Here we go again!

Dec 22, 2011

So, hello to the AMOS family. I keep finding myself right back here like the prodical son! LOL! Anyways right to business. I am officially over 300 pounds again! I am currently 312 and holding. I have made a mess of this surgery. I fell on hard times and was not able to keep up with Drs appointments and vitamins like I should and when I finally decided to get back on track and call... wouldnt u know it. he retired! SO, now I have no records or anything and I need to find a diff dr. I heard of a Dr Brynes in Charleston, SC but I have not been able to make an appointment as of yet. Anyhoo, this is just a quick update as to what is going on with me. I hope everyone is doing well on their journey.

Weekly post!

Dec 05, 2009

Hello brothers and sisters of the struggle...  LOL! How have we been this week? I am happy to post that I have lost 8 pounds towards my 15 pound goal by Christmas. Strange thing happened to me as I am getting back on the track of being successful; I started my roins again lie I havebee posting and lo and bhold... I CANNOT GET MY ROTEINS IN!!! I    can get abt 40 per day!Thought it wouldve been a lot easier @ 5 yrs post op Anyways, I just thought I would post as I have been getting so much encouragement from people in similar situations. If you are medically able to start over from scratch, go back to basics: full liquid for two weeks and force proteins. Its not as fast as the honeymoon stage but it gets the scale moving in the right direction. Love!!!


How did we become so self rightous?

Nov 28, 2009

I went over to the failed wls board to see if there was any good information for getting back on track and I was appalled at how so many ppl that have had wls were there attacking the ppl that are there looking for support. I was nearly in tears! I can honestly say that I am so glad that the failed wls forum is not my only form of support and information. I would be devastated if I were handled like that. ...and from post op ppl who knows how it feels to be ostracized but yet resort to name calling and taunting. Outright bullying. Its so sad!


Nov 27, 2009

OK ladies and gentlmen of OH, Thanksgiving is over and hopefully we have carefully tended to our specific bariatric needs prior to sitting at that feast table. By tending to our needs I mean forced that protein!!! If not dnt worry. If the we fell off the wagon then all we have to do is dust ourselves off and climb back on ot. For me I think I did pretty well. (SORTA) lol. I forced my protein and went off to the family dinner. I ate a childs plate of collards, dressing, and white meat turkey no rice, which is not easy for me b/c I LOVE rice. (abt to get gross) I was able to eat the collards and dressing without any problems but that turkey was soooo good that I tried to make myself eat it. I realized what i was doing so I began to chew it up and spit it out. I got the taste i was wanting but not the bad feeling from fighting my pouch. Anyways, later, I had a sliceof lemon pound cake. It was soooooooooooooo delicious!!!!! I want to tell you that dumping has a sense of humor. When I am home I do not dump much and thats why I just keep all of the sweets out of the house, but when I was there at the family gathering I ate that slice of Lemon Pound Cake and began to shake and tremble like i was a recovering crack addict!! lol I was sweating and all sorts of crazy things started happening. I was abt to go to the hospital and my mom asked me if it was possible I could be dumping again like when I first had the surgery. Sure enough,!!!! and it didnt stop there but I will spare you all of the details... Needless to say, I was relived of th rumbly tummy. So all of my turkey day dinner was void.
I was actually glad to know my friend the dumpster had my back!! Who knows how many slices I woulda sat there and ate? Overrall I think I did alright..


I filled up on my protein and ...

Nov 26, 2009

I filled up on my protein and I am off to turkey day dinner with the family. I have done my pilates and praying that I am able tyo stay clear of the not so good dont make me dump anymore foods... lol. I hope that everyone has a good day. Will post the damage when I get home. Oh btw! UNJURY is fab!!!

and the scale said...

Nov 25, 2009

I was weighed today and the scale said... 290!!! Major accomplishment after gaining 30 pounds! Sooo glad to back under 300 again!!!

Trying to find a way to merge my old OH with this new format.

Nov 23, 2009

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Title:  I am bringing my old proflein this way

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By Brian McNight

Seriously considered WLS and now @ the point of going ahead with gathering info and researching the possibilities of thi proceedure. Was already told by my ins. provider (BCBS of SC) that this was a cosmetic surgery and that my policy clearly states no cosmetic coverage. Confused and wondering what step to take next. I welcome suggestions. Bombard me if you will;-)!

I have been fiercely researching WLS since I last posted anything here and have decided to go ahead with the proceedure. Problem # 1, My pcp does not agree with WLS and feels I should try the atkins diet. She was pleased to announce that she lost 15 whole pounds on it and went from a size 12 waist to a size 8. WHOOPTY DOO!When I first started this page I weighed 347. today I weighed in at a horrble 350+ and was hit with this kind of response from a size 8 person. I want all of you to know it was so degrading for me to walk my 28 year old self in there and ask someone who is 20+ my senior for this referral and be looked at and groaned at the way she did today. I think I am looking for a new pcp. Pray with me as I ask the lord to help me climb yet another mountain.

I think I am having a breakthrough. I last posted when I came home from the Dr's office and with what I consider to be some terrible news. Any way I came home today and a message was waiting for me on my answering machine from the same doctors office. I called back and was told me that my hemoglobin was low so I was boarderline diabetic, My iron was low, my cholesterol was boarderline high, and my blood pressure was slightly high. Now, normally I wouldnt be happy for such news but, I looked in that woman's face and humbled myself to her to ask for a referral to a barriatric surgeon and she referred me to a Atkins diet book. These are more things that will help me to approach my insurance company to get approval for the surgery that I need. Keep me in your prayers and pray along with me that these situations don't get any worse and for them to help me in my battle.

O k People, today I was reading my policy and it sid " we will not pay for weight loss surgery, obesity, nor will it pay for any type of surgery if there was a previous wls and it needed to be corrected or any type of repairs. SO woe is me. I keep reading about the morbid clause. I wonder if that will help me any. Any type of help is appreciated. I am stil searching for a new pcp and I have narrowed the search to four candidates. will update soon. I am so addictedto this site I have to put myself on a schedule. Maybe every week i make a new post. That is if nothing major happens and I just must share with you. LOL :-)

Well hello again. I am so very glad to be able to write to this site again. It has been a while and a lot has happened. I have gained 18 pounds since my last post. I was in a severe state of depression. No joke yall, this had me devastated. I can no longer be weighed on a regular doctors office scale. whoo. That was a powerful thing for me to admit. Any who, my NEW PCP did refer me to a surgeon and I made my appointment and it was less than a month away. I was/am so scared that my Ins. is not going to pay. I got pass one hurdle only to find 100 more in my path. Woe is me right? Exactly. My Ins. has made it very clear to me that they will NOT pay for any obesity surgery. and this is clearly stated in my policy. I feel like I am setting myself up to fail. I know I am having a pity party but there are a million different things running through my mind and it is all negative. any ways I am also so scared as to how this surgery may not even help me to lose weight. any way I will try to post more often and keep yall updated. be safe

I have met with Dr. Sabaak and he was very surprised with my mobilty at this weight. He sees to think it is because I am so young. Anyways he was great!! he answered EVERY question that I had,and for those who know me knows I had a lot!!! His staff was pleasant ad I met some of his post op patiens. One was 3 weeks out and already lost 42lbs. I also did some of mylab work today. UGGGH!!!! Now I know what all of you meant when you said RUN when you hear the word upper followed by the letters G I. It was horrible thick gunk and if that wasnt enough The put me on ths table and flipped me nearly upide down and the told me to turn in a thousand directions and oh yeah, DONT BURP. I am very exited about the accomplishments that has been made. Each appointment is a small victory for me. My husbnd is even geting exited. I have a psych appt on 10/02/03and then its on to the insurance wars. I have already talked to a lawyer and I know thi is going to happen. I can just feel it. Also please send as much support as we can to Mrs. Codie Stricltland who is having her procedure in about a week from now. She has helped me sooooo much in this journey, so please lets encourage her o a speedy recovery. I will try to post soon. Be safe


Hello again. I have been posting here for the last hour and my connnection was lost. This aint easy. Any ways, lets see whats been going on with me lately. I was approved for medicaid THAT IS GREAT NEWS! I had an appointment with my psyche on 10/2/02 and I took the day off, borrowed a car w/ A/C :-> and drove nearly 50 miles and when I got there I was told my appointment was cancelled I WAS PISSED. I cant tell you how hard it was to wait the 2 months for this appt. and then it was cancelled. My aunt (who is like a mother to me) decided she was against this proceedure. This is crazy b/c she was my biggest supporter. My DH didnt even go with me to the initial visit because he didnt want to be bothered with the process just do it if thats what I wanna do. My mother and sister are very supportive but they are in Miami, Fl. and my other 2 sisters who are here with me are trying their damndest to talk me out of it with millions of horror stories and the worst part is my best friend is in alliance with them. I have a million things going through my mind now. I have 3 children and I dont know how to even think about the fact that I may not come home again or that i may never be able to care for myself should something go wrong. God forbid any of this should happen but now I find myself thinking about a will. I do need some support. I thought that I could do this by myself but now I see it aint possible. However, I must do something. I went shopping for clothes and I went to Cato and found that I could no longer fit their clothes. That was horrifying!! I look more pregnant now than I did when i was 9 months pregnant with all of my children. I know I want and need this surgery, but I need to know I'm gonna be fine. I know that isnt possible. Right now words exscape me. I hate to go to my psyche evaluation with this mentallity b/c I know it is gonna show. any ways, I'm going to pray for some spiritual guidance from heaven and post later. Pray with me.

Well it is done. I had my psyche eval today and I am more assured now than ever that I want to do this. I go to my surgeon on Thurs. and I am getting jitters b/c I know that this is the last step before ins. approval. I feel like I am about to ak my mom can I go to the prom. I will post when I get home Thurs.

I have had all of my pre- op stuff done. I went to the pulmonary dr. and she said she will recommend that I have this surgery as well as my pcp. I have been bombarded with information about this proceedure from people who are not overweight and well to be nice ......PHOEY to them I am so ready to have this done that I think about it constantly. I finally got my husband to go along with my decision but he is still skeptical about it. He will come around though I know it. chat later buh-bye.

Hello all, well there very few things to talk about in this post. I have been waiting forever for a response from my ins. but they have not even been notified from dr.sabbacks office. when I called them about it they said they were waiting on a letter from my pcp. well that coulldnt be the case b/c i faxed that top them myself so then I was told that they were waiting on some papers from my pulmonary dr. They are tsaking too long!!!! I need to know that they are doing the paperwork b/c I will drop my ins. to have medicaid pay for them to do surgery.I AM ON A SCHEDULE PEOPLE. I need this done before Dec 29 so i can be back in class by jan 20. Not with bells on but at least be able to sit there and be present. any ways let me know if there is something that I can do to expedite this process. Thanx

I was denied today what now?I want to file medicaid only please tell me what to do

Nothing major to post today. still waiting on the appeal letter to go through. I cant be dropped off of my BCBS policy until December so I figured might as well appeal and keep the iron hot. but then my window of time will be gone and I cant have the surgery until possibly may. It will be just my luck everything will go through like butter just b/c I dont have the extra time. I will post with an update soon as I hear something. God Bless!!

Hello Amos People, I am soooooooo weary of this journey. I can drop right now fromt this. I Have been dropped from my health insurance and now have full medicaid. I have been to the surgeons office again and all of my pre-ops are done so they are just sending in everything to the medicaid office for approval. I am so nervous. Everyone tells me that this one will be approved but I have so many fears about this. I have been told by my pastor if I'm gonna worry about things I dont need to pray but its human nature to pray and pray and pray and still worry and worry and worry. I have been through so many ups and downs with this surgery. I know because I have been through so much I will appreciate it so much more when it finally does happen. I feel like I have been down so many avenues with this that I am running out of options. I have gained another 10 pounds and my knees are starting to buckle under me, my chest is hurting , and I am seriously thinking about just staying in my house and becoming one of those people who are confined to home. I am so ready for this surgery words cant explain to you how I feel. Post again when I get some info.

Hello again, I am still waiting the other window of opertunity has closed on me so it definitly looks like n=may before I can have this thing done. I am just going to start concentrating on my work and getting everything done and in order before then. I have had a problem with medicaid not being listed as my primary ins. They still had BCBS as that and that is what the hold up is about. I hope I have the discipline to wait until Maay because I will have to be out for @ least 3 or 4 weeks and that is pushing it with open RNY. If I wait until may I would have @ least 9 weeks to recouperate from this procedure. My husband has bought a treadmill and it was a nice gesture but the max weight is 250# and I wegh 125#'s more than that I dont want to break it and my knees hurt so bad that I can barely walk around in the house. Please give some info on what I should be doing to relieve some of this pain that I am in. I am 29 years old and I feel like an 80 year old person with all of these aches and pains. any info will do. Thanks!!!

Hello AMOS people. I really dnt think that people are actually reading this so I do this as a way to keep a journal of whats going on. I have pleaded for responses from people and they just dont happen. Any hoo I was finally removed from BCBS as a member and medicaid has finally made the changes necessary to have them as the main ins. As of April 5th, my paperwork has been submitted for approval from them. I havent heard anything from them yet but I check my messages everyday all day. I have this feeling of victory now I am so exited about this happening. I still dont have the support that I think I should but my husband is trying to be more understanding of my decision. I have a few friends who dont understand but will support me in thier own way. Till next time

Still waiting. It has been 3 weeks since my submision to medicaid. Called Dr. Sabbacks office today and they in turn called medicaid. Medicaid said its still in medical review. I am so nervous. Prayng and worrying @ the same time. I know better but can't help it. I went to the nutrition class on 04/26/04 and it was very informative for me. I had no idea that this surgery is as complicated or as serious I should say as an open heart surgery. learned a lot of new things there I just pray that I can put them to use soon. LIKE MAY (hahhh Ha haaa)

Well, Amos family today is a beautiful day. The rain has finally stopped, the sun is shinning, but the heat is controlled by the sweet gentle breeze of spring. Yep today is a great day. Oh yeah, I GOT APPROVED!!! I SAID AAAAAAAAAAAPROOOOOOOOOOOOOVED! I also have a surgery date,
5/19/04. Sooo many trials and obstructions are finally behind me.

Hello people, I first want to thank the whole group of people who have been sending me well wishes all day. I am still on cloud nine and in some aspects I am still in disbelief. However, I know it is really happening for me. I know I serve an awsome God. I was looking back over my past posts and I realized that I claimed May to be the surgery month ever since Feb. or March. Believe me that's not what I wanted but I knew that was/is what I needed. I was in the hospital's waiting room waiting to get my pre-admission stuff done and I was in there praying my heart out (quietly to myself) and I was asking the lord to please guide me in the decisions that I was making. I knew he had taken me through all of the trials dealing with this but I still doubted if I was making a wise decision; then out of nowhere, a woman asked me if I was there for the gastric surgery. I was in awe of how she could have possibly picked that up from me in the room with @ least 10 other people and some of them were pretty thick as well. Anyways, she gave me assurance that her daughter had just had it and another daughter was going to have it on the 18th of May by the same Dr. as me. I was so relieved to hear from someone who had recently had the procedure and their ups and downs. Needless to say it seemed like hours passed with all of us talking and I was definitely assured that the Lord used her as a confirmation on this decision. I am just so glad that this is happening. Will keep you'll posted.

Heloo, I am just posting a short post todday. I am just counting down the days and getting more and more exited. 11 days left before I cross over.Any hoo I was sitting here looking @ the before and after pics and in disbelief. I'm ready!!

May 11, 2004,
Hello all.Today I'm just posting all of my feelings about this. I have been through so much trying to have this surgery;I went through 2 ins. companies and waited almost a year. But I am blessed!! I know I could have still been waiting for some response but here I am waiting on my date to arrive. I am so wondderously calm about the whole thing and I have no fears about the actual procedure I just fret a little about the afercare of my wounds. My older two children will be out for the summer a week after my surgery and I dont know if I am going to be ready for them yet but I am sure that I will manage. My mother-in-law lives 5 min. away from me if she has to come I am sure she will. I just dont want to be a bother. I also want to mention that I saw a before and after pic of a young lady by the name of Daphne Mahotiere. she was 390 and now she is 160 and a size 8. I am in awe of her because she is/was very close to my size (375) and I kept thinking to myself that I wouldnt lose any significant weight. I began to think if I get to a size 18 I wouldnt care if I lost another pound. I was deep in obese mentality. I do want to wear a size 10. I do want to be sexy again. ther are so many things that I have done without for so long I forgot to want them. My husband let it out that he is very exited aout this surgery. MY HUSBAND??? That's right. He insist that he thought I was stting myself up to fail and that is why he didn't get into this as much as me. I know he is genuine in his feelings now because he sat here for almst 2 hours looking at before and after pics. Let me tell ya he is not the type to look at (or do) anything he isnt interested in. I am just happy to be in the situation I am in. I hopoe that I can be one o those post ops who can come home and be allright from the jump. I had 3 children naturally and a tubaligation but I always hada crowd of people around me for those events. My side of the family lives in Miami so all of that will definitely be missed. My oldest son will try to do so much to help me. I allready know hhe will turn into man of the house when his father goes to work. he is almost 10 and I am starting to how him how to cook some small things like eggs, boil hot dogs,etc.. I have already told him only to do this with my consent so I am looking forward to seeing how that plays out. I will spare you the family rantings (fr now) and post again later.

Well there is only one day seperating me from my surgery. I am nervous but I am ready. This site has been very instrumental in my being able to handle the fears and jitters. Thank you amos. I have been praying costantly for peace in this decision. Also, I have finally told my mother in law the real reason for the surgery. That was hardfor me to do. She is very vocal in her opinions but she was understanding, @ least to me. I basically gave her the foundation information needed to try to understand my decision. She did question my husband more extinsively(sp) the next day. I feel like he really explained the basics of the procedure to her more fully. I guess she was more comfortable asking him questions instead of me. As long as there is no form of deceit on my part before I go under. Well I guess I wil post one more time before becoming a loser. A happy loser! She did allow us to have a BBQ party for me before my surgery. I really did enjoy that. My husbands idea but I was loving it. I just want a piece of cream cheese pound cake and I will be good until cn have them again. Will post soon. God Bless!!!

Hello all,
I am home from surgery and all is well. I was/am soooo tired and weak still. I am 2 weeks post op and down 28 pounds. I have not figured out my pouch yet so I am still having a hard time transitionong to more solid foods. I a way too hungry all of the time but I know what is in store for me. Dr. Sabback was/is wonderful. He practically held my hand throughout te whole ordeal. ICU was an experiance. My first nurse was very rude to me. He made me feel like I was wasting his time by being there. But once he was replaced I was in paradise. The next two nurses were great. I was treated as well as any other patient in the unit. No one prepared me for the pain I endured on day one. But that was the worst part of it. I have already been asked had I kown it was going to be so painful would I do it again. The answer is yes!! I have people looking @ me and staring @ me like I'm some sort of freak. But I will get through that too. Any ways just trying to keep everyone posted. Will post again soon. God Bless

Hello Amos Family,
I am sitting here looking @ my profile and it is unbelievably beautiful. I didnt think I would want all of the frills until I asked for it then I got more than I ever thought about, Hats off to Shannon for her work of art! Well I have a little to post tonight I am concerned that this surgery isnt for me. I know I already done it but I dont think that it works for me. I seemed to hae stopped losng weight and also it seems like I can eat whatever I want. I am constantly hungry and I know I can eat way too much for a person barely a month out. Is it possible that I broke my band that he placed on my pouch and stretched it already??? Somebody help me. I know I sound ungratful for the progess that I have already made I am down to 340,that's 32 pounds in less than a month but I truly think that it has stopped. I have been trying to eat right and exercise but sometimes it is hard and now I feel like I am going to be the only person on O-H to stop weight loss so soon. I can walk on my treadmill now for 15 minutes. I know that is a small miracle in itself. I guess it balls down to this, I have tried so many things and failed @ them all, I am scared this is going to be the same results as before. I guess I am finished whinning for now. I will keep yall posted

Hello again.
Nope I didnt enter the wrong date, I am still up. I have been having problems sleeping for the past 2 weeks and I guess tonight is no exception. I did have some time to look over some profiles and I think Im not exersizing enough. The problem is I am always tired. I know I am being whiney but I am worried. Any post will be helpful. Thanks

Hello people of amos,
I am here for a small update, I have lost 48 pounds since the surgery and I am getting very exited about the way this has been working for me. I definitely want to give a VERY BIG THANK YOU TO MR. EDEN. He is in our support group and I was not doing as well as I thought I should and he gave me some very sound advice. Advice that I know is making the difference in this weight loss journey. May God smile upon he and his beautiful wife. I have started summer school and that has been a big help as well. I am not in the house all day and I am moving about very well. However, I did try the stairs and I did make it to the third floor but had to stop and take the elevater from there. I know, I know but I just couldnt breathe anymore. I will be working on it. Thnk all of you who are out there. God Bless!!

Hello Amos family,
I am sorry for not being able to update like I should but I am living w/ my mother in law for a while and a computer is not in the house and I have mine in storage.Anyways everything is good and I am doing well. I am still @ about the same weight I was the last time I updated. I have been on this platau for a long time. I feel like its been a whole month now but its only been three weeks. I am doing fine otherwise. Update when I can God Bless

Hello again, I am at my sister in laws house again and using her computer. I am finally finished summer school with a 2.5 considering how I was trying to take classes over the internet the day after surgery I am pleased with the outcome. I must say I dont know how to measure the total calorie intake for the day. so many little calories I guess really add up to what is about 1200 a day. this was toaadys intake and I was surprised @ the number. Proteins are off the chart though; carbs are alright but could be better.thanks to everyone for the responses to my questions on the boards. post soon. God Bless

OMG!! I cant believe it has been so long since I ;ast posted. NOT MY FAULT! I know there is so much to tell my AMOS family. BIG news first, I FINALLY GRADUATED!!!!!!! Yes I have finished school in Dec. I am now working as a teacher in a program for remedial students @ night in Holly Hill. I also have OFFICIALLY lost 101 pounds!!! I am so exited @ this point in my life, everything is moving right along. We are finally out of my mother in laws house but I still dont have my computer hooked up yet for internet. I am using my comp. @ work to update. I have so much more to say but I just cant @ this time. BUT!!! remember my aunt who told me not to do this? well she is scheduled for 2/7 thats right and you wouldnt believe how many others who have been a thorn in my side about this is running to the surgeon for help. I just had to put that. I have to go my time is limited. God Bless

I am here looking over my profile and I realize that today is the day that I was approved for sugery. I have lost 148 pounds and I have a whole new life. I am so much more confident than I have ever been in my entire life. I am so sorry for not keeping up this profile but new house new job new surroundings have really taken a toll on me. I cant replace the support that this site has given me. I know I have cried and leaned on you for so much and I thank you. I wish everyone in their journey makes it to their destination.

Hello AMOS family,
I know I have been gone for a long time now but I have just gotton my computer and internet back up. This has been a hard year for me and my family. The only good thing about it is the surgery and that too has stopped working for me. I wish I had some more to tell you but I dont now. I have been at my witts end about this and I know that I have not been doing what I need to. I have been at the same weight for 3 months and I am so not pleased with myself for that. I promised reka that I was gonna usee this tool to the fullest and I have not done that. But looking @ my profile has helped me to see that I need to go back to basics. I have actually gained weight and I cant help but to feel like a failure. I have so many people telling me that I have lost sooo much weight and that I look great and so on but I have this mental block that makes me feel like I am 375 # again. I dont know whats going on. I went from a size 34 to a 16w. I just want to lose 50 more #'s and I know I will be good. Any suggestions?

Todays date is November 23, 2009
I have been off f this site (or lurking quietly) for sevral yrs. I am truly sorry for nt keeping my AMOS family pstd on my journey. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO    MUCH HAS HAPPENED
SINCE MY LST POST!!!! I feel like I hv been
walking in a fog for the past few yrs. I know for a fact now that depression is real! I refuse to sit and go into all of the details of the last almost four yrs but I want to say I found myself here at OH looking for answers. I have to give you my stats. I started at 378 got down to 270 gained back up to 300 and down again to 286. That should give you some insight as to where I am at mentally with this journey. I found that I wanted to live my life as if there was never a surgery. What I mean is I have been eating like normal foods, not attaching myself to wls groups and so many destructive things that have nulled the effect of my surgery. I could have lost so much more weight but no need to cry over spilled milk. I am back on my wagon again and I will accept that this is a lifestyle change. Yes I heard that b4 but now I know it. I am going back to basics and starting over. I know 5 yrs out is gonna make that hard but not impossible. Well… I will be posting again tm. I have a dr’s appt and I want to share the info as I get it. Thank you for welcoming me back to OH.


S Slippery
H Honest
A Amazing
R Relaxing
E Excellent
K Kind
I Influential
A Ambitious

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T Temperamental
A Appreciative
S Scary
O Outrageous
N New
Y Yum
A Amazing

Name / Username:

  Name Acronym Generator

Hello AMOS family,
And a special hello to my BAF brothers and sisters ( My newly found bariatric family) I am so happy to have found that site.
Now on to business, I have been to the Dr. on Friday and I was right; I need to go back to basics. He suggested that I go back on a liquid diet for 2 weeks and then work my way up to a more sensible diet. I am one of those who doesnt dump or even have the full sensation for a while when I am eating. I am doing the morning sit ups and leg lifts but thats as far as I have been able to go (and thats 10 each) hopefully I will get a hernia and I could get a TT from my ins. I am back on BC/BS again. So anyways Pray with me as I try to go back basics with this and try to make it with a pouch thats not so new. I'll holla!! Be safe!!!

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How tall are you?feet,inches.
(Note: don't put " or ' marks in the spaces above.)
How much do you weigh?pounds


Member Interests:
  • Books & Literature - English major in college. That about says it all
  • Theater - I was in a pla y in the 4th grade as Alice of Alice in Wonderland. HOOKED!
  • Motorcycles - I have many friends with bikes and I am SLOWLY becoming interested
  • Poetry - Same as the last line
  • Writing - I have always loved writing and hope to one day have a novel published
  • Teaching - Enlish Education major. Plan to teach middle and high school students.
  • Parenting - Have 3 children and hopefully 100's more when I FINALLY graduate.
  • Walking - THE STORY OF MY LIFE
  • Education - ditto

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    Surgeon Info:
    Surgeon: Michael S. Sabback M.D.
    Dr. Sabback was the most informative Dr. that Ihave spoken with since I started this crusade. He has answered all of my questions and is very friendly. He was willing to see me even though he has a hard time getting BCBS to pay him (I am talking to a lawyer about that) His office staff were friendly as well as informative. One of his nurses has had the procedure done and she is gorgeous! I recommend him to anyone who is thinking about this! on a scle of 1-10 e gets a 20! thats how prepared he was for his patients
    Insurer Info:
    SC Medicaid


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Feb 26, 2009
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