What are your guidelines? Refuse to beat myself up

on 8/24/11 9:40 am
How many carbs / calories do you allow yourself everyday.  I haven't been losing (not gaining either) and when I started tracking what I put in my mouth I was astonished.  I found out that grazing is a no-no for me because that's where all my extra calories came from.  Would to have a guideline to go by.  What do you do?  I am also getting in cardio workouts about 5 days a week now anywhere from 30-60 minutes some days maybe a little more but, not much more.  I am down 100 pounds and will be year out Sept 7th.

I refuse to beat myself up over this - I really feel I know where my problem lies at now and I am working toward making better choices for myself.  I will fight and overcome this hurdle (one that I created myself no one else).

I told my husband if I can't log it in my phone and track it then it won't be going in my mouth.

on 8/24/11 9:44 am - Tucson, AZ

The only thing beating yourself up does is make you tired.  Lesson learned, time to move on.  I like your idea about the phone though.  Congrats on your weight loss, it is most excellent.


on 8/24/11 9:56 am
i am glad you figured it out that in itself is an achievment,you should be patting yourself on the back not beating yourself up,,good luck.
on 8/24/11 10:03 am
I'm a tracker and a daily weigher- I have to hold myself accountable, which, while it isn't easy to do, keeps my results out of the emotional. I'm either doing it or I'm not- simple as that. Plus I can use beating myself up to justify letting go- I feel so crappy I might as well give myself some comfort!

Keep up the awareness and the good work!

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

Price S.
on 8/24/11 10:11 am - Mills River, NC
i'm also a year out, 9-9-10.  I usually have about 800-1000 cal, 100+ protein, 30 or less net carbs.  I eat 5 "meals" a day, 2 protein shakes and lots of fluids.  It's been working for me.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board.  the Lightweight Board

on 8/24/11 10:15 am
Thanks for the input!  Funny thats my maiden name.
on 8/24/11 10:42 am
The rules I have for myself, that I follow to the best of my ability, are:
At least 100 grams of protein a day.
At least 100 oz of fluid a day.
3 meals a day and one snack.
No sugar or wheat products.
Avoid refined carbs.
No grazing or unplanned snacks.
I try to eat low carb but I don't have any numbers I aim for.  I usually wind up around 100.

Am I perfect?  Of course not.  I do the best I can and if I fall short I just try to do better next time.  I do track my food and weigh daily for accountability, too.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 8/24/11 10:49 am
Thanks I do really good on the protein (always have)  my liquids leave alot to be desired though.  I haven't ever been dehydrated though.  I will be trying to improve on the liquid numbers.  Thanks for the input!
on 8/24/11 1:19 pm - San Antonio, TX
  • These are the rules I followed/follow: 
  • *Drink 48-64 ounces (or more) liquids daily
  • *Eat low fat/no fat dairy products
  • *Must eat at least 60 grams of Protein a day-100 or more grams at 1200 calories (and up) a day
  • *Eat complex, whole grain Carbohydrates
  • *No more than 15-20 grams of Sugar per meal-usually from fruit (Sugar is a Carbohydrate)
  • *Stop drinking Water 30 minutes before a meal
  • *Begin drinking Water 30 minutes after a meal
  • *Eat 3 main meals (B, L, D) no further than 5-6 hours apart
  • * Started having 1 protein snack at 1200 calories a day at least 2-3 hours from breakfast
  • *Started having 2 protein snacks at 1550 calories a day at least 2-3 hours from breakfast and 2-3 hours from lunch
  • *3-6 Months After Surgery: I ate 600-700 calories a day
  • *6-9 Months After Surgery: I ate 800-900 calories a day
  • *9-12 Months After Surgery: I ate 1000 calories a day
  • *12-18 Months After Surgery: eat 1200 calories a day (ate 1200 calories a day until 15 months when I reached my goal weight)
  • *18 Months after surgery (or when goal weight is reached before 18 months): Maintenance calories (BMR & Activity Level) (Malabsorption of calories lasts approximately 18 months) (I now eat 1550 calories a day since 16 months. My activity level is Sedentary because I do not do a formal exercise program due to Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis).`

Age at RNY: 55, Height: 5'4", Consultation Weight: 331 lbs-12/1/2009, RNY Surgery Weight: 281 lbs-3/22/2010, Goal Weight Reached: 141 lbs-6/23/2011, Lowest Weight: 126 lbs-12/11/2011

Current Age: 61, Current Weight: 161 lbs-5/20/2016Total Weight Loss Maintained: 170 lbs  


on 8/25/11 6:10 am
This is GREAT thanks for the input!!
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