Cold Feet...and I ain't talkin' 'bout the weather

Jan 13, 2009

OK so I mentioned in my intro post that I have always been anti-WLS. Now my mom and dad are not really in favor of me doing the WLS, my brother and sister also have been a little 'oh are u sure u want to do that'. Well despite that, I had been going along with the process. Now I have 2nd thoughts. I talked to the nurse at my  lapband class- and she told me to think about it because it is so life changing. She told me I had 6 months that my med clearances would still be good. But I dunno..I am thinkign. I can do this myself right? I mean, I have not really really given a diet like JC or WW a 100% try without cheating. I just have a hard time digesting(no pun intended LOL) the fact that some foods i will never eat again.


That's a long I say to myself, you mean when i am 60 and more secure inmyself not caring what others think about me, I will still have this thing in my body and not be able to go to a buffet? and then  I also wonder will there be longtime side effects that we don't know about yet because the band has not even been out for 10 years in the US

Anyone else have cold feet?

