Talk me down PLEASE!!!!

on 4/6/12 3:20 pm - Canada
I don't know if it's the hormones, or just total worry, but i'm almost 18 weeks now and for the last 2 weeks i have been feeling the baby move quite often.  for the last 24 hours i have not felt anything.  And I am in a total panic. 

Does anyone else totally freak out now that you're pregnant?  I just know that there are so many things that CAN go wrong due to nutrition and everything that I find myself just worrying ALL the time!

I also know that it's very normal to NOT feel the baby this early, but is it normal to feel it often for a while and then not really at all for a while????

Sorry, just needing some support today.

xoxoTicker id: Qtad
    Ticker id: tnRU

Sherry-Lynn L.
on 4/6/12 8:35 pm - Barrie, Canada
First of all RELAX!!!  I have days where baby Shaelyn wears herself out (moves so much) then she has a quiet day or 2.  Hardly moves, or I am way too busy to notice.  Drink some juice, lay on your side and wait to feel something.  Also baby could just be turned another way and kicking your placenta.  If you don't feel anything still, go and get checked, I am sure everything is alright though, baby is just having a lazy day. If you have a home doppler or can get to one (borrow) that is another way to check on baby by listening to the HB. Good Luck and keep us posted.


DD July 9th, 2012 7lbs 1oz

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers








on 4/6/12 10:13 pm
So, what people don't tell you about motherhood, is that you will now spend the rest of your life worrying.  Some days you'll think "I've got this, I can be the cool relaxed mother..."  and on other days you're convinced that they're going to throw you in a rubber room!  The truth is, a full on panic attack is never furter away than a bumped head, first break-up, first time driving with a teenage friend... and it is all out of your control!  The best we can do is to do our best to keep our little ones safe, happy, healthy, and then let the chips fall where they may.  So, in other words, yes, it is normal to freak out at every little thing, but not every day will feel so intense. 

I'm sure the baby is fine, but never hesitate to call your doctor if you truly think something is wrong!

~ Paula
HW/SW/Original Goal/CW/New Goal 
Post WLS baby, born 11/10/11 and 3/20/14

Nikki M.
on 4/7/12 2:57 am
I had an OB appt this week. My OB asked if I was feeling movement. I said yes, because I have been feeling baby move every few hours throughout the day since about 18.5 weeks. My OB knows I am a very anxious pregnant mother. She looked me straight in the eye and said "you are still early and your baby is still very small. It is likely you will have days/times when you can not feel him. Mabe even in a week or two this will still happen. DO NOT PANIC." I told her I would panic because it would be very weird to all of a sudden not feel him. She explained that depending on his position etc. it was bound to happen at some point, even further along then I am now. Soooooo..... I hope that helps somewhat?
It helps that at work there are several other pregnant women a little ahead of me, and they have all gone through some of this stuff. Specifically days when they couldn't feel their babies, and they would worry so much, and then in a day or two could feel their babies again and all is well.
I won't tell you to relax because that is impossible for some people. But, I hope you feel a little bit better :) You are pretty early to be feeling consistent movement!

Lapband 8/2007. Revised to VSG 10/2010.... 170 pounds lost!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

on 4/14/12 7:10 pm - Rockland, Canada
Don't worry,

Baby is probably dancing up a storm in there. They have a ton of room in there right now, so they have probably twisted and are kickboxing the placenta. But if you are worried at all, call your doctor. If you can tolerate it, try having some juice or a tiny bit of chocolate. Baby will be playing jump rope with their cord in no time.

Don't worry about freaking out. We all do. It's called being normal!


RNY 2011/07/26 HW 338; SW 301; LW 199; Starting over weight 255; CW 212; GOAL #1 lose regain back to 199 lbs!

on 4/15/12 8:28 am - Canada
Thank you Ladies!!
You really did make me feel so much better!!
Baby is moving a bit more now, and I have a Dr appt this week so we can make sure everything is ok. :) 
You guys are the BEST!
    Ticker id: tnRU

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