Original goal not met...

Mar 02, 2013

I am maintaining my weight at around 220lbs... I get a lot of compliments and most of the people around me either weigh more or "look" bigger than me. I think two of my biggest problems with my weight loss has been my increasing difficulty of my illnesses (which are preventing working out) and my eating habits. Since surgery, I dont really eat a "meal". I hardly ever sit down with a plate of food and i think this a big problem. When i do sit down with a plate of food, it is waaaaay too much food. I tend to over eat and my stomach hurts and then come the "foamies"... So, against my doctor's advice, I will be going back on a strict diet of vegan protein shakes and raw vegan juicing for a while. Im hoping to get back on track with my eating habits, loose more weight in the process and clean out my body of all the toxins i have been putting in it. Meat and meat proteins have not been my friend since surgery. I try not to compare myself to others on this site who have lost a significant amount of weight , with the same surgery over a much shorter time frame-mostly because i DID have many complications post-op, now i have been diagnosed with fibro/lupus making my dietary needs different than anticipated, have had a lot of other things to stem from this surgery. I definitely see that the compression garments are key to looking better, bc it doesnt matter how much weight you loose you will have the excess skin. I think this is something i will be stuck with-as not too many doctors want to operate on lupus patients, as it takes longer to recover and the complications are higher risk. I DO think my pouch has stretched, also slowing down my weight loss. Since i never really measured myself on how much I was eating from the beginning, now I just kinda eat things in passing and keep it moving. I do have slight feeling of hunger, but i am noticing that over time my old habits have slipped into my diet. Not eating breakfast, not eating small meals throughout the day, i am eating regular sugars and sometimes even fried food. One good thing i will say though, is that my body will still let me know when i have messed up... If i do intake too much simple sugar or fried food, i feel really sick. Fried food hurts and sugar makes me feel like i have food poisoning. I am going to be updating my progress on my new detox and fresh fruit/veggie juice fasting i will be doing in the next month. I am hoping to clean my colon and my liver (mostly), while incorporating my fresh veggies and fruits. I have to get back on the wagon. Im hoping that this will in turn drop me at least under 200lbs, get my mouth used to eating "properly" again and with the increase of antioxidents in my body, will help my issues with my pain from my other diagnosis. we will see where this all takes me...


weight loss?

Jan 16, 2013

I am very close to reaching my goal weight and have been told by my doc to stop! o_O my illnesses will cause me to loose weight w/o effort... Who knew... Just gotta watch and see what happens i guess... Will update again soon...

happy surgiversary to me!!!

Nov 04, 2012

I know I'm a couple days late... But better late than never. Well, I must say that this past yr has been a true life changing and learning experience! People have asked me often if I had to do it again would I... Honestly, with everything I've experienced I'm not sure if i would. Yes, I have had weight loss success. Yes, I have gotten lots of compliments. Yes, I can see a huge difference in my lifestyle. But there have also been changes and issues that may have been avoided had I not had weight loss surgery. My weight loss has revealed medical issues that were being attributed to my weight... Fibromyalgia and lupus. I know take a crap load of meds that i wasn't on pre surgery... I can't take my all reliable ibuprophen, this change has been the biggest problem for me as I have widespread pain, and am now on narcotics... I almost died 3times,post op... I try to tell those who ask don't take my situation as the rule... Everyone's situation is different. I'm just glad I did actually make it to my SURGIVERSARY and lost the weight I was aiming for. My actual goal weight is still out of reach right at this moment, but I know i have to this in my own time. To all those reading this, I wish you a safe and pleasant journey on your weight loss... It's not always as easy as it looks...

havent been on here in while...

Aug 12, 2012

my weight loss has stalled. i have never been a "small" person so i have had some reservations about my weight loss overall... i wanted to be at a "healthy" weight, but i think my goal (on a personal level) is unrealistic. I am now able to eat mostly anything i want. Of course in very small portions. but i find myself "grazing" all day because when i sit down for a "meal" i tend to either eat to fast or over eat and then im hurting... I think i want to get down about another 30-50 lbs and MAYBE touch "wonderland" (just for the sake of saying i did it!), but i dont want to pressure myself into loosing much more weight. My weight loss has uncovered lots of medical issues i didnt know i had and was once attributed to my obesity. But i hate coming on OH and seeing how others have lost so much more weight than me in a much shorter time. I DO have a lot of loose skin, however, with my weight loss stall im seeing my body "readjust" to the loss and it doesnt seem to look as bad as it once did. I have had a lot of hair loss too. But i have to be honest. I dont eat like i should and i dont take my vitamins/calcium supplements at all. I know i dont drink enough of anything (let alone water). So i understand that my weight loss has a lot to do with my bad habits and i am working on that. I have considered the fact that this was a life threatening surgery AND post-op, but when life takes over and my other illnesses...i just dont focus enough on ME to take care of ME. I have yet to get ino a gym. I did 1 gym experience since i have been released, but my other docs are telling me not to do it until they can get a handle on other ailments of my body. When i feel "GOOD", its good. When i feel bad, its really bad and i find myself regreting the surgery. People often tell me how good i look and they are so happy for me. and they just dont know the struggles i have on a daily basis simply BECAUSE i had this surgery. Im glad for those people who have had it,love it, love life and everything there is to enjoy being a smaller person and having lost the weight you had targeted for. All im saying is this may not have been the best thing for me... 

time's flying-no weight lost

Jun 07, 2012

im just past 7months post op. ive been having a bunch of tests done. Turns out i ultimately DID have a "botched" surgery. i dont even know what my recourse is at this point. this would explain my slow weight loss all these months, my nausea, feeling of hunger...etc... my "pouch" looks more like a slightly larger tennis ball perched on top of a tube about 1/4in wide... it just all feels so wrong. this journey has been bitter sweet, i have finally lost enough weight to appreciate the surgery. being that i didnt have the surgery for 'vanity' reasons, it feels somewhat a waste. the ailments i had prior to wls that were attributed to my massive weight are still present and issues worse, i guess im still asking myself why did i do this. im so glad this has been successful for so many others, however, i cant share in the joys-i actually feel a sense of jealousy that i have yet to feel pleased with this decision. i also need to readjust my eating habits because i find that since i dont eat much,i usually just graze all day. the vegetarian way of life is working a little better for me than eating meat. i will put forth more effort to loose more weight before my surgiversary...


Apr 27, 2012

i am loosing a little slower these days, but i know it was because of what i was eating. i never sit down for a meal. i pretty much graze all day, im still trying to work past my issues of "eating all my food"... size wise, im happy with how i look. but i know this wasnt the goal. i have lost more than half of my target weightloss! but even though im  not loosing as much as most other people, i like my rate of weight loss. i havent been able to get much physical activity due to other ailments, sadly, things thought to be "fixed" by my weightloss have actually gotten worse... i noticed i am able to get more food and liquid down at one time. I still suffer a lot from nausea. I have an issue with hydration. i have to take a bunch of pain meds and of course due to the malabsorbtion of the stomach i am taking tons more than the average person, and not getting much relief... hence the inactivity. drinking and eating lessens the absorbtion rate even more...hence the dehydration...i dont know about others, but i DO feel hunger. its not intense and not as often as pre-surgery, but i am feeling it again. i moved across country and had to find a new doc. even though they have my med records because i am still experiencing nausea, they want to do a scope  and 'look at the anatomy" of my stomach to see "where we are with my post op"... still taking prilosec, i forget to take my vitamins, i hardly ever drink protein shakes anymore... idk.. when its all said together, i really been messing up... but i honestly been taking this thing one day at a time. OAN.. intimacy has increased... hubby's happy... changed my diet again to vegetarian... vegan proteins seem to agree with me more than the whey, less gas too.

One of many goals met!!

Mar 26, 2012

i finally made my goal of pre-baby weight! ithought i would be more excited. my body is totally different now. So i am the pre-baby wighy, but not size. I have a few more lbs to go befofe i can claim the size comfprtabley! the reaction i am getting from people is phenominal. i feel bad though bc eat whatever i want, but i live mostly on fruit... anywhoo, it all is surreal...

Kinda Funny, yet sad, but true...

Mar 05, 2012

I noticed that my clothes arent fitting anymore, but i just refuse to buy any clothes right now... so my mom bought a shirt (XL) and IT FIt! greeeeeeeeat! But i never took into consideration my underclothes... I had on a pair of pants that were too big, but what the hell, i had to wear SOMETHING, so im walking around the store and im feeling some thing on my leg, Im thinking to myself.. wth is that... so i pull up my pants and as i am pulling them up.. i realized that what i felt on my leg was my freaking PANTIES!!!!!  LOL... It never occured to me that my under clothes would get too small on me at the same time as everything else (duh, right?) So, i decided to go home and start trying on my under clothes to see what actually still fits---low, and behold... all were too big.. and not just a little loose, but REALLY too big... i had bee wearing sports bras and hadnt paid any attention to the undies so i had no idea these things were too big.. OMG! So, NOW, i am being forced to buy a few things bc nothing fits. What i think is so weird though, is that my numbers dont change very much, but my clothing size does... my shoe size included... im happy with that, but i would like more to see it on the scale bc then i have something more concrete to work with... anywhoo, its that time of the month again, time for my few pound gain... cant wait to see next wk what weight changes will occur. Maybe i will actually break these 70's and move into the 60's finally, im not happy that im not loosing as much as fast as some other people, but since i am still loosing i guess its always a good thing...

I wonder?

Feb 20, 2012

I am struggling with the whole idea that i have had this surgery and things arent moving along as i thought. I am loosing weight VERY slowly. Im sure its something i am doing wrong. I dont get enough protein and water in daily. I guess i will have to get back to basics... I keep wondering how i can make changes that are consistant enough for me to loose weight. I am having the hardest time getting the motivation to go work out. I look at myself in the mirror and i am actually content with where my weight loss has gotten me. I am almost to my pre-baby weight, which for me, was a comfortable place. I think im just in a funk right now, bc people around me expect me to loose more weight, even though i am actually happy right where i am. I mean, i didnt have surgery for cosmetic purposes. I was actually happy as a "LARGE" woman; so the idea of loosing more weight makes me leery. It is out of my comfort zone. I am starting to have the feelings of depression. I want to avoid that at all costs... I will work on my exercise regimin and get my endorphins going so i can get healthier and happier all at the same time....


Feb 16, 2012

Its been a little while since i been on here. I noticed that my body has been going through a lot of ups and downs. I am struggling to stay focused on getting my vitamins, rest, protein, water, not to mention exercise. I havent done any exercise. I am still feeling very tired. im thinking it might be due to my pain meds. BUT, I have finally gotten a concoction that makes me get a BM out bc as stated before i have a really hard time getting them. My NSV is my clothing size!  I still have yet to reach my next milestone of 260lbs (pre-baby weight), BUT, ironically i am able to comfortably fit into an XL top and some XL-2X bottoms!!!!!!!!!!! I went shopping today and i felt a little embarassed that somebody might look at me crazy for shopping in the "regular" section. I havent been this size in so many yrs its surreal.So, i proudly browsed through the clothes and decided not to buy anything simply bc i have so much more weight to loose that i really didnt want to waste the money. I am enjoying the new found attention i am getting and my husband just gushes over me. Im loving it for now. I havent been smaller than a 14 in my adult life so now that i am so close to that size again and STILL have a lot to go to even be in ONEderland is kinda scary. Im not sure how i feel about being a "small' woman. I guess only time will tell...

About Me
Cartersville, GA
Surgery Date
Sep 26, 2010
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