USMC Mud Run (NC) Race Report

Sam LifeNerd
on 6/4/12 12:55 am
Ok, a FIRST for me!!!  This was a 5k, cross country, through the woods, over some HUGE hills near Pilot Mountain (Mt. Pilot for Andy Griffin fans) with 20 obstacles thrown in!

This is a TEAM event and we had myself and two buddies on our team, we finished the race in approx 1:05 but I do not have the final numbers yet (not posted on their site.)

You start off running UP the biggest hill in the campground, about 200 yards or more to the top, then a long downhill stretch ending in the first mud pit, maybe 10-15' across it.  

There was 3500 runners this weekend so the obstacles tended to get backed up, even with staggered start times, etc.  We queued up and hit the left side, my right leg sunk to my KNEE and I went down, right arm to the elbow.  My buddy was on the left and gave me a hand up, HARD to push up when you are in 18" of mud, ha!

The next few mud crossings were all much more shallow, lots of creek crossings and the wooded path was slippery at times.  My buddy hit his right heel HARD and really bruised it, so he slowed for a bit while we worked through the woods, I continued to run with the 3rd guy.

The obstacles included mud pits with logs to jump over, under, crawls where you were on all 4 going thru slimy stinky mud and then finally out of the woods to #1 mile marker and water!

Next part of the race was more meadows, lots of hills at this point and we jogged everything for the most part, legs were still fresh and then comes the HILL CLIMB!

This was about 50-75' STEEP hill, 60-75 degree slope with some parts nearly vertical.  10 ropes coming down the sides and a HUGE line to get on.

I made it all the way to the top on my rope, watching others (lean back FAR so your legs are in front of you) but the top / the guy stationed there to help you over was working the next lane and I missed the final leap.  My feet started slipping and I slid back down to the bottom, SO close!

The next person really struggled so after 5 minutes or so I cut over into the woods and we free climbed to the top with roots, trees, etc and then ended up waiting 5 - 10 minutes trying to find our 3nd runner.  Turns out he skipped the ropes and was way ahead of us!!

We jogged on to the next station, 10 pushups and jumping jacks and then running... then a LONG muddy hill climb (no ropes) and we are at mile marker #2 / water station!

We hit the first wall, maybe 4' tall, I tried to launch over it myself but DENIED.  Buddy gave me a leg/knee to launch on and I am over!!

Then we find our 3rd runner off to the side waiting on EMS.  Leg has cramped HARD at this point since he cannot run right due to the heel injury from before mile marker #1.  We waited with him maybe 10 minutes or so, EMS cleared him and the cramping has subsided just a bit though he is REALLY hurting.

We limp/jog the rest of the walls in the field, crawled the tubes and grenade toss and climbed the original huge hill again for the final decent to the BIG mud pit!!

This is the END!!  This sucker the water was as much as 3.5' to 4' deep, with drill instructors hollering to get down under the criscrossed tape on the far end.  Literally nothing out of the water/mud at this point except my head!

We limped/jogged the final 100' across the FINISH line, my buddy said the clock was approx 1 hour and 5 minutes.  (They did the course in 1:15 2 years earlier so we are improving!!)

I actually felt great!  I "jogged" / ran most of the course except for the really steep muddy section at the end and was not hurting.  STILL not hurting the next day and about to go run for 30 minutes here at lunch time!!

Couch 2 5k WORKS!!  I did the 20 minute run last Wednesday (Day 3 of Week 5) and our team was the "fast" team in our friends.  (The "slow" team ended up beating us by 5 minutes due to the injury, but we were smoking them the first 1/2 of the course!!)

All of us are ready to sign up again for next year and I will remember this FOREVER as my first official race!!!

I kept my banner, #2139, and cannot WAIT for my first road course 5k in July!  That will be the one I am going for a good TIME/speed, training now to build up speed / endurance!

There is a couple before / after pictures in my profile area including the trio heading into the final mud pit.

on 6/4/12 1:44 am - Collierville, TN
 That sounds like so much fun!!! Congrats on a great time AND a fun time!!!

Lots of 5K's, 10K's., 4 1/2 Marathons, 3 Sprint Triathlon done. 2 Olympics and my  First IRONMAN 70.3 September 2013 and First Full Marathon Dec 2013  !!!!!

My blog-


Sam LifeNerd
on 6/4/12 3:17 am
 Decided to see what I could do on a road course, so my work out today was a 5k!!  (Endomondo does the tracking, really neat app.)

Finished in 36:13,

Mile 1 was 10:22
Mile 2 was 11:45
Mile 3 was 12:51 (Had to walk a bit starting at 28 minutes, 2.46 miles)

Now I gotta build speed and a bit more endurance!

on 6/4/12 6:44 am - Cumming, GA
awesome!  congrats.  one of these days i'm going to tackle a mud run.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

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