Kinda Funny, yet sad, but true...

Mar 05, 2012

I noticed that my clothes arent fitting anymore, but i just refuse to buy any clothes right now... so my mom bought a shirt (XL) and IT FIt! greeeeeeeeat! But i never took into consideration my underclothes... I had on a pair of pants that were too big, but what the hell, i had to wear SOMETHING, so im walking around the store and im feeling some thing on my leg, Im thinking to myself.. wth is that... so i pull up my pants and as i am pulling them up.. i realized that what i felt on my leg was my freaking PANTIES!!!!!  LOL... It never occured to me that my under clothes would get too small on me at the same time as everything else (duh, right?) So, i decided to go home and start trying on my under clothes to see what actually still fits---low, and behold... all were too big.. and not just a little loose, but REALLY too big... i had bee wearing sports bras and hadnt paid any attention to the undies so i had no idea these things were too big.. OMG! So, NOW, i am being forced to buy a few things bc nothing fits. What i think is so weird though, is that my numbers dont change very much, but my clothing size does... my shoe size included... im happy with that, but i would like more to see it on the scale bc then i have something more concrete to work with... anywhoo, its that time of the month again, time for my few pound gain... cant wait to see next wk what weight changes will occur. Maybe i will actually break these 70's and move into the 60's finally, im not happy that im not loosing as much as fast as some other people, but since i am still loosing i guess its always a good thing...


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Cartersville, GA
Surgery Date
Sep 26, 2010
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