Sandra Johnson Smiddy

October 23rd, 2007

Oct 23, 2007

I'm at a stand still again.  I'm stuck at 266-267.   Geez...sure wish this didn't happen because I always start thinking I'm doing something wrong.  Then I blog and complain and the scales here I am bloggin' and complainin' so scales...get to it.

The wound is closed!  I'm so relieved that the wound is closed.  I think I can move on with this now.  I haven't been able to really do a lot of excercising because of the wound.  Maybe this will help me make the scales move if I can do more walking, etc.  Got to do something!!!

All else is working well.  Had a rough day eating yesterday.  I moved to softs and I think I may have ate something that didn't chew up well and it kind of got stuck in my neck.  Had awful heartburn for about 1/2.  Had to drink sips of water until it went away.  Got softer foods to eat today.

October 19, 2007 - 39 days post op

Oct 18, 2007

I am 39 days post op and I have dropped 31 lbs since surgery and an additional 22 prior to surgery for a total of 53lbs since August 9th, 2007.  
This is soooo exciting.  

Yesterday I went to the Dr.  It should have been my first post op appt., but since I've been dealing with the wound I had to go in a couple times earlier.  They were very pleased with my progress.  The NP said that the wound was looking great.  She took off the bandages and put two steri-strips losely over it so it can now get more air and dry up.  Yahoo!!!  You know I am so glad of this.  I was a little disgruntled with the NUT yesterday.  If you read back in my blogs you will see where I had to meet with the NUT prior to surgery.  On this day I was given a booklet, that number one, was not correct and we had to hand correct things while we were going along.  In the booklet it said that after one month I could switch to "softs" so on October know I switched from pureed to softs.  When she asked me what I was eating and I told her she got real upset and said that I shouldn't have switched until she told me to.  I told her she did tell me to by giving me a booklet that says after one month switch to softs.  She asked me to hold out my hand so she could smack it.  Well...I guess it hit me the wrong way and I told her no that I wasn't going to hold out my hand for her to smack that I did what she told me to.  Well...I guess neither won the argument...she wasn't giving and neither was I.  I got a little ticked about it because what else is in the book that I shouldn't do until she tells me to?  what was the purpose of the book?  Are all NUTS like this?  Is that why they are called "NUTS"?

Anywho...Monday was bosses day.  My staff gave me a Rose Bush that has beautiful pink roses (this will get planted in the spring), 24 long stem roses that are cream and white (I've never seen roses as beautiful as these) and a $30 gift card to get my nails done.  (I'm pampering myself this weekend)   As you can tell I have a great staff.  

Yesterday I had the VP of IS stop in my office.  He said, "So, have you lost a 100lbs?"  Of course I laughed and said, "No...but I have lost 53!!"  He said he could tell that I had lost weight.  Wow...if losing 53lbs looks like a 100...wait to see me when I've lost a 100lbs.  This is soooo exciting.


Oct 15, 2007

I did of this morning I have lost 50lbs.  I only have another 119 to go and I am at goal.  Yahoo!!!  119 sounds better than a 169.  I'm getting there.

I'm in Aurora, OH on a business trip.  I had to leave Oxford at 6:00a.m. to make it here in time for an hour long meeting at 11:00a.m. They served up a good lunch today.  I had chicken tortelini soup and some strips of grilled chicken.  Well...I only had a few bites, but it was yummy.   After lunch, Dennis and I (Dennis rode up with me.  He is one of my staff members) went to the Prime Farms Outlet mall.  I love the Paperfactory and Paper Enterprises.  Didn't find anything else.  I'm not into all of the clothing stores just yet.  Look out Dress Barn once I am. LOL.

I have another meeting tonight at 5:30p.m with the CFO of my company.  Hopefully that won't last long.  I'm tired.  I'm hoping to grab something good for dinner.  Of course..two to three bites is usually all I can eat.  But I like for those bites to be something really good. 

October 13th, 2007

Oct 13, 2007

Today I was able to put on my wedding band set that I haven't been able to wear for a very long time.  It use to fit me at my post op weight, but in 1998-99 I lost 72lbs. on Metabolife and had it resized to fit.  Of course I didn't keep the weight off for very long so it was put in the safe until I lost some weight.  That was well over 9 years ago.  I'm so excited about it.  I had been trying it on since I had surgery.  Today it finally fit.  Yahoo!  I could have had it re-sized of course, but I hated to send it off for resizing so when Gary bought me a "Past, Present & Future" ring for our 10th Anniversary I just started wearing that as my Wedding set.  It is great though to put on the original Wedding set.  

I had been complaining about the scales, but the very next day I lost three lbs. so I'm down 49lbs.  I'm losing inches as well as pounds.  I was able to button up a jacket that I wore last year that would barely fit across my chest.  My stretch jeans are getting lose.  My shirts are really sagging and some pj's that were really tight last year are now lose.  This is just awesome.  I can't believe that I'm actually losing, I'm not hungry and I have energy.  

I haven't been exercising very much, but Gary and Chelsie's bf moved my treadmill into my office today so I'm going to start walking on that every morning and evening.  It is getting colder here and since surgery I am not good with the cold.  Wonder what makes that?   Any way I have been walking at work, but not dedicated.  I've got to get dedicated to exercising.  

I still have the wound that is open.  My husband says it is healing good.  He said that when he looks down inside of it the wound doesn't appear as deep as it did.  I can't wait for this to be closed.  It just makes everything difficult.  I am allergic to the tape they had me use so I got no latex bandaids...allergic to those also.  So I bought hypoallergenic waterproof bandages.  I don't seem to be allergic to them, but 5 of them are $5.00.  This wound has really cost me some dough.  Like I said, I can't wait for this to be gone.

On Monday I have to go to Cleveland on a business trip.  I am leaving at 6a.m. and have to be in a meeting at 11:00a.m.  I got my rental car on Friday since I'm leaving so early.  I got a Dodge Avenger.  OMG I want this car.  It rides like a Cadillac.   I want it.  I want it.   Anyway...I'm a little nervous about being out of town.  Not sure what foods will be served during the meeting.  I have to be there until Tuesday night.  Not sure what I should take with me.  I'm going to call the hotel tomorrow to see if they have regridgerators.  It is a big hotel so they just might.  I know they will have room service.  I'm thinking about taking my bullet so I can make my shakes.  I've been using Amplify with milk and a tsp of peanut butter.  It is soooo good and has about 38 proteins in one shake.  

Hope I lose some more poundage this week.  I love this losing thing.  Being a loser is the BEST.

October 10th, 2007

Oct 10, 2007

Please tell me it is normal not to lose anything for three or four days.  I know I shouldn't weigh every day, but I can't help myself.  So for the last few days I've been stuck on 273.  I need to drop down some here!!!  I'm getting worried that I'm doing something wrong.  Is 25 lbs in a month normal?  Should I be losing more?  I have so much to lose and I have heard the first six months are crucial.  My days are going by so fast.  Am I overreacting here?  Can someone relate?  

Please God let the scales move soon.

October 9th, 2007

Oct 08, 2007

Good Morning Sunshine!!!  Ask me if I'm feeling better today and I will say, "You bet ya!".  I had a great night sleep, up at 5:30a.m. out the door by 7:00a.m. dropped Chelsie off at school and made it to work by 8:00a.m.  This is my best day so far.  

Four more pounds and I will hit the big 50lb loss.  Yahoo.  Yesterday I wore a pair of pants that almost fell off.  So exciting for me.

This past weekend my husband, daughter and her boyfriend and I went camping at our campsite in Liberty, IN.  We  had a great time.  The weather was wonderful.  I love to sit by a campfire at night  when it is cool and listen to my Indian Flute Music.  Only thing different this time was I couldn't sip on my Pina Colada.  I didn't miss it though.  

It was sure different packing up food for the getaway.  I use to spend a lot of money just for a weekend.  Buying meats, potatoes, chips, lunch meat, snacks, etc.  This time I made bean soup (lots of good protein) in my cast iron pot.  Then we chose to go to breakfast on Sunday at a local resturant.  My family ordered the HUNGRY MAN Breakfast while I ordered a plate.  That was weird.  I ate an egg, 1/2 pc. sausage, one bite of hashbrown and one bite of biscuit's n gravy.  Yeh, Yeh, I know I shouldn't have had the hasbrown and biscuits in gravy, but it was just one bite.  Well that is what I thought when I was eating them.  Moments later after eating them I was sicker than a dog.  Thought I was going to die.  When we got back to the camper I had to grab a tum and lay down.  I was down for a good three hours.  I'm thinking it was the greace.  Only thing I could think of because I didn't eat too much.  Put this on the WHAT NOT TO DO List.

Still got the wound I'm dealing with, but it isn't holding me back except for swimming.

October 3rd, 2007 - 22 days post op

Oct 03, 2007

Well I learned a valuable lesson today.  I didn't take anything for lunch today and a coworker had a pot pie she offered me.  It was a Mrs. McCallendar's ( I think that is how you spell it) which they have real chicken in them.  I thought I could just pick out the chicken and chew it up really good and I'd be okay.  (Remember...I have another week of pureed)  Any tasted really good so I ate the chicken first then had a few carrots and some of the gravy.  Well before I knew it I was very ill.  I had ate too much and it seemed like it was in my throat.  I started sweating and had major heartburn.  I took a few sips of water then went for a walk around my office building.  All the while feeling very ill.  Finally after about an hour I started feeling better.   I don't think this was dumping, but I do think it was overeating.  Now mind you I only had maybe 5 bites.  But that cannot happen again.  I did not like that at all.  I guess it is true that you learn from mistakes.  I'll be packing my 2oz. of food so I don't take more bites than I can hold.

All else is well...still got the wound that is open.  It is healing nicely, but very aggrivating.  My plan was to be swimming every night.  Can't do that until this heals.  Dr. says it will most likely take a month or more to heal completely up.  The wound was about 4 inches deep and is open the size of a nickel.  Not a pretty site let me tell you.  I'm wondering if this happened because I took a shower the next day after surgery and I'm thinking that maybe my shampoo or something got in the incision.  Sure wish it hadn't happened.  Of course I'm not complaining because some people have nausea and vomiting for weeks and thank God I have not vomited one time.  Almost today, but that was my own fault.

I keep watching the scales.  I think that I am watching them too much, but I have stayed the same for days now.  It is time for the scale to move!!!! 

October 2, 2007 - ON A ROLE

Oct 02, 2007

I've been coming home every night after work and going straight to bed.  For a while I needed that because the infection had drained me.  I came home from work early yesterday and layed in bed until I went to sleep around 6:00p.m.  I slept until around 2:30a.m.   Not sure what woke me but I was wide awake so I got on here and read a few blogs.  Then I realized....I'm acting like I'm still handicapped.  I made a decision this morning that I was going to get up and go at it.  I forced myself to walk straighter, walk more like myself.  I even made myself take a walk around my office building after lunch.  I felt so much better.  I came home tonight and I did not rush off to bed, but forced myself to stay up. I'm really ready for bed, but it is a start to my new life.  The incision is healing well...still hurts a little and I'm not sure if I shared that I was allergic to the tape they put on the wound and of course it broke out so I'm dealing with that also, but last night I was able to sleep on my left side which felt wonderful.  Today I was able to get down way more water than I have so far.  Took my vitamins.  I'm on a role.....

October 1, 2007

Oct 01, 2007

I haven't posted in a while so I thought I  better catch up on things.  Life has been uneventful with the exception of my incision problem.  I went back to work on Monday, September 24th, ended up taking another sick day on the 25th, then back to work on the 26th and finished out the week.  I worked 8 hour days, but boy did I feel it when I left for the day.  You definetly shouldn't sit too long when you are still healing.  Every night I go home and go straight to bed.  So there has been no time for blogging.  I'm doing much better, but the healing process of the incision is still painful along with the stitch that hasn't disolved yet on my muscle.   The majority of the time I am uncomfortable unless I am laying down.  I'm eating and drinking fine and all other functions are working well.  Just had the minor set back with the wound.  I'm not complaining...I have lost 42lbs.  That is just awesome for me.  I am 27 lbs away from only having a 100lbs. to lose.  I did have a 169 lbs. to lose so I'm making progress.  I'm on my lunch break now so I can't blog long.  Just wanted everyone who is checking in on me to know that I'm among the living...just not 100% yet.

September 24, 2007

Sep 24, 2007

Well the day did not turn out quite like I had planned.  This morning after my shower, my wound started draining heavily again.  I got dressed popped a kotex over the wound and went to work.  My wonderful husband sent me two dozen red roses picked yesterday from the fields of Equidor.  They were beautiful.  As you know, I have a desk job so all was good, but the wound kept draining.  At about 1:30p.m. I had already used two kotex.  Pretty crazy to drain from my side like I was on my period.  Sunday I had emailed the Dr. pictures of my wound and the drainage.  Dr. Curry's office called early in the morning wanting me to send the pictures to the other NP.  So I emailed them to her.  Around 2:00p.m. she called and wanted me in the office by 3:45p.m. today.  They cancelled my Wednesday appointment so I went ahead and met with the NUT first.  Two more weeks of pureed.  Geez...I thought I only had one more week.'s two.  Then I met with the NP who took a knife, opened up one end of my wound and did a lot of pressing.  She said she got a lot of drainage from the wound, but she took a sterile gauze and pushed it into the wound to create a "wick" that will allow the drainage to come out.  I have to wear this until tomorrow around noon.  My son stopped over tonight only hours after I got home from the dr. office and he had to change my dressings because they were drenched.  He doubled up on the dressing and I can see pink shining through the double dressing.  It is painful, but it has to drain for me to get better.  Needless to say....I am off work tomorrow.  God I hope this goes away soon because this is very painful and I'm starting to wear down.  Cried a few tears tonight.  Borderline thinking...What have I done?  I'm okay now, but had a melt down for a minute.  This has just got to go away soon.  On a positive note, on the Dr. scales I had lost 35lbs.  3lb difference from my home scales where I show 38lbs.  I had clothes on also though and I usually weigh in my undies at home.  35-38...I'll take either.

About Me
Fairfield, OH
Surgery Date
Aug 06, 2007
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