As I sit here with my cookies-n-cream.... (long post)

Jan 05, 2009

OK...Only GOD can judge me! I am getting in my last Haagen-Dazs hurrah.....People in glass houses ..well, you know the rest LOL_ I know my fellow obese folks didn't get here from overeating carrots!

Well let's the past few days what has happened?
First off, my mom is doing better and I can see evidence of her gettign a little stronger day by day - I am praying that her kidneys begin to function or at least that she get strong enough to come off the breathign machines and do dialysis. She is amazing. I mean, a week ago this doctor talked hospice, it's a matter of days..and here we are and she is still alive! I believe that God is working on her. Now she is writing, she is more alert, she responds well by head gestures, nods, and hand squeezes. The tubes prevent her from speaking. I know God is in control and I am treasuring all this time He is giving me with her. I know she won't be here on Earth forever but I know He is in control and either I can worry or pray but i can't do both....

Well, tonight I went to LifeSkills Classs #1-Whew! Soooo much info. I have to keep a 3 week food diary of 1400 calories and aim for 60g of protein. The dietician talked about protein supplements and vitamins and liquids and pureed foods and this and that..and man, it was so much to digest (no pun intended). I just hope I can be honest and truthful unlike the food diaries I used to keep for WW  and other programs. Or at least with WW if I ate junk, I wrote it down but no one was going to see it. When I did LA Wt Loss, the consultant would see it and sometimes I would "forget" to write something down- but I don't know I think because this is the hospital dietician and I am in a group full of fatties like me- I don't want to be the superfatty who didn't lose weight and had a crappy food diary. 

Well I finally got the scheduler on the phone at my doc's office and I really was trying to get my GI eval scheduled but wound up requesting my surg. date of 4/13. So if all goes well, my LB will be done on Monday 4/13- the day after Easter. I sat next to a lady who visits another doc at my surgeon's office and she gets her LB done in 2 wks. She said that she didn't have a pre-op diet (maybe because she is doing her nutrition classes and they knew she would be counting calories now) and that she won't see her surgeon again till the surgery! yikes! I thought I would see my doc again beforehand-she made it sound like I would see her 2 wks prior. Anyway, I figure in Feb and March I will have to try to diet on my own because the nutr. classes will be done and I won't have the food diary obligation.  Maybe I will just keep eating healthy on my own (I will try to at least!) So here are some things I need to start doing now so I will be used to it when April gets here -(It seems far but at least I can practice eating like a gastric surgery patient)_ now I admit soem of these things are making me 2nd guess the surgery- like can I really live like this FOREVER? Who knows? Maybe I won't go through with the surgery---we'll see..but for now I have to try to do the following:

- No straws
-no fruit juice
-no alcohol
-no gum
-no sugar alcohols
-less than 6g of sugar with my foods
-Greek yogurt (has twice the protein)
-64 oz of water
- no more than 1400 cal/day


AND my bday is Saturday and I wanna eat! Yikes!

oh BTW_ i forgot to mention, this chick next to me in I ask her which band was she getting. She said the LapBand not Realize. She said her neighbor's son did Realize and lost like 5# then wound up gaining. His dad did LapBand and lost 68# in 1and a half months- now granted he is a constr. worker so he gets more activity but Geesh!

What do you all think? Realize or LapBand because it's been out longer (but supposedly has more complications)

