Sandra Johnson Smiddy

November 11, 2007 - 2 month Surgiversary

Nov 10, 2007

I'm down to 255 today.  Yahoo.  That is 64lbs lost since August 9th.  I could have never done this without WLS.  I wouldn't have had the willpower to stick with it.  This is so exciting.  People are starting to notice....even my dad noticed last night.  He's 85 years old and can hardly see, but he was walking behind me at Walmart last night and he said, "Daughter, you sure have lost it in your behind."  Made me feel so good.  My dad is partially responsible for my WLS.  He gave me half of the money to have the surgery.  Last night he took me and bought me a brand new sewing machine for my birthday.  He said that he was never a Dad to me when I was growing up because he always had to work.   I believe he was 46 when I was born.  After I moved out of mom and dads and got married dad became more like a grandparent than a parent.  He has the beginning stages of Alzheimer's and gets confused on occasion.  It is really hard for me to watch him age.  I use to ride in the back seat.  He'd make sure I was buckled up and he would drive.  Now he rides in the back seat.  I have to buckle him up and he can't drive any more.  It is sad the aging process, but he has had such a fullfilled life.  I hope that I can do and have as much joy as he has in his lifetime.  I know he has had sad times, he has them now with my mom gone.  He's lonely.  He thinks he won't be here long.  That saddens me, but I am glad for the NOW.  I keep telling him...lets live in the NOW.   Enjoy each day while we can.  That being said.....we are of to Trader's World to do some walking.  My dad doesn't realize how much LIFE he has given me back with helping me to have WLS.

November 9th, 2007 - Going, going, GONE

Nov 09, 2007

Well I am down to 258 now.  I just can't believe I have came so far in such a short period of time.  I started this thing on August 9th @ 319lbs.  It is so hard to believe that in just three months I have lost 61lbs.  It is sooooo exciting for me.  I am starting to feel different.  So many things I couldn't do before, I can now do.

I've had a hard time this week getting all of my water in.  It seems when I get my water I don't get my protein, when I get my protein, I don't get my water.  Have to figure out a medium to get it all.  

I've had a few days where I wanted to eat like I did before.  Of course I can't, but my brain wanted to.  I've had the cravings and the mouth watering.  Of course what I think I'm craving I don't really like.  (Yes, I have tasted a few things I was craving)  I mostly taste and spit out.  Doesn't taste like I remembered.  So maybe this will be helpful for others who are experiencing what I am....Just have a taste, don't swallow it.  Makes the craving go away and makes you realize it wasn't all that good anyway.

TGIF - - I am so glad it is Friday.  My daughter is in Buffalo, NY with school until Sunday.   DH and I will for the first time in a long time have the entire weekend together.  Of course I have a craft show I want to go to so I don't know if he will go with me to that or not.  We are going to BINGO tonight.  I feel lucky tonight...ALL the way around. LOL  I know..TMI TMI.

November 6th, 2007

Nov 05, 2007

I'm walking every morning and night.  This is truly making a difference.  Not only on the scale, but in inches.  If you haven't started your walking regimined get up and do it now.  It makes you feel better, feel better about yourself and gives you a lot of energy.  I'm serious...I have a different outlook on the day when I have walked.

I went to GNC last night to get some more of the 50 gram slams.  The salesclerk, who is a personal trainer said you should only drink half a one of these at a time followed by a banana.  He said that they are too much for your stomach to digest at one time.  He said they were fine to drink half and put the remaining in the fridge for a couple hours.  I like the vanilla.  I also like that they seem to help the kick start if you are at a standstill.  I am so determined to get this weight off in a healthy manner.  I don't want to lose to fast, but I want to lose.

Are you drinking ALL of your water?  Did you know that water hydrates your skin.  If your skin is hydrated it is more apt to shrink with you.  After finding that out it really makes drinking the water so important to me.  I know I'm going to have lose skin, but if I can do everything I can to keep it hydrated so it shrinks I'm going to.  That includes a good topical hydration lotion.  We don't want our skin to breakdown.  If we do not take our vitamins everyday as directed and drink lots of water we are at risk for skin issues and hair loss.  Isn't that enough to make you want to take your vitamins, drink, and eat your protein faithfully!!!

Can you tell I'm reading.  I'm learning so much about Gastric Bypass the After.  

P.S.  If you don't have a pedometer go buy one.  They are cheap.  You should walk at least 10,000 steps per day.  On Saturday I walked over 15,000 steps.  I want to be able to get to where I am doing at least 10,000.  You know dancing is a great way to get your steps in also.

November 4th, 2007

Nov 04, 2007

Well this weekend went by fast.  The time change is definetly weird.  I didn't get done all I wanted to this weekend.  I did start to clean out my closet.  30-32's and 26-28's are going bye bye.  Yahoo.  I drug out the tub that had all my 22-24's and they fit great.  Even better than when I wore them.  I put on a pair of my 30-32's and showed my family.  They couldn't beleive that I actually wore them.  

My daughter's boyfriend Jason took me for a ride on his 4 wheeler.  I can't beleive that we could both fit on it.  Definetly something I haven't done in a while.

I don't think I ate very well today.  I hate when that happens.  It seems that the day just goes by so fast that I don't get in what I should.  I have to get some more of those 50 gram slams.  They were great.  

I didn't get to walk today like I planned, but I will walk tomorrow.  I'm doing treadmill in the morning and then hopefully will walk outside tomorrow evening if it isn't too cold.  It is starting to get cold here.  Since WLS I am not as good with the cold.  I use to not wear a coat at all, but I think something has happened to my temperature gage.  I'm cold most of the time. is getting late so I'll go till tomorrow.  Hope everyone is well.

October 3, 2007

Nov 03, 2007

You are not going to believe this...I walked 4.35 miles today.  That is over 15,000 steps and 765 calories burned.  I didn't do it all at one time, but I still got in more steps than normal.  I walked a mile this morning, then did some walking around Walmart, Kroger, etc.  (You'd be surprised at how many steps you can take when you are the Supercenter)   Met my friend later in the day and walked 2 miles.  Came home worked in the house.  Gary lit the bon fire pile so we were outside for a long time this evening.  I even did the Bootie Call dance a couple of times today.  I have had more energy today than I have in a long long long time.  Jason took me a ride on his four wheeler too!  What a busy day.  I'm pooped.

Planning on meeting my friend at the track and walking three miles tomorrow morning.  All this walking is helping.  I've lost 5lbs this week.  Yahoo.  I'm SHRINKING.

November 1, 2007

Nov 01, 2007

This week has surely went fast.  I guess that old saying "Time flies when you are having fun" is true.  I've been walking every night this week except for one.  Oh by the way...the track that I am walking is a half mile around.  I was thinking it was only a quarter mile so I've really been walking a mile instead of just a half like I thought.   I actually walked a mile and a half the other night.  I did great.  Wasn't breathless, didn't experience any leg cramps like I use to.  It was great!!!  

I had an experience last night with some BBQ sauce.  Won't be eating that for a while.  You definetly learn by mistakes.  I stuck with shakes and tuna today.  Played it safe.  I'm down another pound....56lbs.  Yahoo.  I'm lovin' it.  

I had a meeting with my boss on Tuesday and the first 20 minutes we discussed my weight loss.  She started out with, "So how much weight have you lost now? I know you have lost more because I can tell.  You've lost around your waist."    Isn't that music to our ears.  She seems like she is very proud of my weight loss.  She always says, "Well that is goooood" when I tell her how much I've lost so far.  Another co-worker said, "Hey skinny".  Wish that were true now, but I'll get there.  I'm feeling better and that was my first goal.  Blood pressure is down, sugar is down....weight keeps going down.  All is good.

My pictures are acting up on here.  I can't seem to be able to edit my latest pictures.  I'm going to do a slide show since I can't get them to edit under my photos.

Hope everyone is doing well.  Drop me a line.  I'd love to hear from you.

October 29th, 2007 - - kissing 267 GOODBYE!!!

Oct 29, 2007

This morning I kissed 267 GOODBYE AND GOOD RIDENCE!!!!  Welcomed with open arms 264!!  Yahoo.  I think I owe this to the walking I did.  I ended up walking Friday, Saturday and Sunday...a total of 3 miles.  I'm sure some of you are walking way more than that, but I feel good about gettiing a mile a day in right now.

I went to GNC and found a protein drink that is called "50 Gram Slam".   I drank those after my walk, then drank one this morning.   They aren't gross like some protein drinks.  I'll be able to tolerate them.

Chelsie and Jason carved pumpkins this weekend.  I'll load pictures soon.  They carved some really cute ones.  

I made Sunday dinner.  Turkey breast, dressing and mashed potatoes.  I had about 2oz. turkey breast, a tbs. of mashed potatoes and about 1/2 tbs of dressing.   God was I full.  I was in the cooking mood this weekend.  I also made some noodleless lasagna using italian sausage (sparingly), spahgetti sauce, ricotta cheese w/ eggs and parmesean, zuchinni and mozerella cheese.  They turned out really good.  I made them in little dishes so I could bring them to work.  Shake up the tastebuds a bit.

I'm going to the library tonight to try and find some WLS books.  I have to research the food thing.  I am really struggling with what to eat and what not to eat so I'm hoping I can find some information.  I'll share what I find.

October 27th, 2007

Oct 26, 2007

You'd be proud of me....I ended up going for a walk with my husband last night.  I walked 1.22 miles.  Didn't phase me.  I use to breath heavy, legs would hurt and after one time around the track I'd want to quit.  Not last night.  I have been up since 6:30a.m. this morning with lots of energy...made a big kettle of veggie soup, did two loads of laundry and picked up.  Ready to go walking.  Just got my husband out of bed and he's taking care of the dogs.  I'm gonna do my walking while he is doing that.  I wanted to go outside and walk, but treadmill it is.  That is okay though because we are going to the GOODWILL...I'm gonna look for some smaller jeans.  Mine are baggin'.  Love having that problem. 

October 26th, 2007

Oct 26, 2007

Well I did it...started walking today.  I walked a half mile.  I know big whoop, but is a start.

I had some great support comments about my food list from yesterday.  I appreciate everyone's comments.  Made me think about it you did.  Just want to clarify that yesterday was the first day that I ate any of that type of food.  I only could get in a few bites of any of it so I don't think I did any dammage for all of those concerned. 

My pouch is keeping me in check!

October 25th, 2007

Oct 25, 2007 I'm not losing...still at 266.4 this morning.  I know...I know...I'm driving my own self crazy.  I should feel blessed...I've done some searching on other profiles and I'm really right on target and in some cases better than some.  So I should just shut up.  

I started eating more today...more meals that is.  I didn't want to do the six meals a day but the NUT said that my body may think it is starving and my metabolism may have slowed down.  So I feel like I ate like a pig today.   Not sure I chose the right foods, but I'm not real sure what to eat or what not to eat.  Just try to eat as much protein as I can.  

My food for today was as follows:
Breakfast:turkey and provolone (leftover from yesterday's lunch), Snack: sugar free cup of peaches, Lunch: Dente Moore Roast Beef w/ mashed potatoes.  I only ate half of the meat and a few bites of the mashed potatoes.  Snack:  Banana Dinner:  Mini Bites Ravioli, Snack:  2 sugar free oreo cookies.  That just seems like so much food.  

Well ..we will see if that kick starts the weight loss again.  

I'm going to hit the treadmill tomorrow morning.  I haven't started walking on it yet...but I making myself a promise that tomorrow morning I'm hitting it.  I've got to get this weight loss going again.  I'd like to be 250 by my birthday (November 19th).   I would have to lose 16 lbs.  Is that too much in too little time?  I can shoot for it can't I?  My big goal is to weigh less than my husband.  He weighs around 222.  I'll be hootin' and hollerin' when I weigh 221. 

About Me
Fairfield, OH
Surgery Date
Aug 06, 2007
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