
pumpkin recipes

There’s More to Pumpkin Than Pie, 12 Pumpkin Recipes

October 20, 2015 · 0 comments

There is so much more to pumpkin than just pie! If you've been locked into the "pumpkin pie" routine, it is time to step out of your comfort zone and learn about all of the amazing health benefits of pumpkin. The Nutritional Benefits of Pumpkin Pumpkin is a member of the food

Curried Pumpkin Soup Recipe

October 8, 2015 · 0 comments

This soup screams Autumn, but it’s wonderful anytime! I love the sweet/spicy flavor and the richness the coconut milk gives.  The peanut butter is optional and depending on the mood I’m in, I’ll either add it or leave it out….the soup is fantastic either way! Serve this with a plate

Grilled Ratatatoullie

Grilled Ratatouille by Val

September 21, 2015 · 0 comments

I first made Ratatouille when my grandson requested it after watching the movie by the same name. Traditional Ratatouille is a labor intensive dish that takes several hours to properly prepare. My inspiration was finding these tiny Indian eggplants at my local grocery store. I often buy unique new vegetables and

Hearty Vegetable Beef Soup Recipe

September 4, 2015 · 0 comments

On a cold rainy day in Southern California, I’d often come home to my mother making this wonderfully wholesome soup, made from whatever vegetables she had leftover in the refrigerator. Her recipe is a little different from mine, but the end result is nothing short of delicious! It starts with

Monkey Peanut Butter Shake Recipe 2

Push the Reset Button with a Monkey Peanut Butter Shake

August 25, 2015 · 0 comments

Try this Monkey Peanut Butter Shake to start your mornings (or anytime) off right with protein in a delicious way with a combo of chocolate, banana, and peanut butter. These classic flavors are combined with a chocolate protein shake made with Premier Protein® shakes. We like to call it the “Monkey

Texas Caviar Recipe

Texas Caviar Recipe

August 14, 2015 · 0 comments

Give this recipe a try... fresh, zesty and YUMMY! This Texas Caviar recipe is a true crowd pleaser, bring this colorful dish to a potluck or serve at your next get-together. To save time and let the flavors meld together, you can make it the night before serving. It tastes even

Blackened Salmon

Spicy and Sweet Blackened Salmon Recipe

August 3, 2015 · 0 comments

Salmon is an excellent source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D.  Fish is packed with protein and a healthy food choice for anyone, especially WLS'ers.  No fuss and lots of flavor is the motto of this Spicy and Sweet Blackened Salmon. A touch of sweet and spicy collide for

Premier Protein Orange Cream Protein Popsicles

Stay Cool this Summer with Orange Cream Protein Popsicles

July 24, 2015 · 0 comments

It’s summer and the hot temperatures outside are not dropping anytime soon! Staying active and planning healthy meals can be challenging when you are surrounded by the heat and summer BBQ parties. For your next BBQ outing, try making these refreshingly delicious Orange Cream Protein Popsicles with Premier Protein® Vanilla Shakes

Celebrate July 4th with WLS Recipes

July 1, 2015 · 0 comments

As a country, we celebrate our independence on July 4th.  As WLS'ers, we celebrate our independence from being unhealthy to healthy.  We don't have to prepare a dish full of sugar and fat to commemorate a holiday.  Instead, for Independence Day, make a platter with strawberries, watermelon, blueberries and sliced

Parm Chips and Salsa 2

Parmesan Chips and Salsa Recipes

June 15, 2015 · 0 comments

Enjoy Chips and Salsa, Parmesan-Style! Chips and salsa are a favorite of many people. What's the issue about chips and salsa for anyone health-minded? The chips have lots of carbs with some fat which makes them not a great choice for weight loss. Where's the protein in them? There usually