48 hrs to 45 days

Feb 25, 2010

So I talked to the drs office and my paper work has been gone for a wk and Im tired of the waiting, its gonna take 48hrs to 45 days to get the approval. Why the wait? I ask and its just so all the i's are doted and the t's crossed. Patience is not a vitrue I have. The waiting game. I however wont take this sitting down. Im gonna call the insurence people every week till they say yes. Another note from the drs is not pro-op liquid diet for two weeks. Just the day before and the day of surgery diet which will come when Im approved. Ms. Valerie is a sweetheart and god send. I was afraid that i was gonna hate liquids before I even got the surgery. Im thankful for all the support that I have from family and friends and they wonderful people on OH they have made this process just a tad bit more bareable.
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just a moment or two

Feb 16, 2010

well everyone i thought id sit for a minute and let some of you know what is going on in my life
im moving to delmar md on friday and that has been taking up most of my time. on thursday i have MY LAST!! appt. then i wait. it shouldnt be long the othr paper work is already at the insurence company. im supose to be onthe march schedule anyways. jsut waiting on the date. im a little scared not about the suregery but about the way it may affect me and the hubby. hes so use to seeing me big and for me to be small i dont know if its going to work out. hell ive known him for almost 20yrs of my life and the big girl is all he knows. but i cant wait im soooo excited. i cant wait someone pinch me and make sure im not dreaming. will post when i ahve my date.
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i hate the snow

Feb 10, 2010

ok so its snowed so much that im really thinking about moving somewhere warm. i hate the snow i really hate the snow. but if it stope for my last appt next week we will be ok. i got weighed in yesterday again and i have stayed the same for the last two mths no gain no loss. cant say that im surprised. 

snowed in

Jan 31, 2010

Well everyone it snowed so much that on sunday afternoon they closed my kids school. while they are shouhting no school im begging with god to let it open up. things have become really hard in this household.We have been trying to find a cheaper house and everytime we think we have one to go to somthing steps in my way. its soo fustrating. hubby and i are fighting all the time now. just when i thought things would be better they seem that they are getting worse. at least im lmost ready for surgery. hopefully i can get into my new house before this all happens.

final stretch

Jan 26, 2010

well everyone i finally made it. I have one more appt left then im done. my phyc eval is on the 18th of feb and thats it folks. however even though im done with my weigh ins im still gonna get weighed in until surgery that way im covered. whoa i cant believe it. im finally gonna be skinny.this process has taught me alot of things though for that im glad. not only can i now control what i eat but what my family is eating too. i dont want to see my kids go through the hassle of being overweight and being picked on. my daughter looks just like me and so far she has my weight issues and im trying really hard for her to become a better mom. i want her to know that its ok to be who she is. OH MY GOD I JUST GOT MY APPROVAL FROM THE DRS. im on the march schedule yea me

yea i know

Jan 13, 2010

OK so i know that its not me. i read the board every hr or so and i feel like that everyone if getting or already had their surgery but  me. and yes i know that's not true and those that have had have worked really hard to get there and it takes time and patience which by the way i dint have. i just want to grab a big bowl of chocolate bunny tracks ice cream with cherries and chocolate syrup and pig out in front of the TV and cry. i know i know its not the right thing to do which is why I'm having a shake instead but it doesn't make me feel any better. and how is that even though hubby is asking why I'm crying yet i say nothing is wrong. why cant i just say that i want this so bad and i want it now.I'm working so hard for this and i feel like its never going to get here.on top of everything else that's is going on i got the freaking lupron shot and it makes me so emotional that i can cry for no reason like now sniff makes me so crazy i guess you could guess how hubby feels.

its finally going to happen to me

Jan 11, 2010

so i called the drs today to let them know about a test im having on tuesday. i asked is they needed a copy of the report and they do (they wanted me to have this done anyways) and the head nurse proceeds to ask me what i need to do and i tell her three more weighins and the mental health eval and shes says oh. and im kinda surprised so i ask "OH" she says that my achart has passed her deska nd is sitting there waiting for m e to complete my insurence requirerments and then they will schedule the surgery date!!!!!! yipee!!!! i cant wait how cna i push the three mths along dones anyone have some time travel dust. so anytime after march i could be post about my suregry. im excited yet scared. this is something i ahve wanted my hoel life and i cant wait. i mean how does it go from fighting with insurence poeple to being just mths away in what feels like days. i can hardly wait

About Me
Delmar, MD
Surgery Date
Jan 06, 2010
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