ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 9 years, 6 months ago

No more sleep apnea!  Yee haw!  Went to see the sleep doctor this morning to get the results of my sleep study that was done a couple months ago - no more sleep apnea.  So excited! 

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 9 years, 8 months ago
Women - Swimsuit suggestions? - Hi there, fellow female VSGers.  Any suggestions for swimsuit ideas post surgery and post weight loss?  I'm not talking bikini here - no WAY you'll see me in a bikini - that would ...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 9 years, 8 months ago
Normal BMI for Christmas! - I weighed myself today and the scale said 153.3!  That's a BMI of 24.7 for 5 ft 6 inches!  Yee haw!  I have not EVER been able to say that in my life until now.  Best Christmas gi...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 9 years, 9 months ago
Pretty awesome NSV stuff! - I went on a business trip this past week. First time I've been on a plane in 6 months. Wow!  I could buckle up with seatbelt to spare AND cross my legs in the seat!  And you should...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 9 years, 11 months ago
The holidays are coming! - I just have to do this for my own accountability factor - I REFUSE to allow the holidays to get me off track this year.  Usually October through the first part of January is a tota...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 9 years, 12 months ago
8 months! Finally posted pics - Hopefully the picture process went okay - first time I've tried to post pics, but I did post them to my profile.  I have a picture the day before surgery, and then 2 pictures from ...

ReclaimingPaula uploaded a photo 9 years, 12 months ago

ReclaimingPaula uploaded a photo 9 years, 12 months ago

ReclaimingPaula uploaded a photo 9 years, 12 months ago

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
Wondering about where my goal should be... - Hi, all!  You'll see if you look at my ticker that I am just about 2 pounds away from the initial goal that I set when I started on this journey.  The number of 175 was a number I ...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
Taking the good with the bad. - Hi there - so just a couple of reflections on the past month or so.  I hit a STALL for the first time in my weight loss journey.  Yes, I've read about it, and tried to prepare myse...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
6 months ago today! - I will get some before and after pics posted on here - haven't figured that all out yet.  But, I just wanted to share that I am SO happy that I made this decision to embark on this...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
ONDERLAND!!!!! - I'm so excited to be there! Scale said 199.2 this morning!  I had given up on ever seeing that again! Here's to NEVER, EVER going back!  I vow here and now to fight tooth and nail ...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
Checking in. Many NSVs to report - Hi there!  I have always been more of a reader than a poster on this site but I feel like it's good to share the positives of this process.  I am very thankful to list the followi...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
Had SO much fun eating at Olive Garden tonight! - My hubby and I went on a date for the first time in a long time, decided to eat at Olive Garden.  Here is what made it FUN!  I ordered an appetizer that is grilled chicken skewers ...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
Lesson Learned! - Who knows?  Maybe I'll have to teach this one to myself again, but I sure hope not!  I sat down at my desk to work and eat my dinner this evening.  Bad idea!  I was apparently not ...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
My experience with sharing with others about my WL - When I was in the contemplative stage about having this surgery, I told absolutely NO ONE that I was even considering it - not even my husband (who is also my best friend).  I did ...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
4 weeks postop! - I can't believe it's already been 4 weeks since my surgery!  I'm down 25 pounds since that day and I was so excited today to try on some old clothes and find they fit!  I can wear ...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
How do we get help with the board? - Hi there!  I'm having issues with a couple of things - like that I cannot seem to get to the page where I could post my current weight, and I cannot ever get the surgery date and s...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
So happy to be home! - Got my sleeve on Tuesday. Spent tues night in the hospital and then stayed in El Paso last night and then drove. 4 1/2 hours to get here. I'm not gonna lie about it. I'm having som...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
I have my sleeve! - Just awake getting poked n prodded so I thought I would check in. Had my surgery yesterday at. 8:00 am. Having some pain. But overall doing great!

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
Tomorrow morning! - Can't believe the time is finally here!  I get sleeved in the morning!  I feel a lot like I did when I was getting ready to give birth. I'm excited for this journey to begin but...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 8 months ago
Excitement and some fear building! - I have to leave my house in just over 3 hours to drive to El Paso, TX, which is where I am having my surgery on Tuesday (will take me 4 hours to drive there).  I should have bee...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 8 months ago
Flu symptoms related to preop diet? - Anyone ever experience flu like symptoms while on the preop liquid diet?  My head hurts, neck hurts, and I'm running a temp of 100.3 which is very unusual. I've been very good a...

ReclaimingPaula posted a discussion topic 10 years, 8 months ago
And the journey begins... - Started on my first day of Preop diet today!  Surgery is on 1/28.  I'm getting excited and nervous.  I'm not feeling the pain of being on the preop all liquid diet yet, but the ...
About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 16, 2013
Member Since

Friends 1
