, I don't think I'll be excercising today because of the weather. I am still struggling with getting the protein but I have found if I put some protein powder in my carnation breakfast, I really like it so I am going to try that from now on.
Also I applied for a position as a Academic advisor at my alma mata. I really pray I get this position because I just graduated from there in December so I know the requirements plus it is not far from an apartment I may be getting. I was talking to my friend last night and she is moving out of her apartment which is near the school . Well, thats whats going on with me now, TTYL!


4 weeks Out

May 18, 2010

Tomorrow, I am officailly 4 weeks out. What a difference. I am walking and jogging, not tired all the time and my clothes are so loose now. I wish I knew what my weight is though but its probably good I don't cause if that scale still says 276 I probably would I start solid foods today so I plan on making me some spagetti with wheat pasta but I am hating to because I eat so little and don't want to cook too much since it is just me. I still haven't found a job so I am still living at grand mom's which is frustrating because I miss my own space with my own stuff which is still in storage. Oh well, I am praying that all works out. I finally decided what I want to do with my life so now I am looking for a job to reflect that. I love children so I really want a job that allows me to work with them which means I may end up working in daycare again but I don't care as long as they pay me fairly this time because before I got my Bachelors that is what I was doing and I think that I was underpaid because of my vision... Well, that is it for me today,. Take Care Y'all.

Another wOW...

May 14, 2010


I am feeling good this morning, I have did my two mile walk/jog and geuss, what I did it in under 40 minutes more like 35. This is such a big deal for me because I last year in August it took me 25 minutes to walk a mile huffing and puffing all the way by december I was down to 21 minutes still struggling so for me to have finish in 35 minutes, I am estatic. Well, I gotta go TTyl.

Dreaded 3 week Stall

May 13, 2010

I went to my pcp today, waited 2 hours to see him only to get weighthed and see I am still at 276. Stall, Oh No! I am not upset thoughm, thanks to you all. I know it is just my body's way of adjusting plus I think I am probably losing inches cause my clothes are becoming very loose plus I can walk 2 miles and still have enegry so that is enough for me to smile about. Today, pcp, told me no more blood pressure meds because my pressure was so low the nurse had to take it three times to read it...Wow. And I have also noticed that my sleep quality is much better. I wake up jumping out of bed opposed to feeling tired as I was pre-op. All I can say is god is good. I can only imagine the wows I will have when I am below 250 then 200. Thanks LadySteeler for reccomending the measuring cups and scale they have been awesome and I am learning to wait for the hiccup or sometimes burp to know I'm full. Thanks Y'all.



3 Weeks Post Op

May 12, 2010

Wow, what a difference 3 weeks make. Today I am officaially 3 weeks post op, I won't know my weight until tomorrow when I see my pcp but I feel great. I have more enegry than I have had in awhile. Right now, I have no regrets about having surgery. Yes I do still struggle with getting my protein, water and chewing, but I am stoked about the progress I have made.

I'm Not Gonna Lie.....

May 09, 2010

I really enjoyed spending Saturday with my fam celebrating my great grandma's birthday but eating was BAD... It wasn't that I overeat it was more so what I ate and my water intake. I didn't even get in 30 oz of water yesterday waiting trying not to drink and eat but we didn't eat until  that night.. I am a few bits of chicken and some baked beans with ground beef that I had to stop eating because no matter how much I chewed it still was too hard and seems to get stuck in my throat..ugh. Anyway, I said this was a bad eating day because I hadn't eaten anything but some pineapples and some pickles around noon..bad yea I know. But I did have an ounce of chicken salad and cream of wheat for breakfast. Ok, Help, What do you all eat when you go to an event and you see there is nothing you can really eat? Should I pack my own food so I won't have this issue next time.
     So today, I am stroked. I fast walked two miles. I really felt as if I could have jogged but don't want to push it yet. I can't believe the energy I have now since I have started eating food and taking my vitamins. I really feel like a new person and I feel lighter than I actually am. My incisions seem to be healing nicely too. Oh, is there any creams or something I can put on them to make them look better because right now they look horrible. Thanks,

20+ loss woohoo!!!


About Me
Rancho Cordova, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2009
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