Excuse me..did you say 316.2?

Mar 01, 2009

Hey OH family

It has been awhile! Well I started a consecration with my church on Ash Wed. and we are  doing the Daniel Fast- no meats, no sweets, no preservatives.  I have modified- I am having butter, preservatives, and yes..I broke my fast on Sat. But.....guess what?  I went to WW to get in one last weigh-in for the month of Feb. as part of my pre-op requirements (6 months of a diet program). Well I was last there on 2/12 in the afternoon and weighed 328! So I had been dancing (not really dancing, sort of a sloowwww two-step) in the 320s for a LONG time.  I got up yesterday morning and went to WW for an early WI amd the lady is like you are down 12.6. I am like Excuse me? I get off and get back on..she's like "Uh yea..the scale is right..Congratulations."

Yall..I was sooooooooooo siked..That is what I NEEDED!

Being off of junk food is making a difference (and I needed the consecration because as a cookie mom, these Girl Scout cookies were gonna be my huge downfall!)

And my little self-esteem is getting a pick me up. I met a little online friend (not on OH) and he's ..*ahem", let's just say he picked up my self-esteem. Compliments which remind me that Yes I am a woman, and I am worthy of attention love and desire.

I am making the effort to make myself a little cuter- clothes, hair, jewelry--you know, just paying attention to the image I am putting out there to the world and not letting the weight get me down. I know things are a-changin'

I am looking forward to the band-with expectancy and not dread. this consecration I just know ill take off the weight I wanted to remove. It's wonderful how God does things. I know that if I stay my course, I will be in the low 300s by Easter when the fast ends - that's about 15-16 pounds in the next 5-6 weeks.

April 15---game face on!

I get my Endoscopy on Wed and a snowstorm is on its way. Snow or not, I am still going to go get my procedure done! After so many appts- I mean I had 3 cardio appts- a stress test, an echocardiogram...and I am still here- still going strong!

