Original goal not met...

Mar 02, 2013

I am maintaining my weight at around 220lbs... I get a lot of compliments and most of the people around me either weigh more or "look" bigger than me. I think two of my biggest problems with my weight loss has been my increasing difficulty of my illnesses (which are preventing working out) and my eating habits. Since surgery, I dont really eat a "meal". I hardly ever sit down with a plate of food and i think this a big problem. When i do sit down with a plate of food, it is waaaaay too much food. I tend to over eat and my stomach hurts and then come the "foamies"... So, against my doctor's advice, I will be going back on a strict diet of vegan protein shakes and raw vegan juicing for a while. Im hoping to get back on track with my eating habits, loose more weight in the process and clean out my body of all the toxins i have been putting in it. Meat and meat proteins have not been my friend since surgery. I try not to compare myself to others on this site who have lost a significant amount of weight , with the same surgery over a much shorter time frame-mostly because i DID have many complications post-op, now i have been diagnosed with fibro/lupus making my dietary needs different than anticipated, have had a lot of other things to stem from this surgery. I definitely see that the compression garments are key to looking better, bc it doesnt matter how much weight you loose you will have the excess skin. I think this is something i will be stuck with-as not too many doctors want to operate on lupus patients, as it takes longer to recover and the complications are higher risk. I DO think my pouch has stretched, also slowing down my weight loss. Since i never really measured myself on how much I was eating from the beginning, now I just kinda eat things in passing and keep it moving. I do have slight feeling of hunger, but i am noticing that over time my old habits have slipped into my diet. Not eating breakfast, not eating small meals throughout the day, i am eating regular sugars and sometimes even fried food. One good thing i will say though, is that my body will still let me know when i have messed up... If i do intake too much simple sugar or fried food, i feel really sick. Fried food hurts and sugar makes me feel like i have food poisoning. I am going to be updating my progress on my new detox and fresh fruit/veggie juice fasting i will be doing in the next month. I am hoping to clean my colon and my liver (mostly), while incorporating my fresh veggies and fruits. I have to get back on the wagon. Im hoping that this will in turn drop me at least under 200lbs, get my mouth used to eating "properly" again and with the increase of antioxidents in my body, will help my issues with my pain from my other diagnosis. we will see where this all takes me...


About Me
Cartersville, GA
Surgery Date
Sep 26, 2010
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