22 Pounds in TWO weeks and no more Isopure!

Jul 05, 2011

I'm two weeks post op. I've lost TWENTY-TWO pounds in those two weeks. Say that with me. 22 pounds. That means that I've lost 42 pounds in four weeks (lost 20 during the pre op diet).

Holy Moly! I'm thrilled. I know it's temporary and I know my loss will slow. I also know I have a whole lot to go, which is kind of sad that I let my weight get that out of control, but the point is that I'm doing something about it now, right? I feel "great" about that part, but I've been feeling really really run down the past few days. Moreso than after surgery. I think it's lack of nutrition and vitamins... but...

Today I get to start full liquids and purees. Yay!  I also get to start taking vitamins again. Double Yay! So, I chewed those Celebrate Vitamins (I seem to like those better than Bariatric Advantage - plus I kinda hate the word bariatric for some reason - yes, I know). And now, I'm sitting here eating 2 oz of cottage cheese. I'm going slow and it appears to be going down just fine. And, OMG, it's the best cottage cheese EVER. 

The whole not drinking while eating is going to be weird. But I've got the top of my water bottle closed to remind me. The vitamins are a bit confusing. I wrote on the lid B, L, D or N for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Night so I know when to take them. You have to space out the Iron away from the Calcium.

Anyway, happy to have moved on from clear liquids. I was going Iso-Nuts with the Isopure. So much sweet stuff. It was making me a little crazy.

Onward and Upward!


About Me
Austin, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2010
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May 2011, 375 pounds
July 2013, 150 pounds

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