Working On

no longer be obese (BMI less than 30)

1 working on · 0 achieved
Working On

no longer be over weight (BMI less than 25)

1 working on · 0 achieved
Working On

Achieve a BMI of 20 and weigh 110lbs

1 working on · 0 achieved
Working On

I want to get my health, my self esteem, and my life back!

1 working on · 0 achieved · Target goal date: 12/31/2010
Working On

Live a healther life to the fullest - with a goal of loosing 100 pounds

55 working on · 13 achieved · Target goal date: 12/31/2011

To get below 200 pounds

78 working on · 41 achieved

Get the time off work approved

0 working on · 3 achieved

Join a gym and hire a personal trainer

0 working on · 1 achieved

Finish my WLS research

0 working on · 1 achieved · Target goal date: 2/01/2010

decide if WLS is for me, if it is which surgery is best.

0 working on · 2 achieved · Target goal date: 3/01/2010

Secure financing for the WLS

0 working on · 1 achieved · Target goal date: 3/01/2010

Choose a doctor and facility

0 working on · 1 achieved · Target goal date: 4/01/2010

no longer be extremely obese (BMI less than 40)

0 working on · 1 achieved · Target goal date: 5/16/2010

Get WLS approved and scheduled

0 working on · 1 achieved · Target goal date: 6/01/2010

Have the WLS by the end of the summer

0 working on · 2 achieved · Target goal date: 9/01/2010

weigh less than my husband

429 working on · 439 achieved · Target goal date: 10/16/2010