On scale Victory

Nov 17, 2010

So sorry y'all, life keeps me busy now which is a good thing. But i just wanted to share that I am down 100lbs from my highest weight of 303. Today I am 203....

October/November 6 months post

Oct 29, 2010

Hey girls, I am not on here as much anymore or blogging because I don't want to type as much anymore..lol..not a legit excuse but I hope to get better yall I have lost contact with all my peeps on here so if you all are rading this message me because I do check for those regurally, becuase I do want to keep up with you all.

I am now 6 months post op, see new pics and I am feeling incredible. I seemed to have hit a plateua at 212 but I am not discouraged I know I just have to work through it. I am wearing a 16/18 down from a 28/30 preop. I don't snore anymore and my sleep doctor told me to come do a sleep study in april of next year because I may not need my cpap anymore. She wants me to get closer to my goal weight firt which I am fine with waiting.

I started attending my local support group meetings and I am glad I have. I have met some great people and I have friends here locally that I now can talk to about wls issues. I have gotten all my furniture for my apartment, I am just working on decorating it now, but I had had issues here with bugs..ugh..and someone stole a package that one of my youtube friends sent me and that was really disheartening because she went out of her way to buy it for me and shipped it here from someone to steal it. I guess some people have no morals. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I love to talk now, probably a little too much...lol. Take care you all.

October Recap
x_Read Bible one chapter a night
_Start working on becoming a motivational speaker

x_Get some furniture
x_Under 220
x_Wear size 16 dress somewhere

x_ Training Training classes for work

November Goals
----Get to 200
---Break this stall at 212
--Attend at least one support group meeting
---Go on a date
---wear shirt I got from clothing closet 1x

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October Update

Oct 02, 2010

*September Goals Recap*
Get some furniture
_Under 220
_Wear size 16 dress somewhere
X Get Water intake up (Off since I started work)
X Get Protein Up (Same reason)
X Take more training classes for work
_Read Bible one chapter a night
_Start working on becoming a motivational speaker

October Goals
_Read Bible one chapter a night
_Start working on becoming a motivational speaker

_Get some furniture
_Under 220
_Wear size 16 dress somewhere

_ Training Training classes for work

Didn't reach all my goals last month. Last month was crazzy for me, so, much stuff going on. I have been working out but it seems like I have plateaued and I know its normal but it really frightens me. I am currently 223 which is my high school weight which was ten years ago before I started with the diet pills and yoyo iets which is ironic to me. Honestly there's not alot for me to say. I hope everything s going well for you guys. If you'd like to follow me on youtube my channel is taye81. Take care Fam.

September update/Advice

Sep 11, 2010

Hey OH fam,

I am behind so sorry Y'all. Hope things are going well for you all. I am now 225 down from 303 my highest preop 296 a total loss of 78lbs. I can squeeze into a 16 dress and comfortably fit in 18 jeans down from 26/28 preop. My feet have shrunk as well..from 81/2W starting to wear my 71/2's again. I am living in my own place though it is pretty empty, and I have been employed for a month nw thoygh my probationary period was extended because of an incidence that happened. I can honest say I am content with life at this moment as it progresses. I went to bible study on Wednesday and I finally confessed that I feel God wants me to be a motivational speaker. I have been pushng this to the backburner for awhile but I feel that this is part of my purpose and life and, the pastor said she would help me work on it and that I would be tested and sure enough the next day, this incident occured at work. But I am not one to dwell on that stuff anymore, Because I use to. I feel that my life story could really encourage someone in their faith and to pursue their passion. I am excited about the future y'all, and I don't know how this will come to pass but I have faith it will.

I hope you all are exercising and watching what you eat. I feell off using spark people but I plan on starting back tomorrow. My big wow momment was losing 9lbs last week and I lost another 2 this week. For the pass 3 days I have been tracking my steps with a pedometer and have been walking between 8,000 and 12,000 steps..just at work not including my exercise which I have been doing 30minutes a day 6 days a week. I still struggle getting my protein and water in though so I have decided to do 2 shakes a day and drink a bottle of water before work, 300z at work and a bottle when I get home so hopefully that helps.

My suggestions for Pre-ops
_REsearch and do more research..Youtube and Oh have great blogs of individuals journey besides all of the normal stuff you want to know about the post op life...
_Your life will Change..good or bad..It will change. You will make choices you never thought you'd be making.
_Expect the unexpected, Everyone is differnet and so is our weightloss and our complications. At first I use to beat myself up about my progress. What was I doing wrong, why was my weightloss slow. Though people tell you that we all lose differently..It really doesn't hit you until you are post op, secondly, I expected to have dumping sydrome with rny but I don't. It was one of the reasons I chose this surgery. When I first realized I don't dump, I was sad becuse I had hope this would help me avoid temptations like sweets and grease, but I really have learned just to avoid it much as possible, there have been times i indulged though but I don't beat myself up about it, I keep it moving.
_Measuring cups, small bowls, and utensils are priceless!

*August Goals Recap*
X_Get apartment
X_Under 240
_Get Water intake up (Off since I started work)
_Get Protien Up (Same reason)
X_Take CPR FIRST AID class for work
_Read Bible one chapter a night

*September Goals*
Get some furniture
_Under 220
_Wear size 16 dress somewhere _Get Water intake up (Off since I started work)
_Get Protein Up (Same reason)
_Take more training classes for work
_Read Bible one chapter a night
_Start working on becoming a motivational speaker


Short and sweet

Aug 30, 2010

Hey guys check out the pics i uploaded, had a blog for you all, but net crashed and lost it..ugh..p.s. I have moved into my own place..goal accoplished on time :). I am now weighting 235 and can squeeze into a size 16 dress...
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Revisiting August 2009

Aug 07, 2010

I just wanted to re share something I posted in August of last year. I really am glad I went back and read those blogs again! 

My Appionted Time.... [Edit Post]
on August 26, 2009 8:07 pm
I just had to share this. It made me shed tears because I felt like it was meant for me. I have been a little down lately because I feel like my proccess to have surgery is at a stand still and it really scares me but I have to thank my mom for sending me this because it was just what I needed to hear.


Your Appointed Time


"For the vision is yet for an appointed time…though it tarry, wait for it"
(Habakkuk 2:3 KJV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

God has an appointed time to fulfill the visions, dreams, and desires in your heart. Just because it has taken a long time or because you've tried and failed, doesn't mean it's not going to happen. Don't give up on those dreams! Don't be complacent about pursuing what God has placed in your heart. Our God is a faithful God. No matter how long it's been, no matter how impossible things looks, if you'll stay in faith, your appointed time is coming.

Remember, every dream that's in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God put it in there. And not only that, but He has every intention of bringing it to pass. Hold on to that vision today by declaring, "My time is coming. God is working behind the scenes on my behalf. I will fulfill my destiny!" As you continue to hold on to that vision and speak life over your dreams, you'll see them begin to take shape. You'll see your faith grow, you'll see your hope strengthen, and you'll see yourself step into the destiny God has prepared for you!


"Father in heaven, I receive Your truth today. I receive Your promises today. I ask that You ignite my heart with Your holy fire so that I can pursue Your perfect plan for my life. Make my thoughts and words agreeable to Your will. In Jesus' Name. Amen."


August Update 3/4month post Op

Aug 07, 2010

Hi, you guys,

I have been neglecting you all and I am so sorry about that but I haven't felt like writting a blog lately, so it you have a youtube account you can follow me there www.youtube.com/user/taye81. I tend to vlog more which is surpising to me because I really am shy, but there are a great group of people there whom I also call my friends. So the last few months have been rough guys, alot of stuff happen and God brought me through it, I was so happy to finally be under 250 becaus I was really thinking I wouldn't make it because of my eating and exercise habits during that time But Thank God I did. 248! And I have a job now though its not my dream job and I am really hoping to be in my own apt by the end of the month which will complete another goal of mine to be employment and in my own place. To, anyone preop reading this, DON"T GIVE UP! Surgery really doesn't make the journey any easier. You have to make that change in your mind. And I will say whatever your faith maybe, become a strong beleiver because this journey will test you. I say that to say this. If you look at my videos on youtube, you'll see that there are good times and there are bad. I don't regret surgery. Period! If I had not lose 50lbs, there would be no way I could efficently work on anyone's job. Going into this surgery, I knew that I was an emotional eater but I never realized how much food meant to me, and I would suggest dealing with it preop because it only gets harder to deal with post op, for me anyway. I still struggle, with emotional eating so please don't think this surgery is a cure all for it. AND if you have RNY and are a slow loser like myself, don't beat yourswlf up about it, look for the NSV's they are just as important if not more important. For my OH Fam members who are out further than I am, thanks for your inspiration and allowing me to follow your journey. We are an army of one but it helps to know your battle is not unique and when you fall you can pick yourself back up again because someone somewhere is doing that same thing each and every day.
Thanks you guys


Continue 3 mile walk/run (Doing 4-6 miles, 3x week)
Pay Deposit on apartment (Did fell through)
Continue job search (Accomplished! Started August 4th)
Wear 22 pants
(Sometimes, depends on style of pant)

*August Goals*
_Get apartment
_Under 240
_Get Water intake up (Off since I started work)
_Get Protien Up (Same reason)
_Take CPR FIRST AID class for work
_Read Bible one chapter a night


Quick update

Jul 24, 2010

My surgeon called said my labs are normal..yay. I have been doing wii fit and walking/jogging up an incline which has been kicking my butt thus week but I am proud I can do it because pre op i could only make it half way and this seems to be the on,y exercise that makes me sweat like a pig. I got my hair dyed today my 50lbs reward yay. And I am still in limbo with job and apt. I am on thewaitinglist but I don't know for how long :(. I have put in too many job aps. to count however I did get an interview at a daycare an she liked my responses but she said her boss was on acation last week, she'll be out this week so I still may not hear anything until august, but I remain optimistic.

pics posted

Jul 11, 2010

posted my 2 month pics. 10 days yo 3 months post op

Happy 4th

Jul 04, 2010

Recap of last month
Went to Va
Went to gym once a week and Taebo 4 days a week
June 1st 272...June 26 259.5

Goals acheived

Jeans confortable in 24 actually a little lose fitting
Adequate protein...Yay
Feel confortable sleveless and dresses
wear 1x-2x stretch

SO Here was my June goal list
Objective this month
Get apartment...In process
Continue to look for job>>>>>doing
work on protein, water and calorie intake....Did
get to 260...Did

July Goals
Reach 250
Continue 3 mile walk/run
Pay Deposit on apartment
Continue job search
Wear 22 pants

I am in pretty good sprits yall, my grandma is doing as well as one can after the loss of a husband. So, I feel confortable leaving her and continuing my proccess of moving to augusta. For two weeks I have been tracking my nutrition on spark people and it has really helped me to keep myself accountable and manage how much and what I eat. Take care you all
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About Me
Rancho Cordova, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2009
Member Since

Friends 179

Latest Blog 93
